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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. It's the perfect liberal plan. They flood the country with refugees which allows them to call Republicans racist. When the terrorists start shooting, they can pass laws to ban guns. it's a win-win.
  2. I was surprised at the list of actors/actresses with STD's. Basically every single A-lister under the age of 50 has one. Hollywood is just one big bag of disease. Most of them are unconfirmed, but someone (of course) went through the trouble of starting a patient zero (admitted) diagram and connected practically everyone in hollywood. It's shocking how often celebrities change partners.
  3. It's a general statement. If you don't drink alcohol, then bring a case of root beer. Once, i brought a bucket of chicken.
  4. I didn't watch the fight, but from the memes, I'm guessing the best defense for the arm bar is a kick to the face.
  5. Bring the cheapest alcohol you're willing to take home and finish alone.
  6. I can this team being 8-7 heading into the Jets game.
  7. Would Burger King exist if there were no Mcdonald's? Yes, it would have a bigger market share.
  8. There is a popular theory that someone else is typing into the robot voice, and Hawking has been a prop for years.
  9. When girls say they don't get hit on, it just means that they are not getting attention from the guys they want to notice them.
  10. "If you were a Butterfly, how would you limit your contribution to Global Warming?"
  11. Depends if you're in the mood for a comedy. It's a spoof of a spoof. The writers were trying to pay tribute to the original bond films, and succeeded in creating a parody- of Austin Powers. The first thing everyone mentioned after watching "Spectre" is Dr. Evil. (which was immediately followed by someone mentioning that Austin Powers was a spoof of 007- yes, we ALL know). If you actually stop and think about the plot, It's difficult NOT to make the reference. (FYI- if you cut down the 2.5hr movie to just scenes that advance the plot, you'll have less than 20mins.)
  12. Movies make it look like a person can handle being hit by bats and golf clubs. I hit someone on my back-swing and broke their wrist.
  13. I watched Spectre. It's basically the non-funny version of Austin Powers.
  14. I look forward to the day when I can take a nap on the commute to work. I hate driving. I'll probably be retired by the time it happens.
  15. I believe it. Considering her extreme feminist views, she labels anyone brave enough to ask her out as too "mean". The contradiction of wanting a "real" man to be your whipping boy.
  16. Two other teams are expected to file relocation papers to LA in January. Filing in October seems a bit early. The Chargers may be trying to pressure the city of San Diego.
  17. Only 3 of those options mean more money. Guess which one they're lying about? They will expand. sixteen teams in the playoffs.
  18. I'm guessing that her truck didn't have doors.
  19. Why does a man's vocal pitch go up when they get kicked in the balls?
  20. If we're going to end up with a bad President anyway, give Hilary her turn. At least it will be funny. We've spent 8 years setting back race relations, it's about time we escalate the gender war.
  21. I should clarify that there is a difference between knowing what Democratic Socialism does, and understanding it. People know that Bernie is promising "free" stuff, they just don't understand (or care) how he's going to do it.
  22. If the glass is broken, just have it replaced. If the latch is broken, wedge a block of wood against it. If the sill is stuck, that sucker gets painted closed forever.
  23. What unique needs do gay people have?
  24. They need to hold separate elections for each race. Each representative can then properly choose the correct food to serve their people in the cafeteria. The students then present the cooking staff with a colored card so they know what to serve each student. Equality!
  25. It's not exclusive, it just targets gay people. They'll paint rainbows and dildos on the wall or something.
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