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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. I hope the liberals pull the birther conspiracy off... it'll invalidate Obama's entire presidency.
  2. As always, Apple will deny it exists and the myth will continue. Macs have been hit several times already and people still refuse to believe it.
  3. I hate getting lumped into the same group as people who majored in Gender (or University) Studies. We need to start separating the college education statistics into groups with useful degrees vs worthless ones. Maybe call one side "professionals," and the other "indoctrined."
  4. How does your narrative work with Obama in charge of government? Do you believe he sees all the non-black people as worthless? or dangerous? What about Baltimore? Does the law change because of your race? It's not illegal to rob a convenience store if you're white... But to get back on the topic of income: So if a white cop starts policing my neigbhorhood, i've suddenly become poorer? What if we elect a black mayor? I know electing Obama instantly lowered the wealth of America, but does it work locally too? -What you're basically saying is that poverty is determined by culture. A redneck is considered richer than a thug even if they work at the same Walmart. I'm guessing it's more about being morally bankrupt.
  5. Interesting that both the right (corporate), and left (media and university) straw men are blamed for stifling free speech. Although, only one side has directly stated their intention to do so.
  6. So you're not poor unless you break the law? My dad dug up potatoes and ate them raw on the way home from school. -he still occasionally eats them that way. (peel and all). Our black families might be related.
  7. Everyone (on social media) is going nuts over the possibility of Trump. You have the left who think he will bring about Fallout 4, while the right is having a blast trolling the insecure blubbering wussies. As an independent, it's better than (fake) reality TV. If Trump becomes president, it will be Canada who will have to build a wall to keep the hipsters out.
  8. Thank you liberals for getting rid of the $1 menu.
  9. I actually like how wind turbines look. (Although so many don't seem to turn) The ecological impact on birds is being ignored (by the left), but the economical and environmental benefits look promising, if unproven by time. Like most political statistics, the numbers from either side will be exaggerated, but from personal experience (living in the southwest) we have a lot of empty land that would be perfect for it -and they're popping up faster than weeds, so why not try it for now? Of course, I would also like to see how difficult it would be to remove them if they prove unfeasible. Will they end up like abandoned oil platforms?
  10. The glacier is also melting at 77% of the iceberg's rate under the same Sun (or daughter). Climatologists are asking for increased funding to study the discriminatory behavior of the Sun against Ice in water vs land. Theories speculate that it's due to the patriarchal notion that an iceberg must hide 2/3 of it's mass from view.
  11. You snooze, you lose. Literally in this case.
  12. After a year I'm keeping: -Avengers: age of Ultron for the MCU collection -Mad Max to play in the background during bbq's -Pitch Perfect 2 fer the ladies.
  13. From what I can understand from that convoluted article, the goal is to re-examine the science by filtering it through a feminist lens. The presumption is that gender studies expands a person's observation of the world, by it's innate rejection of proven facts. Scientist: The glacier is 32F Feminist: The glacier is melting because it's being raped by the patriarchy.
  14. The company I work for gives everyone an unpaid day off for Superbowl Sunday, St. Patrick's day, and Cinco de Mayo (out of necessity because either no one showed up, or they were hungover.) Don't be fooled guys, women were already getting these days off. It just makes it an official excuse. Now all they have to acknowledge is time off for children related "emergencies." Of course, if these were PAID days off denied to men, then I see a lawsuit...
  15. You can't be PC with hot girls. They have to be fat, ugly, and loud. This movie is going full 'tard.
  16. So what's the best way to get as much free $#@! as possible for the lowest possible cost to current and future me?
  17. The point of the change is to make it more inclusive, by making it easier, so the kids who don't like prepping (or learning) will give it a shot. -which was the point of eliminating vocabulary, formula memorization, and allowing calculators. They want more kids to take the test, so they can make more money. It's ridiculous that the justification they're using is that they want students to feel better about themselves. "We all got 1600's! We're all smart!"
  18. https://www.yahoo.com/news/early-takers-sat-wasnt-bad-not-tricky-083900976.html Guessing will no longer be penalized. No more remembering math formulas or english vocabulary. Essay is now optional. Less questions so you have more time. Every kid deserves to go to college!
  19. Provide free drink and snacks to stranded drivers.
  20. looks better than Fantastic Four.
  21. You can't tell people that water vapor is a pollutant without getting laughed at...
  22. You have the right not to become bankrupt for choosing an iphone over health insurance.
  23. Since the GOP hate Trump, what would happen if he taps Bernie as his VP?
  24. Come to America. There are no cats, and the streets are made of cheese.
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