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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. psych 101 question: Do see yourself as a prisoner or a guard? or (updated version) When you see a car going 85mph on the highway, do you match their speed, or cut them off?
  2. My Keurig 2.0 refused to make coffee using my generic Wal-mart k-cups.
  3. The liberals tried your idiotic "tax the uber rich" policy in France at a 75% rate. Not surprisingly, they left the country. You want to punish corporations too? I wonder what will happen then...
  4. The closest water cooler at work stopped dispensing cold water, forcing me to walk to the other side of the building to fill my thermos.
  5. Anyone who thinks these illegal aliens are all hard workers has never lived around them. Even when granted citizenship at birth, the children don't actually identify as American, especially when they're still waving the Mexican Flag...
  6. I spent the weekend experimenting with open/closed vents to try to equalize the temperature in my house. It gets too cold in some rooms. I also got sea-sick floating on my new pool lounge chair. Should have been a warning on the box.
  7. The only real difference between modern communism and western socialism is the use of a dictator to enforce (and abuse) it. It's what separates the liberal idealistic utopia vs the implemented harsh impact of reality.
  8. I couldn't find any clean dinner forks for lunch, only salad forks.
  9. So they're not like the ones on Skinemax?
  10. I generally like music origin movies (Ray, Whiplash, Begin Again..) but I'm not sure about this one, if it's going to glorify the thug life and be slappin' some ho's around.
  11. It tastes like bacon. The asparagus is basically a bacon holding device. It could be bacon wrapped cardboard and no one would know the difference. Of course, it depends on how much bacon you use...
  12. Is there a cigarette reviewer?
  13. My fridge isn't big enough to accommodate all the food platters after a party. I have to combine them. I don't like it when different food touch each other on the same plate. ie: stuffed mushrooms/deviled eggs/bacon wrapped asparagus in the same platter...
  14. Is this movie still good if I hate Hip-hop music?
  15. Finding out the store was out of Scampi sauce to go with my Jumbo shrimp.
  16. If Sanders gets elected, i'm buying my first gun.
  17. A republican supporting a communist?
  18. The drive thru KFC gave me only 1 breast with 3 thighs instead of 2-2.
  19. My pool heater can't maintain a 90F+ temperature when the weather gets below 80.
  20. A black guy at work got fired for bothering his ex (a coworker). She filed sexual harassment. He got his job back by filing on the company for race discrimination. Racism trumps feminism.
  21. Got stuck behind a couple of 20-something kids paying with an EBT card for groceries. The cashier and couple couldn't figure out which of their items wasn't allowed. The guy had a diamond stud earring. Turns out it was the organic bread.
  22. I was mad that it takes 4hrs of charging time to use my electric edge trimmer for 20mins. Mostly because i'm too lazy to use the extension cord.
  23. I live closer to cattle country than the ocean.
  24. Whenever I think about buying swordfish, I notice that it's cheaper to buy a ribeye and get that instead.
  25. Actually, I just got a million dollar inheritance, but I need to pay the lawyer's $19,000 to release it. I'll split the money with you if you help me pay the fees. FYI, i'm a Nigerian prince. So you can trust me.
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