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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. I'll finally be able to build the zombie apocalypse bunker of my dreams.
  2. I can relate. I am the only one on my block that owns a snow shovel. Our snowmageddon consists of accumulation that won't go away when you put salt on it. It's just so hard to let go of old habits...
  3. There is one solution to every problem we now face: Universal checking account. Everyone deposits their paycheck into one account. Take what you need to pay your bills.
  4. I don't feel "strongly" about any issue. But I've been accused of being a righty. My position on many issues is "meh". I'm a candidate in touch with the people!
  5. "Pornography, depicting consenting adults, should be legal for the adult population." I didn't know this was even an issue. I should run for office.
  6. I've lived in one house or another my entire life and no one has ever mentioned to me that you're supposed to flush your water heater at least once a year. I know my parents never did it. Does everyone know to do this? What other things am I supposed to do around the house?
  7. www.erosguia.com -Never been to Madrid, nor do I ever plan to travel to Spain.
  8. So where in North Korea does your job and family live? %25 of the US would be considered centrists or liberal. The other 75% of us are extreme righties.
  9. Liberals consider Obama and Hilary centrists. So according to the left, Trump's a righty. According to conservatives, Bush a little too liberal.
  10. I'm not talking about SS and Medicare. I already paid for that. Those aren't free. I want the government to give me FREE stuff. By voting for Bernie now, Socialism will be up and running by the time I retire. So when they jack up the taxes on working people, I won't be contributing anymore... just raking in the goodies. Hopefully, I will have lived the high life a bit before the money runs out and the riots start.
  11. I always thought it was because they would progress technologically to the point where their machines eventually become self-aware enough to annihilate their creators for centuries of slavery.
  12. When they ask you whether you want to get paid $600/week or $2400/month... Gator chose wrong.
  13. I know someone who complains that he can't go to his gym, otherwise they might take away his disability check.
  14. I've been doing vacations wrong all these years! I hope my boss doesn't take the money back.
  15. If you want to know what really happens if there is ever unlimited free energy: 1)Load Fallout 4 (or halo, etc -whichever shooter you are playing right now) 2)Enter the code for unlimited ammo. results: What usually happens to your game?
  16. As it turns out, the older I get the more Liberal I seem to be, financially. I'm starting to think about all the freebies I want when I retire. Especially since the first few years of Socialism are usually the best. Feeling the Bern!!!
  17. I cringe whenever liberals point out that they make more money than the average conservative. It's only because you raised the cost of living to idiotic levels... to the point where everyone is leaving I know someone who is moving to Santa Barbara because she was offered a (secretarial) job with better pay (a demotion). She didn't believe me when I told her that instead of her 4 bedroom house, she will only be able to afford a studio apartment there. I showed her a website that said she would need to raise her pay 86% to maintain the same standard of living. She didn't care. To her, more money is more money...
  18. I'm surprised the Democrats haven't summoned more of their Hollywood minions into the campaign. They did pledge to serve the President. Although, they could be waiting until after the white Oscars.
  19. Discovery of unlimited free energy or invention of a replicator would not get us closer. It will merely shift the value to another scarce resource. Also, you're making the same mistake of equating a monetary system with value. (banning the use of scales does not make a rock weightless) Even if we were to push the experiment to his endpoint, the new currency will still be TIME. Banks will trade your mandatory 3hrs of labor this week for 3hrs 10mins next week.
  20. His solution to achieving an unlimited resource economy is to work 3hrs a week to produce 3X as much goods by DE-specializing the workforce and doing only jobs you like. His first step to creating this labor force is to have every child become masters of every job by only learning from teachers chosen by popularity whose qualifications are awarded only when the community deems them worthy. He also states that people will miraculously become community oriented when money is abolished, to the point that he completely ignores answering his "obvious questions" about free-loaders, because all everyone really wants is a pat on the back. 1) work 3hrs a week. 2) ??? 3) unlimited resources! Of course if we live in a world with no scarcity of any kind we could do whatever we wanted... however, basing his entire philosophy on this premise is Idiotic. (putting aside his mistaken attribution of money to value) Ultimately, what he's really advocating is to make everything worthless by flooding every market, everywhere, with excessive quantities of every good, simultaneously. So when he figures out how to break the laws of time, space, and energy, we can seriously have a discussion on the merits of the absolute cultural uniformity he sees as a Utopia. I will re-state: One of the dumbest videos I have ever watched. PS. He did infer that we could also accomplish his dream by ceasing all interaction with other people. Independent self-replicating amoeba; able to function alone.
  21. The OP's video is quite possibly the most naive' presentation I've ever watched. His entire premise hinges on every person on the planet being absolutely equal. Everyone must look the same, think the same, experience the same life, etc. ANY variation and the model falls apart. -if one clone were to wear out his shoes 1 second earlier than the rest, it would create every single problem he believed was caused by "money". Crime. Envy. Greed. Gluttony. Hoarding. Hierarchy. Even if he were to find a drone populated planet, it would still fall apart because his solution relies on the the Underpants Gnome Business model: step 1: work 3hrs a week step 2: ??? step 3: unlimited abundant resources for everyone! I think that video makes everyone who watches it dumber.
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