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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. Has anything that was blatantly racist not been a hoax? (At least the past year since the PC protests.) I don't remember any that turned out to be true.
  2. WHy should punishing the parents be a problem for the left? I thought the children belonged to the state.
  3. Why do STEM majors require so many humanities courses, but liberal arts students don't have to take engineering classes? I remember one (very aware) professor telling us that he went through our class profiles and that he was going to grade Engineering students differently than Drama majors- I was so relieved, but brought some complaints from the liberal arts students. Apparently, the professor was tired of STEM students dropping his classes.
  4. It's too late. The hoax will be seen as true. Hardly anyone reads the retractions. There are still people who cite UVA and the Duke lacrosse team as examples of campus rape culture. That girl just ruined her parent's reputation forever, just to get attention.
  5. It's actually pretty easy to figure out who did it. Just have a company bbq. Whoever doesn't eat the pulled pork is probably guilty.
  6. He run for President of Kenya.
  7. It's racist to not let Obama pick the next Supreme Court justice. https://pjmedia.com/trending/2016/02/19/obama-praises-outstanding-work-of-black-lives-matter-organizers-at-white-house-meeting/
  8. Hilary lies. She swears she always tells the truth. That means she always lies. it's a simple logic problem.
  9. No disciplinary action? I thought it was the policy of the left to condemn people based on the result and not intent. If someone was offended, heads must roll.
  10. It doesn't report on any side of the story. It's mostly about how they can't find a way to circumvent free speech.
  11. I have to look at the top of their head.
  12. It puts less pressure on your feet. It's more a psychological effect because sitting up straight makes a person feel that they have to square up their legs. Reclining back (even a little) gives you the mental permission to angle your feet out.
  13. if you watch the video he was trying to subdue her hands, which is why she resorted to kneeing him. There is a significant amount of time between the take down and the knee to the head. -he wasn't fighting back at all. This wasn't MMA, she was pulling on his hair, when he immobilized her hands, (which every guy knows is normally followed by a kick to the crotch), but instead she knee'd him in the face because he was going into a fetal protective stance. What he should have done was to put her in a bear-hug submission body lock instead. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4fKB-DOM_A
  14. Why doesn't the FBI just go on youtube and watch the how-to guide on cracking an iphone?
  15. Feminists are butthurt that their "movement" is gradually losing members. They've gone from having 25% of women to %18 identifying as feminist the last decade. (which is often confused with support for equality where +60% of people support) And yes... even liberals can hate feminists: willing to fight against the indoctrination
  16. This is a protestant country. The Pope has little sway among the GOP base.
  17. I always recline as far back as I can. I have no problem if the person in front of me does the same. I also will rearrange bags in the overhead, (because people have no idea how to pack those things in there). If you want your bag back, you're going to have to take everything out, because it's in there tight. I've learned that people hate flying and will be miserable anyway. I fly a lot and stopped caring because no matter what, people will complain about it. I even pop open cans of Pringles in the middle seat.
  18. The story behind this is that the boy posted some stuff on Facebook and the girl went to find him. It was a premeditated beat down. The fact that he knew he wasn't allowed to hit her back (because she's a girl) makes it infuriating.
  19. Two sides to the story. She took his son and had him deported to CANADA. I support his decision to LEGALLY ruin her life.
  20. It's amazing how the average time it takes a person to find another job directly relates to the number of weeks their unemployment benefits last. It's almost like they found motivation to get off their @#%.
  21. There are two popes. People prefer the silent one.
  22. Didn't they already propose the solution of electrifying walls to keep people from peeing on them?
  23. So the guy is trolling the feminists by saying ridiculous stuff, but they think he's being serious and cheering him on? No wonder the percentage of people calling themselves "feminist" is constantly dropping in number. Those people are nuts.
  24. “This hit, that ice cold Michelle Pfeiffer, that white gold.” After some research, "michelle pfeiffer" is slang for cocaine. Like "Mary-jane" for weed.
  25. Sanders will beat Clinton in Nevada. Hilary will end up with more superdelegates from the state.
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