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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. A few months into the update and it still feels like a tablet, but I'm used to it now. The advertising messages are annoying, but I'm learning to ignore it. I'm starting to use the option of opening programs under a windows 7 platform (which is nice), that fixed some compatibility issues with older programs. As far as Cortana recording my every keystroke, I wonder if they have databases on the types of porn people download...
  2. This isn't the end of work. This is the end of people who are too stupid to do anything but manual labor. FYI: they said the same thing when they invented the sewing machine. Now people are willing to pay more for flawed "handmade" clothes. How is money used by a poor person create more demand than one used by a rich person?
  3. http://clashdaily.com/2014/12/white-christmas-song-racist-black-singer-slammed-liberal-xenophobes-singing-christmas-song/ A yearly reminder of the liberal idiots from last year that were offended by Darius Rucker (Hootie) singing "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas."
  4. Easy fix: -mandate that doctors must take medicaid patients -mandate that universities must graduate more doctors -mandate that entrance exams be easier -mandate that at least 25% are non-white students, to promote diversity -mandate classes to include eastern remedy alternatives, to promote multi-culturalism
  5. California’s new solar power plant is actually a death ray
  6. She's still above the hot/crazy line. Just have to use extra protection; Constant frisking for weapons.
  7. Theoretically, Obama's plan is brilliant. He intends to destroy as much of the system as he can, in order to force the country to come back stronger. Like burning down a house to fix a leaky roof, because the wife maxed out the credit card. If I was really selfish, I would support single payer, because by the time it's enacted, I'll be one of the retired people mooching off the work of the healthy young'uns. Trump just wants to make us earn that retirement.
  8. The above quote is the trap that makes Obamacare a horrible idea. People are losing employer paid benefits and switching to government subsidies from increased taxes. They got you to believe that the cost is the same by simply re-labeling the bill. You're paying more for your "free" healthcare without realizing it. Then add the management waste x1000 (because it's government)... Why is more government the go-to liberal solution to a bad government?
  9. Developing countries are not satisfied with the amount of money promised in Paris resolution; Demand more "climate justice" http://news.yahoo.com/paris-climate-deal-throws-frayed-lifeline-poor-095015249.html
  10. The idea behind socialized medicine is that it's better to hand out free toothbrushes to 320 million people, than to allow 280 million of them to see a Dentist for the same price.
  11. Great shot ...but only 120yds during a club championship? Were you guys hitting from the women's tees?
  12. I try having political conversations but i'm usually the only one that brings "facts" to the table and it ends quickly. Mostly, I hear that it's too depressing to think about. It usually boils down to the liberals calling the republicans "selfish" and the conservatives calling the democrats "idiots."
  13. Hamas gave Obama their endorsement. Didn't seem to bother any of his voters.
  14. That building will have to sway by design. It will be like living in a house boat.
  15. The problem with private schools is that they keep out bad students The problem with public schools is that they hire bad teachers. to fix the problem. We had a program where the city government paid for problem students to attend charter schools. The good teachers left and they became juvenile detention centers. Private (church) schools became the place to send your kids. Guess what they're proposing now?
  16. to sum up the argument: "You may not care if Donald Trump rounds up the criminals, because you're not one..."
  17. We must also remove "Johnson" from building names because it's sexist.
  18. Where are the parents?
  19. The moon is fake. It's a hoax used by the patriarchy to trick women into sleeping with men outdoors.
  20. Owning solar panels is racist. http://news.yahoo.com/u-solar-industry-battles-white-privilege-image-problem-062508186.html
  21. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/amitai-etzioni/needed-domestic-disarmame_b_8739712.html?ncid=txtlnkusaolp00000592 At least this article finally admits that their goal is to disarm the population. Deporting 18million illegal aliens is impossible, but confiscating 250million guns is worth a shot...
  22. Since Sanders is just throwing random numbers out there, why not go for 1000miles/gallon and creating 1 billion jobs as the goal? It's not like his followers have any grip on reality.
  23. I imagine that Harry Potter land will meet the same fate.
  24. Did you try burying it in rice overnight? Personally, I try to keep a backup of all my data on the computer, since I also use it to charge the battery.
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