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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. Star Trek has money, like gold pressed latinum, but the rest of the time, they revert to a barter system; not exactly utopian economics. At Sisko's creole restaurant on Earth, what does his father pay the waiters? How does a person get a table? Who gets all of the Picard family wine? Just because they don't use "money", doesn't mean there isn't an exchange of value. What do you think a person from the 1800's would think of a credit card? He'll probably think that we abolished money. This discussion is held at many sci-fi conventions and the consensus always returns to the fact that in order for Star Trek to sustain it's economic model, there must exist an unseen SLAVE class doing all work. (Which was addressed when Voyager showed the Doctor's hologram brethren working in dilithium mines.) http://capitalismmagazine.com/2002/08/franciscos-money-speech/
  2. The blond is left handed. The Indian girl has no cards. There is no one else at the casino. No one is wearing a watch. There are no beverages on the table. The guy in the middle has a uni-brow. How do you show that much boob without nipple?
  3. The french fries at the bottom of the bag that you didn't know were there.
  4. Be aware that some switches (even around the bed) shut off ALL electricity, and not just the lamps. I was taking a shower when someone hit the switch; total darkness with shampoo in my hair. -try getting out of a bathtub, while slippery, in total darkness. That cord above the bathtub is to let the front desk know you've fallen and can't get up. (yes I pulled it) The desk told us that they generally ignore that signal when it's a tourists room, which they did this time too. Also, most hotels require a card key-holder to keep the electricity on in the room. Don't be surprised if your electronics have not charged (and the room is a sauna) when you return. The worst ones have timers too.
  5. most women just wear granny panties. same thing.
  6. We have moved way beyond "moral" or "fair" when it comes to taxes. We're in the realm of "Justice" now. It's gone from elevating the poor to punishing the rich; probably since our definition of poor is considered rich for the rest of the world. We're handing out free cellphones! Our job should be done.
  7. How was he able to keep his special forces history a secret from a post-apocalyptic tyrannical government? That would imply he was a soldier for another country.
  8. The #1 thing I learned while in Italy: Lines are a suggestion. If someone cuts in front of you, it's your fault for leaving a gap. Italians will be mad at you, and not the line jumper. Learn to let it go. Americans are considered "nice" for a reason; everyone else is rude. PS> Skip the Vatican unless you're Catholic; then you have no choice.
  9. I always have 1 can of spam in my pantry. It may stay there for months, but I always get that craving sooner or later.
  10. Spam is bacon in a can.
  11. There is good and bad in booking tours; the obvious one being that they get preferred entry. If you want to see all the tourist sites in one day, book one. If you would rather risk waiting in line (and have the time to devote to seeing only one site per day), then don't. Just depends on whether you're feeling lucky.
  12. Don't worry folks, Ramona Flowers will kick the monster's ass back to hell...
  13. Rome in July? Visit the Vatican, because it'll feel like hell with no AC, and they may have some tips. Find some local pizza. You have to try the food of the gods at the source. Carry a decoy wallet. It will be fun to see if you get jacked. Good story to tell if you do. Ask for meat balls with your pasta. Just do it. Bring a sketch book and sit on the steps of a temple. It doesn't matter what you draw. Pretend you're an architect. It's better than Axe body spray. Visit the tomb of Maximus Decimus Meridius.
  14. Conservative doomsday preppers react by stockpiling guns and food. Liberal doomsday preppers react by taxing the hell out of corporations. Who is more crazy, people who fear terrorists or cow farts?
  15. So how many trees were killed for the powerball hysteria?
  16. Future events will feature both teams wearing the same uniform while competing over who can add the most points to a single combined score. Go High School Humans!!!
  17. My strategy netted me 150% return on my investment on Wednesday.
  18. 95% flat tax rate where the first $1million is free!Each kid you pop out gives an additional 5 cents off~ 95% flat tax rate where the first $1million is free!Each kid you pop out gives an additional 5 cents off~
  19. Those undocumented workers are just trying to make undocumented purchases... that woman needs to check her privilege; not everyone wants to work for stuff. Soda is a right!
  20. So what do you do when there are experts saying we're headed towards a crash and boom at the same time?
  21. This story probably goes in here... So I was stuck in rush hour traffic today, and I look over to the car next to me and see a Muslim couple (the woman was wearing one of those head things... anyway) I couldn't help but think: They could really cause a lot damage if they blow themselves up right now. We're surrounded by a see of slow moving gas cans. -probably a mist of diesel vapors in the air too. For about an hour, we leapfrogged each other in traffic, and I played a game of how badly I would get hurt based on how far I am from the Muslim SUV...
  22. The last rich guy who won the lottery is now broke; Said it was the worst thing to ever happen to him.
  23. No context, but I would assume there is some kind of metaphor regarding pigs (police) beating up birds of color?
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