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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. Obama will save us with his pen and phone. He promised us just yesterday that everything is great!
  2. I think I lived next to an escort business. an Old lady lived in the apartment, but every day, I'd see a random young woman go in (or out) of her place. Used to think it was her grandkids, but there were just soooo many of them.
  3. Got my ticket. Line at the gas station went outside. No place to park on lot either. If you need gas the next two days you're screwed.
  4. Shouldn't you be ashamed to be stealing money from two unemployed people who could be earning that money instead? What kind of liberal are you? -taking more than your fair share.
  5. I wonder if he'll order flags be flown at half mast for David Bowie.
  6. If Gary Johnson had become President. Marijuana would be legal The budget would be showing a a large surplus Infrastructure would be vastly improved There would be a national school voucher program Taxes would be at record lows We'd be talking about eliminating welfare in favor of a find-a-job program People would be asking what's the point of Congress if the President veto's every bill that comes to his desk. Canada would be building a wall on their border to slow the massive influx of liberals flocking north. The Bills would have lost another Superbowl
  7. +Hilary would have already lost in 2012
  8. Actually, the payout comes close to 1/3 if you take the lump sum after taxes. So somewhere around 450million. The only change I would make in my life would be to quit my job... so I can concentrate on the hookers and cocaine.
  9. If Obama had lost the 2008 election: No one would be occupying a cabin in Oregon No one would care about Trayvon/Garner BLM would not exist There would be no talk about eliminating Affirmative Action/ Title IX Five terrorists leaders would still be in Guantanamo There would be no refugee crisis, but we would have more troops stationed in the ME. Benghazi/ Paris would not have been attacked. People would be complaining about the national debt hitting $15 trillion soon People would be complaining about their $500 deductable healthcare plan We'll be attributing the low gas prices to the XL pipeline. Farmers would be complaining about the lack of available migrant workers Harvey would not have hosted the Miss Universe pageant. Planned Parenthood would be selling more baby parts at higher prices Used car prices would be more reasonable. Osama bin Laden would be in prison. Iran would be further away from making a nuclear weapon There would be far fewer guns in American households. Cuba would still be closed to tourists Putin would not be as popular, or Russia as influential. Jon Stewart would still be hosting the Daily Show Climatologists would have adjusted their data to indicate higher global temperatures. Gay marriage would still be illegal in some states, along with marijuana. Mcdonald's would not be rolling out a kiosk system this year. Johnny Storm would have been white. (as well as Hermione) The Bills would have made the playoffs.
  10. They have to destroy it, otherwise people will be able to tell how many bottles the cops kept for themselves.
  11. You can't fold it in half if you cut it in curves.
  12. This can't end well. Unlike the Occupy idiots, these ranchers can survive on their own; which means they have to be forcefully removed.
  13. Probably Mattel or Hasbro.
  14. I won't check my ticket for two days so I can dream about not having to go into work until Monday.
  15. I would... but I'd swipe her cellphone afterwards.
  16. What's the harm in handing over a check to a monkey? He'll probably just eat it.
  17. Liberal media or not, I do catch myself being racist sometimes... ...a pregnant coworker once told me that she planned to name her baby "D'Angelo," and the first thought that popped into my mind was: is her husband black? I thought he was Mexican. ​
  18. We have a new supervisor at work who is having trouble remembering names. Sometimes he tries to guess; he'll ask for John instead of Joe, Jose instead of Juan, etc, most people respond since he's pretty close. Yesterday he was trying to remember Tayesha's name and called her Shamiqua. She got offended: calling him racist. Do you agree?
  19. Because there is always someone willing to abuse the bathroom/smoke break policies.
  20. Illegal immigration now makes sense. Democrats have to figure out a way to replace all these future liberals.
  21. I overheard this the other day: "Liberals are centrists. They can lean either left or right..."
  22. http://www.cnn.com/2016/01/02/us/mississippi-throw-rocks-police-comment/index.html
  23. I re-watched episodes 1-3 and they weren't as bad as I remember. The overall plot was actually good; if you focus on each character's story and motivation. What made it horrible was the acting and throwaway characters. Natalie Portman forgot how to act; along with Samuel L Jackson. The dialogue was cringe-worthy. Liam Neeson was the only one able to sell his lines (even about Midechlorians.) -episode 1 best lighsaber battle of the series -episode 2 Natalie Portman's outfits. Yoda -episode 3 less witty banter, finally connecting to the originals. I think Lucas focused too much on his overall vision (which gets lost on audiences when the movies are years apart) and neglected the characters. (and actor performances) Is it me or does Rey look a lot like Keira Knightley? (who looked a lot like Natalie Portman)
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