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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. wait... ..wha? ..huh I think the author must have typed that sentence wrong.
  2. We paid those Germans back when we sent David Hasslehoff to corrupt an entire generation...
  3. How many here would be willing to take an anal probing for the millions this guy will get when he sues?
  4. Surprisingly, the only times I've ever been in a hooters was when the coach took the whole team there... ...the PC crowd has ruined a lot of what makes America great.
  5. ... if you go far enough, then they came from Africa.
  6. To understand just how wrong this was, imagine if the principle had read a Christian Fable over the intercom instead...
  7. Scrap the whole system and go American Idol on that.... vote early; vote often. Candidates perform on Monday, Election results broadcast Wednesday.
  8. To be perfectly honest, Since the Zimmerman case, there have been a lot more people paying attention to how much black on white crime occurs in this country...
  9. I only have I argument on this entire debate: If you're too stupid or lazy to get an ID, then you shouldn't be allowed to vote.
  10. Requiring a PHOTO ID for a MAIL-IN ballot seems like an idiotic idea...
  11. Maybe he was trying to take their skittles.
  12. If it's making fun of his policy, then no. If it's about making fun of the person? (like wearing a mask) then it's inappropriate and disrespectful. There is a difference between making fun of a person vs mocking his policies. Showing Bush as a monkey? inappropriate. Drawing Obama driving the economy over a cliff, funny. The people applauding this are just as bad as the people crying that it's racism; because you're only doing it to support your "team" What the hell are you talking about? So you're saying that the fact that you picked them to serve you, gives you the right to do anything you want to them; and they have to take it graciously? Are all of you guys insane? So it would be okay to you if I went to the white house, took down the portrait of George Washington and had a bunch of bulls run through it... no of course not, because we have respect for his service to the country.
  13. While I will defend the right of this "clown" to mock the president, he shouldn't do it. It was wrong under Bush, and it's still wrong under Obama. He's the President. Show the OFFICE some respect.
  14. Soooo many assumptions being made about this story with no facts to back it up. The only thing we know so far is that she had $5, but had no ticket when inspected, so got kicked off the bus. Everyone is jumping to the conclusion that she was refused a bus ticket, or that the driver called her in, or that she was mistreated in anyway. Stop the outrage!
  15. Obviously, there needs to be a tax on Pilates classes... they need to pay their fair share!
  16. After the Zimmerman fiasco, I will refrain from forming an opinion until more facts come out. This doesn't make any sense. (I have a feeling that she refused to pay unless she could get change back, which would make this her fault.)
  17. ...or could have become a future President of the United states.
  18. I was thinking about the evidence and it occured to me.... Zimmerman walked 100ft from his car, Martin walked 400ft from his dad's house; who really followed whom?
  19. This is one of those times where it's quite obvious that the people who are protesting this verdict know nothing of the facts of the case. I have never seen a debate this controversial where the only real difference between the two opposing sides is that one chooses to remain ignorant. We are literally arguing facts vs opinions.
  20. So... anyone get any good loot last night?
  21. Can they just sue for a percentage of what GZ will get from sueing the Networks?
  22. Zimmerman needs to find a way out of Florida and get his butt to a more sane state, like a Dakota.
  23. You're still refusing to see the photos of the night of the fight? This is not disagreeing, it's closing your eyes to only evidence that fits your point of view. What I find interesting is that it always comes down to every single conviction supporter are only willing to look at facts that support their "theory." Does it bother you that the people calling for an acquittal are shouting for you to just read the facts, get informed about the case, or to simply look at the evidence; While the ones who want a conviction have to cherry-pick bits and peices of events together and play the what-if game. (to add: Did GZ keep the gun around his forehead during the struggle? Why did trayvon concentrate on his face and not the gun)
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