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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. My first thought when i saw the video was that it was Chinese new year.
  2. THere's a good chance that the first row of cars that stopped were protestors too.
  3. LIke I said, it's your loss. If you already know what you like, then there's no point in trying to convince you. It's just a recommendation (by almost everyone who's seen the movie) If you're that against it, then you'll hate it no matter what just to prove a point. Be part of the 9%! I just think you're limiting your options. Actually, you remind me of my friend why refuses to watch Game of Thrones because it's too "trendy."
  4. I come from a family that likes to travel a lot. My mother collected spoons My sister preferred shot glasses My brother liked the refrigerator magnets (almost had every state) I just kept the different currencies from other countries (before the Euro) The only thing that survived after all these years are the pictures. Personally, I would nab something that reminds you of a place immediately. If you're a drinker, probably the bar glass, or coaster. A to go menu at a restaurant if you visit the same cities over and over (because you will remember the food and will want to visit it again. Food/drink/people are usually what sticks in your mind the most. Focus on those things- ie a hotel key from a hookup) A fun thing to keep on your man cave wall is a large map with push pins in cities you've visited. (The map will be hard to find these days) The pins add up quick. Much more entertaining for guests than a wall of shot glasses.
  5. Much better than terminator, and I'm an Emilia Clarke fan. It has Evangeline Lily. Has a 91% audience approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes despite almost everyone admitting they think it's a lame premise. Antman and Ex Machina are my top 2 of the year so far.
  6. You're losing out. I thought the same thing you did. It's probably one of the best movies of the year.
  7. I always wondered why we would ever make robots that looked like people. There is no reason for a cleaning robot to resemble a super-model.
  8. I have already figured out a way to replace myself with a robot at work. My only hope is that the company either doesn't figure it out as well, or that i'm cheaper to maintain. My dream however, is for the final years of my employment be spent turning on and supervising the robot that replaced me.
  9. Liberals are only in favor of alternate energy sources that aren't viable. It happened with hyrdo electricty. It happened with nuclear power. And it's beginning to happen again with solar/wind. Reality slaps them in the face when they stop living in the dream world. Everything has consequences.
  10. What's the real difference between a screenwriter producing a movie vs a book writer adapting his work? The content and story is still original, only that one was made specifically for the theater instead of print. It just looks like people are complaining about the origin instead of the content.
  11. The difference I'm seeing is that Marvel is building their brand while other Studios (Fox) are pushing reboots for the money. Marvel knew from the beginning that Ant-man and Guardians of the Galaxy were 3rd tier characters that had a good chance of losing money, but they pushed them through anyway. People are learning to trust their vision as they move past origin stories. For this reason, I have more faith in Civil War than Apocalypse. I think it's too easy to lump all Superhero movies into one pile. Spiderman and Fantastic four were complete cash grabs. On the other hand, DC is trying to straddle both lines. It'll be interesting to see if their need to establish a working universe can overcome their desire to make short-term money. And no, Superhero movies are not the only films being made, they're just the ones making the most money. The studios have tried with Jupiter Ascending, Tomorrowland, Edge of Tomorrow, Ex Machina, Nightcrawler.... no one cares, even if it's good.
  12. Do all the academy award winning actors/directors involved in the Marvel Cinematic Universe bother you, or do you automatically assume they suck because it's a super-hero movie? I don't really care if the characters can fly or are just able to hold their breath for 4 minutes, if the story is good, i'll watch it. Unless you're watching a documentary, none of it is real anyway. I don't see the point in lumping them all together. There are good and bad movies of every genre. Antman was basically Iron Man 1 with a heist, but it was still enjoyable.
  13. The industry is shifting to accomodate an audience who grew up playing video games. It's not a fad, it's a trend. You can either learn to love it or become one of those old people who complain about the lack of Westerns and Musicals.
  14. I like that the story clarified that she was killed instantly.
  15. http://www.boxofficemojo.com/news/?id=4093 Thank you America. this pile of $%^& needs to burn. Stop ruining my childhood, and give the franchise back to Marvel! Even with a lowered forecast of 45 million after bad audience and critical screenings forced re-shoots, this awful re-imagining is on pace to make $27 million it's opening weekend. (just barely more than Pixels). It currently has a 9% rotten tomato rating with only %28 of audiences liking the movie. Despite Marvel's success at translating it's comic book heroes to the screen, Fox is continuing to insist it can ignore canon and produce a story with little to no reference to the source material. The directors/writers/producers have even told actors to avoid reading the comic books since they want a "fresh" take on the characters. The Director. Trank, has already begun to distance himself from the wreckage, blaming Fox executives for ruining his "vision." In my opinion, no amount of tinkering could have salvaged this steaming pile. If you want a fun movie to watch this weekend, go see Ant-man or Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation.
  16. He said he did it because he wanted to know how people would react to his suicide in advance?
  17. How do you justify lending money to a government that believes paying it's debts isn't a priority?
  18. Your first mistake was going to an Apple store. Your second mistake is buying an Iphone. Knowing you're actually okay with getting ripped off, I would say keep the insurance. Also, are you interested in buying a time share from me?
  19. Sounds like they figured out a way to force a 401k investment system with a Social Security pyramid scheme.
  20. So Democrats are now saying that it's Conservatives who don't like America and want open borders? I haven't heard this much BS since they started claiming that the parties switched sides in the 70'. So are they switching again?
  21. This thread reminds me of all those idiots 7 years ago saying that drilling new oil fields won't help because we won't see any benefits for 5 yrs.
  22. So the initial damage was caused by someone who knew nothing about hardware? Makes sense, considering the IRS still trying to push the BS that the backups, as well as recipient data, were also wiped out simultaneously by a "crash." Reminds me of all those movies/shows where someone takes a hammer to a laptop and we're supposed to accept the data inside was destroyed. "Hey moron, you just broke the monitor, the hdd stil works!!"
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