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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. The only way to prevent the left from committing voter fraud is to make it legal.
  2. He would have had trouble finding enough ammo. (or a clerk to open the case)
  3. I've thought about it... ...and while I support a person's right to wave a confederate flag, there's a difference when it's endorsed by the government. If the people (even if they are uniformed) want to remove it from public buildings, then they should do it. Both parties are okay with getting rid of it so what's the debate? ...but if they pass a law preventing individuals from waving the flag, now we have a problem.
  4. Isn't Marijuana what they use in North Korea to cure SARS, AIDS, scurvy, capitalism, hunger...
  5. I have more problems with the accent than the muffle.
  6. Anyone not tuned into the Obama drone network is obviously racist.
  7. Guess which one watched Chris' Rocks' guide to not getting whooped by the cops?
  8. I prefer the signs that read "Going Out for Business" sale.
  9. Obviously committed in the ghetto an urban area. "Dolunt said police do not know the reason for the shooting and thus far people at the party were not being cooperative with police seeking information. He said there was no excuse for shooting when kids were present. There were little kids and strollers, he said. "It's a party," he said." I guess it's okay to shoot towards a crowd as long as no kids are present.
  10. Now she's claiming to be bisexual. Bruce Jenner is her hero. I would have guessed Michael Jackson... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/06/17/rachel-dolezal-bisexual_n_7606492.html She can be the first transracial transgender.
  11. I know a lot of people from Mexico. Every single one of them loves everything about it. None of them want to go back.
  12. http://www.utsandiego.com/news/2015/jun/18/ucsd-student-waves-mexican-flag-gradu/ Imagine if an American citizen had done this in another country...
  13. My high school banned "honors" labels and just awarded graduation speeches based on a competition. Any student in the class could submit a speech. The faculty picked whichever one they liked the best. The administration didn't want the less accomplished students in the graduating class to feel left out.
  14. Isn't San Antonio the fattest city in the country?
  15. It's a misconception that the death penalty is about deterrence. It's really about justice. It's the reason why our society emphasize "fair and just" punishments for crime. If the purpose is to prevent crime, the severity has to be disproportionate to the act. (like Sharia Law)
  16. British? http://news.yahoo.com/charleston-church-shooting-massacre-manhunt-live-103930165.html The man hunt is over.
  17. They are billions behind on road and infrastructure maintenance because of the recession. Now that the economy has begun to rebound they're using the higher tax revenues to add new spending programs instead of paying off their debt. Sounds reasonable. Healthcare for illegals! Just as long as they don't need to use roads to get to the doctor.
  18. He could avoid that charge by simply claiming that he identifies as black. Theaters, churches, schools, marathons, army bases... Another random terrorist attack.
  19. Children should not be allowed to run free in your yard without a leash
  20. So this is a tax for std exchange program?
  21. Won't work. Cops have orders to ignore crimes now. A better indicator would be to have Dolezal shoot a black teenager. If there are riots, then she's white. If it's ignored, then she's black.
  22. It actually speaks volumes on the progress society has made to be discussing such petty behavior as the core of modern racism.
  23. I can feel her frustration. It's really hard to get deported under this administration. If she had actually committed a crime, she would have been granted immediate citizenship.
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