If it's making fun of his policy, then no. If it's about making fun of the person? (like wearing a mask) then it's inappropriate and disrespectful.
There is a difference between making fun of a person vs mocking his policies. Showing Bush as a monkey? inappropriate. Drawing Obama driving the economy over a cliff, funny.
The people applauding this are just as bad as the people crying that it's racism; because you're only doing it to support your "team"
What the hell are you talking about?
So you're saying that the fact that you picked them to serve you, gives you the right to do anything you want to them; and they have to take it graciously? Are all of you guys insane?
So it would be okay to you if I went to the white house, took down the portrait of George Washington and had a bunch of bulls run through it... no of course not, because we have respect for his service to the country.