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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. I'm actually curious which side they'll take on serious issues. Are they pro or anti illegal alien?
  2. Would anyone freak out if they drove by a group of people in white robes picking up trash.
  3. I'm surprised no one has mentioned that he might just be visiting relatives.
  4. This reminds of the the common socialist rant that it's "unfair" that millionaires are allowed to leave after a state raises their income tax.
  5. I can't believe how many leftist media outlets are laying blame exclusively on the banks for lending Greece money. It's almost like they forced the government to take the money without their knowledge. What's even worse is that this idea seems to be a popular one; from mortgages, and student loans, to credit cards, etc. Can someone explain to me how you can blame a lender and not the taker? Are people no longer responsible for their own decisions?
  6. Liberals have already stated that children belong to the community, and not their parents.
  7. Not too hard to pass a background check. All you have to do is tell the Feds you're an illegal immigrant.
  8. So anyone figured out what the Confederate Flag has to do with a Church shooting? Maybe after the next Terrorist attack, we can legalize weed?
  9. Oregon wants to be like Bangkok? Where half the chicks you meet are actually dudes...
  10. The initiative was never intended to help poor people. They just want to drag down the rich and middle class. It's not about moving Minorities out of the Ghetto, it's about moving White people into it. That's how socialism works: Equality through shared misery.
  11. So the government has no obligation to follow the results of the referendum? They just inflicted a month of hell on their people for nothing?
  12. Just use numbers. Numbers can't be offensive. right?
  13. They tried a similar experiment here where the city demolished a large portion of abandoned buildings and built a gated community. At first it worked. Then reality sunk in. The residents started treating their gated community as a little island; they feared going outside of it. Property values dropped as the communities "integrated." Now, the area is considered a hell hole. The "gated" community is jokingly referred to as a "prison" keeping criminals in. Even cops don't go in there. Either the rich will price the poor out or they move to a better neighborhood to avoid "integration." . It's that simple.
  14. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2015/07/08/fraud-crackdown-sends-illegal-immigrant-licenses-plummeting-in-nm/ There is absolutely no evidence that voter fraud occurs in New Mexico. None. Nada.
  15. The left is way ahead of you on taking those guns away. #blacklivesmatter
  16. The best way to fight bad propaganda is with worse propaganda.
  17. Anyone worried that the moon is moving further away every year? How are we going to address that calamity?
  18. White folks are born with a racist gene. Black folks have a gene that lets them dunk from the free-throw line. Asians have a recessive kung-fu instinct.
  19. I was thinking about how complicated "racism" is nowadays... What would happen if someone slapped a "Blacks Only" sign at the ONLY water cooler (or bathroom) at the office. Would black people feel privileged for exclusive rights or discriminated against? Would white people feel left out, do they even have a right to complain? What would happen when someone used it? (from either race) Which group would be labeled racist? Someone brave should try this experiment.
  20. The US Flag is racist against other colors. We need to start a petition to include Green, Purple, Yellow and Orange.
  21. Are the Democrats running out of dead people to register?
  22. Might also be part of the feminist backlash from older men refusing to get married as well as young Millennials (in general) avoiding marriage altogether. Unmarried single parents aren't exactly drawn to religion.
  23. I'm starting a new Global Warming initiative. I plan to move a large pile of rocks from the cold Arctic, to the warmer climates around the Caribbean, Mediterranean and Asian Pacific. I will be selling Carbon Credits to purchase a large yacht, (and maybe a private plane in the future) to accomplish this heroic selfless task. Buy them now! -Inspired by lab studies showing that placing cold stones in a sealed hot environment considerably reduces ambient air temperature. If you are low on funds, simply buy one of my smaller arctic rocks to keep (and display) at home. Then just sit back and watch it reduce Global Warming as it absorbs heat from the atmosphere. All from the safety of your living room! Brag to your friends about how you're doing your part to save the planet! Every little bit helps.
  24. Guns should have tracking devices implanted in them along with a 10 second audio warning delay that announces it's about to fire when you pull the trigger. Common sense legislation.
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