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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. I would have preferred that website use a paper bag instead of the photo-shopped head. As far as the USA is concerned, the location is important. You can link each country's preference with a corresponding US city.
  2. Proving that a group that calls out racists is themselves racist, is noteworthy. Also, I tend to give anyone over 80 a bit of slack from being politically correct. Personally, I can't bring myself to say "African-American." It sounds silly. (and inaccurate)
  3. To add: The trip has been discussed for years. The schedule was laid out months ago. The girlfriend was invited (to this and previous family events/trips, but declined). Then the hotels and tickets were purchased with the surprise upgrade to free 1st class revealed. This was during the summer. On Thanksgiving, my brother informed the rest of us that his girlfriend changed her mind and wants to go, showing us the resort promotional website as her motivation. He asked for the additional ticket along with changes on hotel accommodation dates (that we paid) to include cutting our visit short for a side vacation. Obviously, there was some tension with the change in plans and that is when he informed us that he was not willing to go unless she went as well. Our mother informed him that we would be happy for her to come along (and finally meet everyone- they had only briefly met once before), but would have to pay her own way. His credit is 0 (I didn't know you could even hit zero). Any loan would have to come from the family. Basically, I'm the buffer between him and our mother who is ready to hand over the cash.
  4. We will invent a technology that can disable all guns simultaneously.
  5. If you only make left-handed guns, only 15% of the population would be able to commit crimes.
  6. Any criticism of her is met by anger from him. I've actually considered hiring someone to catfish her into cheating. But that stuff only happens in movies. For everyone who asked, this is a close internet approximation. (not actually her, just a picture from google.) Think a little fatter, older version of the pic below:
  7. -He asked for a $2K loan for Christmas last year, which he used to take his girlfriend to Las Vegas, then paid it back in May with his tax refund. He's asking for a similar amount this year, which he hopes can be repaid by his bonus. Basically, his girlfriend spends future money in advance (refunds, bonuses,etc), but ends up adding to his debt because it never completely covers the cost. It's begun to pile up. Recently, we've had to help him cover his basic bills. My thinking, if this relationship becomes a permanent arrangement, is that no one will want to help him out at all. He's going to have to maintain their lifestyle on his own. He has a good job, used to have money to burn (had the latest iphones, PS3, etc), but now he's working overtime all the time, and needs help scraping together money for rent? I think he's taken over her mortgage and car payment; as well as grocery, concert, movie tickets, etc. I've seen girlfriends drain a guy's money before, but this feels extreme.
  8. I have a friend who is uber liberal, and another who is a tea party conservative. Interestingly, they both want a Hilary vs Trump election because they think the other is too crazy to win. I agreed with them because it would be entertaining to watch.
  9. What will happen if we pick a random building on campus and stamp "blacks only" on all the doors.
  10. Interesting that his solutions are the complete opposite of the demands being made by college students.
  11. I agree. It's at sea, there is already a giant urinal surrounding the ship. I can't wait to see recruitment pamphlets on uni-sex showers. "Join the mobile infantry and save the world. Service guarantees citizenship!"
  12. I predicted this situation. Liberals accuse conservatives of racism and immigrant intolerance, then push for stricter gun laws when a terrorist kills people. There is no political downside for them with the Syrian refugees.
  13. A simplified explanation of a long discussion:The girlfriend feels claustrophobic around strangers. -She doesn't like sitting next to people she doesn't know, and needs to fly first class for the extra space. This problem also affected her passport because she won't stand in line at the post office, but must make an appointment (more expensive with a waiting list). It's not a medical condition; more a personality quirk. He explains it as "extreme shyness." Although, it doesn't keep her from going to clubs and parties.
  14. A few answers: -the girlfriend is a millennial.. 10yrs his junior. -They've been dating 3yrs, only met the family once. -She works part time. Her family cut support, which my brother apparently took over. -Older brother's wife and two kids all got 1st class tickets. -We promised Grandma that we'd all be there for her 100th Birthday. It's a big deal. He's talking about getting married someday; given the circumstances (and history), we'll probably cut financial support as well. The way things are going, it looks like he's forcing our mother to get her a ticket.
  15. I need some advice: My grandmother is turning 100yrs old and wants to see the whole family. My mother surprised us with 1st class tickets over-seas. We just had to pay for hotels/food. My brother couldn't afford it, so the siblings (us) pooled our money to pay his share. He told his girlfriend about the family trip. She discovered that there was a resort nearby with scuba/sailing/gliding etc. Our mother said that my brother would have to pay for her ticket himself. Right now, my brother is stressed out because he can't afford to pay for her $200 passport and make rent. I discussed the problem with him. -I asked if she really needed to go. He refused to go on the trip without her. -I offered to ask everyone to fly 3rd-class. She refused to go unless it was 1st class. -I asked if she could contribute anything at all. Pay for her own passport? She can't afford it. Also, she wants to cut grandma's visit short, so they can spend more time at the resort... How do I make him see reason?
  16. All the leaves fell off my trees. By 2030 no trees, anywhere, will have any leaves in December. Something must be done about this. Send me some carbon credits. I will look into this phenomenon. I think the solution lies with the pine. They seem to be resistant.
  17. Reading this thread made me want to buy a gun. I'm also going to start carrying a rock in my pocket, in case it prevents global warming. No one has ever seriously tried it. This thread reminds me of the argument about buying a DVD vs pirating the movie off the internet. One side seems to think that if you make it more difficult to buy a disc, it will reduce the number of illegal downloads.
  18. Half of the people in the world have below average IQ.
  19. I like the comments asking why the cops didn't just shoot the knife out of Mcdonald's hand as he ran.
  20. If that had happened on campus, the teacher would have gotten fired for invading the kids' safe space.
  21. It's not your money. The paper says "united states dollar". It doesn't say "Chef Jim's dollar."
  22. "A stranger is just a friend you haven't met. "
  23. I don't care what's in it. As long as it's delicious, I would rather not know.
  24. I know someone who goes to Mexico every year for Christmas through New Year (his wife's family is Mexican) and comes back with dozens of meat tamales. He just hands them out at work. He says her family makes hundreds. I didn't know it was illegal.
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