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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. Contrary to what TV/Movies have shown, unisex bathrooms can only be single occupancy according to current building codes. I think this is more about shutting down gender specific restrooms. No more men's vs women's facilities. So say goodbye to large public restrooms. Men will just have to wait alongside the ladies at the Ralph.
  2. YOu also have to take into account the volume of sales. I'm pretty sure that tailgating plays a significant role in reducing profits; something the team has to consider.
  3. Taxes are the loophole that allows the government to confiscate your property without due process.
  4. 1) Pass a balanced budget Amendment 2) Secure the borders 3) End Affirmative Action 4) repeal Obamacare 5) abolish the IRS by passing a flat consumption tax.
  5. I agree with the analogy for the problem, what the debate boils down to, is the solution. The Liberal solution is to hamstring the faster runners with boulders. The Conservative solution is to move the finish line closer to the start. If "equality" is your only goal, then the choice is obvious.... Free people are not equal, and equal people are not free.
  6. Hahahaa. Democrats blaming the GOP for failing to fix problems with Obamacare.
  7. How is the southwest getting record rain fall while California is in a drought? I thought the Rocky Mountains fed into the Colorado river?
  8. http://news.yahoo.com/baltimore-residents-fearful-amid-homicide-spike-083758282.html What they really want is the freedom to break a few laws now and then. A couple of car jackings, some mild looting, a few drug deals... what's the harm? They're just keepin' it real yo!
  9. Here's a thought: Are Black people stuck in the ghetto? or is it a ghetto because of black people? There are a lot of programs designed to get minorities out of a bad neighborhood. But when they finally move to a good neighborhood, it eventually becomes another bad neighborhood.
  10. You guys are confusing "manners" with "etiquette." The lessons involving using a knife, fork, with a napkin on the lap is etiquette, and it is obviously culturally biased. (Since many cultures don't have forks,) Of course, the argument can be made that the children should learn about American culture. Manners have to do more with polite behavior. How to treat the servers. Don't double-dip. Don't talk and chew at the same time, etc.
  11. The community is getting what they want: less police intrusion. A lot more people are killed by criminals, but at least they're not getting oppressed.
  12. We've had unusually high amounts of rain here in the Southwest. However, California is still declaring a drought emergency. Global warming is targeting liberals.
  13. I attended a medical school graduation where it started and ended with prayer including a key-note speaker about how the graduates are going out to do God's work, (with reading of scripture); which was surprising since I didn't know it was a religious school. (my graduation sure didn't include either). No mention of Obamacare, or any other liberal policies like global warming. I would suspect that it has more to do with the University's philosophy than some Obama edict.
  14. They're spending all your time networking and promoting. Not making Art. You're basically back to doing a crappy job anyway. Of course I liked doing the creative stuff, but hated the business side of deadlines, promotion, presentations, and networking. (and guess which one took up more of my time?) Turning what you love into a job can be a curse. You end up hating what you used to love.
  15. I've done both. What I've found is that the opposite can also be quite fulfilling. I prefer the regular paychecks to art and destitution. Making money frees you up to do a lot more things. You have options. Time maybe short, but the quality sure has improved since I made the switch. You can either spend all of your time in the basement exploring yourself, or find yourself sitting at the Louvre admiring the masterpieces. I preferred the latter. If you choose to make furniture, you better be sure that's really what you want to do forever, because leaving that job closed all other options. Most people either burn out or lose interest doing "projects". Then they're screwed, and become a burden on the rest of us. (and for the record, having to ask your parents for rent money at +30yrs old sucks worse than going to that crappy job.)
  16. The key to getting appreciated for your job is to take time off. After a while, your boss starts assuming that your job is too easy because you're doing it so well. So you need to remind them just how hard you work. Especially when they have to bring in three people to cover you. The boss notices. It's quite satisfying to see coworkers sigh in relief when they see that you're back. I've gotten hugs. "This job is very difficult to do, I just make it look easy."
  17. Another class of Bartenders, Waiters, and Baristas enter the work force. They seriously need to start printing Starbucks applications on the back of Liberal arts Degrees.
  18. It's simpler than that. Just add pressure sensors to pads. Or include the chips in player as well. (elbow or knee hit's 0.00 elevation, then he's down. )Forward Progess is easy to track. The only exception is if the player voluntarily goes backwards, which is only ruled when it's blatantly obvious anyway. At that point the computer can track when he started going forward again. Baseball has the same problem. There is technology to get rid of the umpires, but people just want the drama of bad calls. Just look at judges in Tennis being able to over-rule a laser.
  19. It's actually a really smart business decision. The Bloods just signed him to a long-term contract.
  20. THat article actually lists only two reasons. The 1st reason is repeated three times, just explained in more detail.
  21. I tried having discussions with millienials (college students) and what I found is that they don't know much beyond the headlines. You try to talk details and they get confused. The really passionate ones immediately start with personal insults: "Racist, homophobe, Elitist...." rather than trying to refute the facts. One even told me that my "fact" was "proven wrong" because she couldn't find it in a google search. I actually had to find the article myself and show it to her; which she then rebutted by saying that "not everything you find on the internet is true," which I found ironic since her entire ideology is based around comments she reads off social media. (She readily admitted that she rarely bothers to even click on the links to read the full article- just headlines)
  22. They should pass a law making illegal guns against the law to own.
  23. Conservatives don't have to do any of the things Dorkington has listed. All they have to do is to wait for those young people to mature, get a career, and start a family. The majority of his list will actually keep people enslaved to the liberal agenda even longer. You don't attract more conservatives by becoming liberal, that just means they recruited you to their side.
  24. The one I hear the most is that conservatives are giving money to charities who don't really "need" donations. The people don't know how to properly re-distribute their own money.
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