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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. The bird has convinced me, I'm feeling the Bern.
  2. He's texting about the creepy guy staring at him at the gym?
  3. Cloverfield was a little better than average. A solid rental. Cloverfield was better than Batman v Superman.
  4. The liberals assured us that they would never force religions to perform gay marriages against their beliefs. They promised!
  5. Even if you don't know how to look it up (or he bought a cheap brand), it will show if the roommate is replacing the vodka with water.
  6. Hydrometer $10 at walmart.
  7. It's okay. They've already explained that it's impossible for a liberal to be racist.
  8. Except for the mistake on the bottom right, it's actually pretty good. BlackDoodlesMatter. I'm actually more interested in what the diamond means.
  9. The smuggled the parts into the US and assembled the sub here.
  10. Is Facebook allowed to call out idiots?
  11. Obama should visit North Korea next. They can show him their grocery store.
  12. Didn't the governor already take responsibility? A lot of people are taking blame, just not on the Democratic side.
  13. If they had let the EPA intervene sooner, the residents would have been tipped off by the orange water coming out of the faucet.
  14. What do you expect from the left? Their most trusted news source is Comedy Central.
  15. That was one of the first things that came to my mind. A lot of people wanted that job. Seriously, who looks at people's cellphone stickers?
  16. No clue. I think that's just how long it takes HR to log the phone details into the system. I've seen it go through the next day, but usually 3. While we aren't allowed to use the camera feature, they have to let them inside since all cellphones have them. I've yet to see someone's phone not get approved. (lately).
  17. They made everyone with an approved cellphone update to a new reflective metallic sticker, yesterday. (the newest version). I had the old laminated matte version which suddenly wasn't allowed anymore. I didn't see anyone sneak a phone inside this time. On an unrelated note, someone else got fired for showing up to work drunk on St. Patrick's day. Guy was in his 20's. It's been exciting at work lately. I think there might be a meeting on fire-able offenses soon.
  18. I've noticed that it's blocking a lot of pro-Trump/anti-Hilary sites, but not anti-Trump/pro-Hilary. The filters are biased.
  19. Maybe they just wanted to sell oranges.
  20. Why is "Global Warming" the only science Liberals obsessively believe? They don't understand Economics. They're afraid of GMO's. They warn against Vaccines. They reject the concept of genders. They preach a Technology-free carbon-less lifestyle... Why is this one thing different?
  21. Some of us just want to see the current political system burn.
  22. I would be more worried about "secret" campaign donations if the biggest fund raisers hadn't already dropped out of this election. (at least on the GOP side) Just another thing Trump can use against Hilary in the general.
  23. Conservative solution: Stop everything and figure out what we're doing wrong first. Liberal solution: Let's try that again, but bigger this time, and see what happens. Moderate solution: I don't know what you guys are talking about, this water tastes fine to me.
  24. They started running ads last year about how it was our patriotic duty to pay more to rebuild the water system. It included comparing everyone who complained to spoiled children refusing to eat their vegetables. Imagine if the Oil companies ran ads like that... people would riot.
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