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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. Calling Geek Squad is the same as picking a random name out of the phone book and asking that guy for help.
  2. Is this good or bad for the environment?
  3. In 4th grade, we had an assignment translating our essay into Spanish. It included having to change our name on the top to it's Spanish equivalent. ie John=Juan, Mary=Maria, George=Jorge. I didn't understand, because I've been to Spanish-speaking countries and my name never changed, and told her so. She didn't agree with me and deducted points. Thinking back on it now, I think she was probably racist against white people. (We also said the pledge of Allegiance in Spanish...) Is it pronounced Ree-yo Grand, or RRRi-oh Grun-deh ?
  4. If all they wanted were equal rights, than civil unions would have been enough. It's moved passed that. The debate is ultimately about forcing the Church to accept the Government's decision, because it's solely about recognition at this point. They want their abnormal behavior to be treated normally; a task that will take a complete culture change over a generation (or more) of propaganda to achieve. it's akin to the "Free the Nipple" campaign.
  5. Extend Dareus before the rest of the league notices how much he's worth.
  6. We have to bomb it to see what's inside it.
  7. Historically, marriages originated with governments, not religion. The Church should stay out of Government business!
  8. It's better to give them a nuke now and keep talking, then let them sneak a nuke later and stay silent...
  9. Trade Harvin and Jackson for Kam Chancellor.
  10. Not much since he probably won't play in week 1. If he does, expect him to be targeted. He was slow, weak, and pretty much worthless this last game.
  11. Is there any liberal policy that takes reality into consideration?
  12. From the beginning, the debate on Global Warming has centered around proving it false. We basically accepted it, the second it was announced, then spent the next 30yrs trying to prove it wrong, despite it's inability to predict anything accurately. Is there any other branch of science that works this hard to prevent an honest review?
  13. The Bills have enjoyed a surprising lack of turnovers this preseason. I think that trend will change against a good Steelers Defense. Who will it be? Manuel Taylor Cassel Sims? I think the Quarterback able to put two scoring drives together wins the competition The QB with the INT will be 3rd.
  14. Being Xenophobic is the same as being Arachnophobic: everyone makes fun of you, until they get bitten in the **** by one.
  15. A small business with six guys getting equal votes on the company... Who does the work? If you think six guys will all do equal work, then you've never held a job. What happens if it becomes successful? Does each new employee get an equal vote? So a guy who spent 20yrs in poverty working to make a company successful will get the same money (and vote) as the new hire? What happens when the company gets sued? Who pays the settlement? Everyone? Will the guy with 4 kids get paid the same as the bachelor? What happens when the business fails? Does the guy hired yesterday owe the same as the founders since everything is shared? The problem with co-operatives is you expect a group of people to work equally towards a common goal. That's like expecting a flock of chickens to form a straight line on command. Even cults have only 1 leader.
  16. It's her turn. And it will be funny. Given the choices, I need to laugh.
  17. People protest building designs.
  18. The restaurant has Pepsi instead of coke.
  19. Do I need to stockpile phonographs or glasses of water?
  20. So I heard that the website was almost exclusively dudes talking to dudes pretending to be chicks?
  21. It could also mean that EJ has more touch and TT just launches the ball at his recievers.
  22. That wouldn't change my problem. They'd just be writing the refund check to me instead of the bank.
  23. I don't care what this survey says. I'm voting Hilary.
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