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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. ..And they all still vote Democrat.
  2. Trigger warnings are for p%$$#*s Muslim is not a race Mexican is a not a race Illegal Immigrant is not a race stop saying everything is raysis Knowing you need a job (instead of committing a crime) for money, is not an example of "privilege." This forum is not a safe space.
  3. Is there any way Trump is organizing the protests? These idiots keep putting him in the news and it's rallying everyone to his side; from disenfranchised voters to American Idol couch potatoes, they all want to see the reality star become president for pure entertainment. I have friends who haven't paid attention in decades (not even to Obama) talking about this stuff.
  4. I would suggest lightsaber free zones, but people with flashlights would get arrested.
  5. reposted for comparison
  6. Can Obama pardon someone before they get charged?
  7. I don't identify with my phone. It's technology, not a personality trait; unlike clothes. There are just some policies that don't matter enough to quit. For example, they allow Yoga pants (regardless of weight limit)
  8. Trump will be the first Independent candidate to become President. He'll truly be bipartisan, since both parties hate him.
  9. Check out the far left media (Salon, Vox, Huffington, Buzzfeed, Hilary, Yahoo...), they only mention the Governor.
  10. What color was it? If it was red, the police should bring him in for questioning.
  11. There are different species of Tuna, depending on where they live. Albacore is basically junk fish that has to be cooked. Bluefin is for sushi and costs $$$$
  12. I was negotiating with a Nigerian Prince. Please unblock the email or the the company will lose millions of dollars.
  13. It's been discussed at work how severe the punishment was for such a "minor" offense. There's people supporting both sides of this. Yes he's an idiot, but maybe they should have just given him a warning not to do it again. FYI: cellphones were not allowed at all prior to 2008. The company had to make the exception because so many people "needed" their phone. The guy was working here during those times. It's well known. He's a 15yr employee. The salary bump is over 4yrs. He didn't make it 2 days. There were a lot of applicants (only in-house). Now we're wondering if someone else will get the job or will they wait for the lawsuit to be resolved. I'm wondering if he has a case. Are cellphones a right?
  14. There is an area at work where only approved cellphones are allowed. There is a security checkpoint to enter. A person at work was just promoted (double salary), which required him to go through the checkpoint. After filling out some forms, they told him it would be processed in 3 days. Then he'll get a shiny sticker to paste to the back. On the first day (no sticker), they confiscated his phone at the checkpoint, to be returned on his way out. On day two, he decided to sneak the phone into the building. While texting inside, someone saw the lack of sticker and reported it to security. They escorted him out. Fired. He's suing to get his job back; says he needed a cellphone for emergencies. He's in his 30's.
  15. -The sky is blue. -How do you know this? -I looked up. -Prove it. -It's obvious to anyone with eyes. -That's you're opinion. -Here is a color wheel. It's clearly a shade of blue. -Maybe in this light, but if you tilt it to the side, the shade changes. -Okay, what color do you think it is? -What I think is immaterial. -I see. You're an @#%hat.
  16. People are flocking to trump like he's become a Kardashian.
  17. That wasn't a brake check.
  18. I'm one of those people that run my AC during the winter instead of opening a window.
  19. Someone didn't pay attention in Economics class... Let's throw out science and go with gut feelings. It's much better. Why does the left so consistently follow their emotions over logic and reason? "Regardless of Kansas' economic performance, Mr. Frank's main thesis--that people who are struggling economically should be voting as liberals, not conservatives--is dubious. As an editorial in the Wichita Eagle observed: "There's nothing wrong with many Kansans wanting to hold onto a little more of their paychecks . . . or preferring that when they need help it comes from their family, their church, their community--not an intrusive federal government." But what's really astounding is that Mr. Frank, who offers little in the way of economic data, would base his argument on such blatant falsehoods. To Mr. Frank's liberal prejudices, something may be the matter with Kansas, but it sure isn't its economy." By the reviews, most (unbiased) people can't get through the first chapter without choking on the liberal propaganda. Maybe if the author had presented data instead of rhetoric... Basically, his argument is: "why would people not vote to give themselves free #$@!?"
  20. Early testing showed that the lag was the main culprit in producing dizziness. It was addressed and the early reviews are better. I'm a little skeptical, but it looks promising. I want to try it with FPS games since I generally can't play those without getting sick (not even minecraft). Another thing I'm looking forward to trying is combining it with an exercise bike or stepper. A lot of people said they naturally sped up or slowed down based on the scenery without noticing. You end up with a better workout.
  21. So they are threatening to ignore an agreement to ban ballistic missile testing if they are not allowed to test ballistic missiles. Seems reasonable.
  22. Who's getting one? I was thinking about it, but then my house broke.
  23. Jehovah's witnesses getting serious; no longer need door to knock on...
  24. What does a customer have to do with Trump? Considering the backlash the left has seen following the never-ending PC race bating the last few years, it would be idiotic for them to go that route.
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