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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. When the database collected finds a bias against White people, is the information going to be ignored or destroyed?
  2. I justified my subscription for a long time like that too. I needed it for stuffing packages- Covering the floors when I paint- Paper mache- Lighting things on fire, Christmas wrapping, etc. But no matter how things I thought of, the paper just kept coming, It piled up so much I just had to cancel.
  3. In High school, we were given an assignment on household budgeting in Social Studies during Senior year. We were able to choose any profession (teacher approved) and created a list of monthly expenses based on average starting salaries. You should have seen the crap everyone bought. Even with about $1000/month limit, the lists included gaming systems, designer clothes, luxury cars, etc. I don't think it's just about teaching kids how to budget their money, They also have to face that moment when they need cash for a necessity and there just isn't anyway to get any more. The reality is that people get in trouble financially because they max out their monthly allotment without leaving room for emergencies. How many times have you heard someone say they can afford "$$$$ per month" instead of looking at the total price?
  4. It sounds more like she doesn't even know where loans come from. She's asking if she has to go apply inside a bank instead of having the money magically appear in her checking account. Also, if she's too embarrassed to work while in school, How is she going to react once she has to find a job afterwards? What is she in school to learn?
  5. If windmills ever become a viable energy source, the environmentalists will turn against the technology because of the amount of grease needed for the turbines.
  6. Maybe Obama just want's to redistribute the world's Nuclear arsenal to the less fortunate nations?
  7. I laughed at the part where she didn't know how to get a loan. After 3yrs of college she asks if she has to go inside a bank to get one.
  8. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/a-college-student-blows-inheritance-bert-show-205833329.html;_ylt=A0SO8w124KlV98sAgohXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEycjhrNmJ1BGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDQTAxMDRfMQRzZWMDc3I- Full Interview http://thebertshow.com/she-should-have-enough-money-for-college-but-she-spent-it-all/
  9. Not trying to pass judgement is hard in this case... ...but I am curious how the kids crashed. Sounds like they just went off the road for no reason. Texting? The article did state that the man called the kids "idiots." This could actually be a case of road rage. A guy sees some kids doing something stupid and is happy they crashed.
  10. I prefer to get my news from comedians.
  11. http://www.latimes.com/local/political/la-me-pc-black-caucus-members-seek-name-change-for-city-of-fort-bragg-20150717-story.html Anyone who didn't believe this Confederate Flag nonsense wouldn't snowball needs to stand up and declare themselves an idiot in front of the board.
  12. Most blame society. Other's their parents. But quite a few just say "$#@% it, I just want to be stoned and commune with that tree."
  13. Should teachers be activists? Is there any law/requirement for teachers to present both sides of a subject matter?
  14. The safest place to go during the Zombie Apocalypse is California. The zombies would starve from lack of brains.
  15. Poor Black people are victims of racism Poor White people are just plain lazy Poor Asians are monks.
  16. Remember when we used to get paid for recylables?
  17. The West Wing ruined people's perception of what a President does while in office. Personally, I think he should spend his free time sitting in a chair thinking about how to improve Americans' lives.
  18. It's difficult being an Alarmist drone. If you're wrong, you look like a giant tool bag. If you're right, no one will be left to care.
  19. I watched an indie film about this once. It turned icky when the younger parent fell in love with her older kid. I think there was a nicole kidman movie about it too. Her husband came back as a tweener. Also icky moments included in that one.
  20. Now I'm reading that the liberal spin on this news is that it will mean disaster if the cooling cycle isn't as cold as it should be because of global warming
  21. He has hit rock bottom, but continues to dig.
  22. If the cost of freeing 1 traiter is 5 terrorist leaders, the US wouldn't have had the personnel to deal for 4 regular Americans.
  23. Would I rez with all my loot or would I need to farm more mats every time I died?
  24. Am I going crazy or did I just read in this thread that someone thinks soldiers should have a say in why they are deployed? Ours is not to reason why...
  25. In summary, Iran will be allowed to refine as much Uranium as it wants, to any grade it wants, as long as they promise not to stockpile it. They are also allowed to buy missile technology, including ICBM's, but must comply to inspections for eight years. This is like giving a toddler a gun and telling him he's not allowed to pull the trigger.
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