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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. Let's look at the sentence you can't understand. I Used two adjectives before currency: "Legitimate" and "paper", implying that there are both "fake" and "non-paper" currencies available. So how the hell did you get the idea that i meant currency HAS to be made of paper? Which proves you're an idiot. I can give examples of how I can convert rocks into cash by selling it as gravel; it doesn't make it currency.
  2. That still doesn't explain how you figured that I meant currency was only found in paper form. That would be like assuming that OC plans to do large business deals in CASH only.
  3. You're basing your entire argument on a single word? The use of the word "paper" in my reply was a response to OC's use of "cash" which traditionally refers to "paper" currency; which is why I changed the term to "real" when presenting my FULL argument on the validity of his scheme to include all forms of money. (including bank transfers and such) how did i equate paper and currency being mutually exclusive? Reading comprehension....
  4. So you're saying that the MAJORITY of currency cannot be turned into paper and coin? (...and ignoring the fact that I never said that money ONLY moved in paper form)
  5. I thought it was quite clever of him to use an accurate quote from Obama and give it a double meaning out of context. "I can see Russia from my house!"
  6. The step you're conveniently blowing past is the part about turning Bitcoins (or points) into legitimate paper currency. You can create all the schemes you want but you will still need someone willing to fork over real currency in exchange for a fake one. And like WoW gold there are a few people who would be willing to do it, but you still can't spend the fake version anywhere outside of you're enclosed community. 1)Create Bitcoins 2)???? 3)Profit This is how I see your business model: You're entire idea is based on the premise that you can create a bank and just magically put real money into the vault. Now if you had the resources to put your OWN money into the bank, then be stupid enough to convert it into bitcoins, you'd still need business wiling to accept loans in bitcoins or despositers willing to accept bitcoin at ATM's. Which they won't. (But if you're smart you can just blow by this part and just give yourself Bitcoins for free) ....so your solution involves turning those bitcoins back into real money after a "2% transaction fee", which would require that some other stupid person would be willing to buy back your bitcoins with real money. So how many gullible idiots do we require now to get this ponzi scheme off the ground?
  7. 0 It's the same principle. You will still need to find a credit card that accepts payments in Bitcoin AND is acceptable at Walmart. For this to occur, a major bank must accept the premise that Bitcoins are a viable currency and treat it the same as any other, which would place it under the same regulations as any other currency; defeating it's core purpose anyway.
  8. Is it funny that the self described "intellectuals" of China are pushing for Democracy while their counterparts in the US are pushing for a more Socialist Government like China's?
  9. Until they are able to convince Walmart to take Bitcoins, it will not be a viable currency. Might as well trade in WoW gold. It's more valuable.
  10. We need to go "starship troopers" and require service for citizenship.
  11. You're describing the liberal trap perfectly. Everything is great in the beginning when services are "free" and there is a lot of money to spend, but pretty soon the people who have to pay for the "free" stuff eventually leave while those who want the handouts start moving in. Then you're screwed. You'll be left with a bloated budget and a middle class unwilling to foot the bill. It's a lot easier to increase spending than it is to cut it when the money runs out.
  12. The article forgets one vital point. It isn't the same 545 people. At any point, any of those 300,000,000 can become one of the 545. That's the real problem. Everyone wants those things when they're part of the 300 million; but when they become one of the 545; suddenly their perspective changes. Prime example: Senator Obama vs President Obama.
  13. I think he was referring to Climate Change.
  14. I just find it funny that the guy just made stuff up in his head and most of it ended up being true.
  15. WE can always go American Idol and allow multiple text voting. its the new American way!
  16. Einstein was a smart man. He was a self proclaimed socialist. He believed that we needed to reverse the idea of individualism and replace it with a sense of community. ...but he added that in order to reach that Utopia, first you had to a create a planned economy that would enslave the people. It was a joke. he hated politics. He basically said that in order to cure the patient, we have to kill him.
  17. If they were smart, they would have just raised prices by %20. People already know that businesses in urban areas have a higher overhead, tacking it on at the end of the bill just makes people feel swindled.
  18. Anyone catch him saying the "People's Government."
  19. ...or you can just use the regular way to print more 2-d money.
  20. You two don't get the point. Solar panels have nothing to do with the environment or saving money. It's all about giving their liberal base a boner.
  21. This is what the American people want. ...just as long as the welfare checks keep coming.
  22. Ironically, the people who will find fault with that commercial are the same ones who shop at whole foods.
  23. Anyone who can afford to shop at whole foods has the right feel smug about it. ...like buying a Lexus over a Toyota. Essentially the same car but it just feels better.
  24. To stop global warming we must ban all guns!
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