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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. You mean bowing and apologizing isn't making them like us more?
  2. ...and yet all the President cares about is how good the First Lady's bangs look.
  3. Someone actually started a thread about a decade old propaganda film?
  4. Rich People and Illegal Immigrants.
  5. Seems like the best way to solve the economic crisis and skyrocketing debt is to make it more "profitable" for people to accept a job rather than stay at home instead of forcing a company to increase their wages (and long-term sustainability) competing with government handouts. Government: stay at home at take this money Private sector: work for us but take less money so we can pay to support those guys at home. Me: is this a trick question?
  6. I always assumed they'd call Al Gore.
  7. New Mexico currently issues driver's licenses to illegal immigrants and leads the country in un-insured motorists at 29%. The only other state that issues illegal driver's licenses is Washington state with uninsured at %16. Mexicans ignoring the law more than the Canucks?
  8. For class equality to work, each generation has to start from nothing. At death, all assets should be redistributed for public use. (except for those few lords willing to swear fealty to the emperor)
  9. If a person can't pay their education loans, then the bank should have the right to repossess their brain.
  10. The tip is that you shouldn't give good service to single moms.
  11. Duck knows that whenever his neighbor makes money, it has to be taken directly from his pocket, thus making him poorer.
  12. If it ends up being a tie, I say we riot. And by riot, I mean don't go to work and just eat wings on the porch until the zombies take us.
  13. I don't know what I did, but it ended up being 269/269. No winner. Just two losers.
  14. disturbingly low amount of Asian Football players.
  15. What the government needs to do is to just mandate that everyone buy a house so the prices will go down and the economy will go up. ...also banks shouldn't be able to penalize you for a pre-existing credit score.
  16. While the rest of us are making fun of this add, the target audience (Young College/Teen Women) are cheering that a candidate is actually paying attention to them. This was brilliant. Don't underestimate the power of needy women.
  17. The only way to reduce the debt is to cut spending AND raise taxes. The problem is that Republicans don't want to raise taxes and Democrats refuse to cut spending; So no matter which party is in charge we're screwed.
  18. It is incredibly insensitive for the President to be campaigning with his son's killer on trial...
  19. Maybe Romney should have spent a few million hiding his record better from the public...
  20. Tipping is an american custom. Other cultures aren't used to it so typically will tip much less. It's something that we're aware of more than foreigners. Travel Agents warn Europeans/Asians about it when they travel here. Conversely, travel agents warn Americans about VAT Taxes and Service Charges when we travel abroad. Some Asian cultures actually get insulted if you try to tip them.
  21. It's only a 1000 mile flight, or about the distance from New York to Miami.
  22. I would call my views moderate (I've voted for both parties as president/senate/state/local) and I really loved Sorkin's West Wing, however... ...I can't stomach Newsroom. The first episode was brilliant. I wanted to see more, then it just spiraled into far left liberal lala land. It's so biased its ridiculous. This show is straight propaganda; And it's not even good propaganda, because he doesn't argue the other side. It doesn't make you think. It just bashes your brains in with leftist talking points. I can't believe there are people out there who think this show is subtle, vague, or (laugh) accurate. If this was how real News was reported, we'd be better off watching Comedy Central.
  23. The problem with the GOP is that they started acting like Democrats.
  24. So losing 5points in the polls qualifies as winning the summer?
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