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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. The typical american woman rated %86 of male profiles they saw online as below average.
  2. It's being argued by her supporters that race and gender are imaginary "social constructs," and that people should be allowed to identify themselves as whatever they want. Personally, I want to be the first bunny rabbit with a driver's license.
  3. How many fish has he suffocated aboard his speedboat of death? I bet the cooler he used wasn't even made in America.
  4. There is no such thing as a mixed poor/rich neighborhood. Downtown used to be reserved for the rich until they fled to satellite villages as hordes of poor people moved in. When the poor decided to move to the 'burbs to escape their urban ghetto, guess where the rich moved? Not many residents will follow Clint Eastwood's example of staying in the same neighborhood as it goes down the crapper.
  5. There is no "race" gene in DNA. What they actually do is identify DNA traits that are common in isolated cultural groups. It doesn't mean that other groups don't possess these same genes, just that it's more common in some groups more than others. For example. Let's say a tribe in Arkansas got separated from civilization and had a cultural norm of chopping off the right hand as a punishment. Over several generations the group develops a left-handed society, before eventually breaking out of their bubble to spread out their genes all over the world. Then some scientist further in the future sees a left-handed person in Texas and concludes that's it's very likely that he had ancestors from Arkansas. It's not a very conclusive science. http://nypost.com/2010/07/21/blond-bombshell/ Dispel the myth that black parents can't have a white baby. It's happened quite a few times. If the genes are present, it can be passed on. Dominant genes just have better odds of being passed on.
  6. Her look changes quite a bit when she layers on the orange tan and curly afro, but in many pictures, it's obvious she's white. Charlize Theron is African-American. I love Dolezal's response when asked if she was African-American: That everyone is descended from tribes in Africa. So true. We're all African if you go back long enough. Next time, they should ask her if she is black.
  7. Heat stroke is really hard to judge. You actually start to feel better right before it kills you. ...and a corvette window is really expensive... but no excuse for not being able to read a manual. Add in the fact that he left his phone inside the waffle house and this could be the plot of a poorly written student film.
  8. I'm doing the opposite. All I have are desert plants and gravel. I'm going to put in some grass. The problem is that I can't find any sod. Going to have to grow it from seeds.
  9. A good thing about the ACA is that it helped me realize just how much I was taking my employer's health insurance benefits for granted, as well as helping the company recruit more candidates. Interviewees pay attention to the benefits as well as the salary offered.
  10. This solution has some problems to it as well. I was training a new hire at work and after a month he was proud of the fact that he showed up to work every day. He actually asked me how much was the bonus for attendance. I just told him that he's supposed to show up to work every day on time. This is the generation that is now entering the workforce.
  11. I wonder how crazy these alarmists will look to the people of 2099.
  12. If you've ever watched a road construction site, there are usually five guys standing around a hole watching one guy in the middle dig. With this new "progressive" system, there will be fifteen guys watching the one guy digging.
  13. I would like to know whether he straps dogs to his hood or just prefers to eat them.
  14. Never hug a Disney character The costumes have to reach a certain level of sweat before they clean them.
  15. How awful must his daughter be to not get hired after he bribed a corrupt official.
  16. Businesses don't exist to provide jobs. ...and the government, once again, passed a solution that created more problems than it solved.
  17. Most people stopped caring what they call themselves now since it keeps changing so much. Those libs are easily butthurt by words.
  18. That chart shows that there are Republican Union organizers?
  19. I told her that now that she has a job, it's time to start paying her fair share!. She punched me. It's kind of cliche to think that her (and her friends) were all about helping the unfortunate and re-distributin' the wealth until it was her wealth that was being taken. I expect more pain once her student loan payments kick in....
  20. That's why countries with high sales taxes (and VAT) enacted laws forcing businesses to include the tax in their pricing to hide just how much the government is confiscating.
  21. We need to start including other stuff. Big Environmentalists. Big Guns, Big Religion...
  22. My sister just graduated (and got a job) now hates Obama after losing her student insurance. Her new insurance (on the exchange) has a $6k deductable for the same price. Guess who she supported while she was still in school?
  23. I always wondered why people use "big" for Pharm, Tobacco, Oil... Is there a "small" oil?
  24. NO different that having to shower afterwards. I actually wouldn't mind going Starship Troopers. Just build one big locker room at the gym. Remember when the Russians had toilets facing each other at the Olympics? It was a culturally thing. Not uncommon in Russia, but the western countries freaked out.
  25. Lybob should just skip to the end and institute a salary cap. No one will be allowed to make over $100k.
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