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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. Don't be absurd. The government would need at least $2 billion for the PR website, $250 billion for subsidies to those who can see the wall from their property, and $500 billion for pork.
  2. We need a non-gender specific Asian Native American on the bench. It doesn't even have to be a lawyer, it's not like the justices vote based on the law.
  3. I can't believe the spin the media is putting on the new "drug testing" requirement for welfare some states enacted recently. They're reporting 0.002% tested positive in Tennessee (because they include ALL recipients) while ignoring the fact that only those who admitted to prior drug use were screened. Of the idiots who admitted to a drug problem, 13% tested positive, another 9% had ongoing drug problems, and 22% didn't bother to show up to do the test. Overall, a whopping 56% of those considered were dropped. ...but the narrative continues that "it's not a problem because so few people were denied." http://legacy.wbir.com/story/news/politics/2015/02/08/drug-testing-of-welfare-applicants-yields-few-positives/23086333/
  4. He's about as conservative as Jeff Daniels from the Newsroom. A Republican through the lens of the liberal mind.
  5. Would you count a threesome once, or twice?
  6. No one was offended that Bruno Mars called Michelle Pfiefer "white gold"?
  7. Feminist paradox: wants to have lots of sex. hates men.
  8. Which means it's working out perfectly. The cost estimates for Obamacare rely on people paying the penalty to increase tax revenues. How else are they going to pay for a $2,200,000,000 website?
  9. I usually just chuck it deep to Andre Reed. QB Bills is awesome.
  10. Another good example would be someone who wants "free healthcare" but doesn't want to raise taxes to fund it.
  11. Obama for Scjotus!
  12. Feel the Bern? Any Woman will do? Can't stump the Trump?
  13. This has to be satire.
  14. A couple of friends just told me that they haven't heard anything about an email scandal.
  15. That's the same thing as saying people want a bunch of free **** , but don't want to pay for it.
  16. Some of us don't have Facebook
  17. They're going to give period clothing to the passengers too. So who's going to volunteer to stay in steerage?
  18. "The link you followed may have expired, or the page may only be visible to an audience you're not in."
  19. Most geologists agree that if the "big one" ever hit, California would be closer to Alaska rather than fall into the ocean like hollywood suggests. Will that mean that Neveda will someday border Mexico?
  20. The people who "hate" illegal immigrants the most are legal immigrants. Socialism is a slippery slope ideology. It's most effective tool is moving the line just a little bit further, knowing that people won't notice that they've gone too far as long as the steps they take are small. Remember when people said that accepting homosexuality as "normal" wouldn't lead to Incest or Pedophiles asking for rights too? "There are just some lines we will never cross." The left is already setting the foundation for their next step forward... http://www.salon.com/2015/09/21/im_a_pedophile_but_not_a_monster/. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2914138/Teenager-dating-father-two-years-reveals-pair-planning-married-children.html Make no mistake, the far left liberals of today will be seen as staunch conservatives in the future, simply in comparison to that day's societal norms.
  21. Twitter is poised to become a safe space. https://about.twitter.com/safety/council The council is made up entirely of leftist social justice organizations who have been on record stating that criticism of any kind is harassment. Most notably Anita Sarkeesian, who went before the UN internet censorship board to say that comments telling her that she "sucks" should be banned. The trend continues as Liberal blogs have begun removing comments sections from their articles. Disagreement is seen as hate speech.
  22. Bernie would give Iran nuclear material if he believed it would lower their carbon footprint. He has said many times that global warming is the biggest threat to America.
  23. There is no "i" in that statement. So they wrote NL**ER?
  24. She should have quit a long time ago.
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