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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. Don't try and use the cleaned-up photos, we all know how slanted the media was about these. Remember, at first they proclaimed that GZ didn't even show any signs of injuries, until after they enhanced the photos. (ie: avoid anything endorsed by Nancy Grace) Here's one of GZ the night of the fight. http://www.11alive.c...Martin-shooting and not of him after he had been treated (and cleaned up by the doctors). Bloody and broken nose; not something you can attribute to a can of iced tea.
  2. I thought your story was plausible until you got to the part about struggling for the gun. This was clearly a one-sided fight. If it happened the way you said, then TM would have injuries as well, he had none. The fight was so one-sided that had TM knew and struggled for the gun, he would have had no problem getting it away from GZ. What you described doesn't account for the severity of GZ's injuries as well as the almost pristine condition of TM (minus the bullet hole-he didn't even have dna under his nails suggesting a close-fisted fight, not open palm struggle) No one throws punches or even goes for the face when a gun is involved. You struggle for it, and the winner then points it at the loser or throws it away. You don't hand out an ass-whooping (GZ was clearly on the losing end of a beat down) unless the gun is in your possession or no longer an issue. The earliest TM could have known about the gun was mid-ass whoop. PS. I also find the idea of TM hiding a bit of stretch (though arguable). The guy was on the phone with Jeantel. Who the hell hides, but continues to have a regular conversation on the phone?
  3. It caught my attention when Obama called trayvon his son. In the future, the media needs to run the "racist" perspective through the asian community. They're the only ones that seem to be objective in these kinds of situations; asians seem to be only racist against other asians.
  4. I really don't know which outcome would be better: letting this innocent man go, or sending him to jail to avoid the riots (knowing he'll be freed on appeal)
  5. Is it me or is the prosecution trying to prove that no one knows for sure what happened that night? They seem to be trying to make the jury doubt all of the evidence and testimony (even their own) When did this case get reversed? Why is the state trying to make it seem like it's the Defense's job to prove their case?
  6. Despite all the facts, I believe this jury of six women will convict Zimmerman based solely on the fact that they will identify more with Trayvon's mom and will use emotion instead of logic.
  7. The way things are going, we're basically extending the public school system another 4yrs; and we all know how that system works. His opinion is that we need to improve schools by kicking out the idiots, instead of letting the Jeantel's stave off the real world a few more years at taxpayer expense.
  8. that map clearly shows that GZ got out of his car; which is a crime punishable by death!
  9. This is an interesting idea. What would the world look like if we used the "man code" to govern the people; where "keeping it real" is the law!
  10. Seeing as how we know for a fact that Zimmerman lost sight of Martin, can we now say that Trayvon is probably the one who went back to confront George and in reality is actually the person who "stalked" him looking for a confrontation?
  11. He doesn't have to prove it. Zimmerman is the defendant. He doesn't even have to prove he's telling the truth. It's the prosecution job to show what happened, NOT what a dozen other scenarios could also have occurred that night.
  12. The idea that doing something legally should be used to convict someone of a crime on the basis that it "initiated a chain of events" is not only ridiculous, but should end any doubt that your opinion on the subject should be ignored from this point on.
  13. She's lucky she didn't get out of her car... that would have given the cops the right to beat her senseless for initiating a confrontation..
  14. Clearly, people who are getting assaulted must take their beating graciously, because they initiated it by getting out of their car.
  15. If the goal is to destroy the American system in order to re-build it anew: The People's republic of America!
  16. This thread has turned into a battle between people who have kept up with all the facts of the case vs those who stopped paying attention during last year's media blitz.
  17. I have doubts that the jury will keep their discussions only to evidence that they saw in court.
  18. This is why he will... http://cdn.glockforum.com/forum/attachments/f15/14000d1342746496-george-zimmerman-case-baby-trayvon-predator-zimmerman.jpg
  19. Is there any proof that it was Zimmerman's gun? I know George said it was his but, he's a proven liar, so we can't trust what he says...
  20. Do you think that Trayvon was equally negligent for ignoring Jeantel's order for him to run to the house rather than confront Zimmerman?
  21. Everyone is calling you an "idiot" because you're basing your bad opinion on falsehoods instead of facts. ie: Everyone knows the moon is made of cheese. I believe the moon landings were faked. They didn't bring back any cheese. just rocks.
  22. Is it possible that the obviously anti-Zimmerman judge will see that the prosecution isn't trying and toss them (and the trial) out so the state can redo it all again?
  23. Ever heard of Communism?
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