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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. The latest government sponsored research involves getting a feminist viewpoint on why glaciers melt.
  2. The only thing you need to know about how great American Healthcare is compared to other nations, is the fact that we produce, and share (for free), more medical patents than the rest of the world combined, times three. The reason why that socialized medicine is cheap? Because they can ignore research and development.
  3. Proof that Democrats spew more loads of $#@!?
  4. Start a modeling agency and get her more jobs. ...and if it were "guys" that pick the models, there would be a lot more variety. Women on the other hand... are a little more discerning when judging each other.
  5. Americanized foreign cuisine is already available. A lot of these demands want "authentic" food from their culture. Although, that one asian guy complaining about the general-tsao's chicken being prepared wrong is a complete idiot. They don't make that outside of America. I love that the black students want more fried chicken days.... (although it's from different college protests) The ass-kicking has come too late...
  6. The two choices are to have healthcare people can't afford, or healthcare that isn't available. At least in the first scenario, you can look to charities or pretend to be an Illegal alien and pin the cost on the tax payers.
  7. Every conservative you can find in 2008 was yelling about Obamacare being designed to be so awful, that the people would demand single payer. Not surprisingly, the liberals are barely catching on to that fact now.
  8. Looking over their demands, I actually like the one about how the food should represent the student demographic. I wouldn't mind eating cuisine from other countries. Although I doubt the students actually know what they're really asking unless they're willing to eat bugs and such.
  9. To be fair, you have to look at their definition of "plan." To a liberal, a plan has to include the government creating an agency to tackle the problem. I've had this conversation with many liberals who say the Republicans offer "no solutions." I tell them what the right wants to do, and they're reply is always: that's not going to do anything because corporations are evil! Only way to fix the problem is to have government take over! So what plan did the Repbulicans propose that include a government takeover... none!
  10. The job is to be the perfect looking human. It's modeling, not the discovery channel. That's like asking the NFL to stop being ridiculous and hire the 5'6" fat guy who can't run or catch.... cause normal.
  11. I love how you get to choose which is the correct answer. Facts by consensus.
  12. Former student? We need to have classes teaching these kids how to keep a secret. Poor kid is going to regret this forever.
  13. Name one "artsy" movie that made money at the theater. They're all rentals now. Ask any movie-goer, we're all more discriminating with our money. The only holdouts are animated. family films (because the parents are in it for the night out, not the movie). The most successfull recently? American Hustle, Wolf of Wallstreet, barely grossed in the 100-200 million range. People in the movie industry are living in the past. The days when theaters were the only option are gone. Stop blaming the studio for adjusting to the consumer. Adapt or die.
  14. Another problem is that no one is going to waste $10 on art. The tickets have gotten so high that the movie better be high budget or it's not worth it. Those kinds of movies are better on Netflix. You want to make a mid level movie with a lot of talking? Pitch it to HBO.
  15. My last house had a septic tank. When the toilet started having problems I moved.
  16. The only thing I know about South America is that you don't drink the water. ...and that things crawl up stuff when you're swimming.
  17. Sewage and garbage. $20 for trash pickup service and $10 fee for recycling whether you do it or not. $5.25 if you take it to dump yourself, but you're not allowed to opt out of the service anyway. If the bin is too close to cars, facing the wrong way, the Bills lost, etc, then they could skip your house. I think it's $10 if you call for a special pickup, but I haven't used that service.
  18. I bought 5 color LED flood lights for Christmas and it was so expensive that I didn't buy any other decorations. They've gone down in price but still prohibitive to buy more than a few at a time. I've also started using them for landscape lighting. I wonder how the neighbors feel about having only one tree lit up. It looks creepy at night. I didn't have problems with moisture as far as I could tell. I still have stockpiles of the old incand... and CFL's... don't know what to do with them.
  19. My Coworker went on a spa weekend with his wife and a few friends. One of the friends was a tranny. He refused to refer to him as anything but a "he." He warned his wife he would do it too. His wife made him go home after the first day. He played Xbox the rest of the weekend.
  20. I'm actually concerned about computer security getting progressively worse.
  21. I bought 2 LED bulbs a month for a year. Then replaced bulbs as they burned out. Half the house is LED now. Including ALL outside lighting. The bedrooms are the only holdouts.
  22. It has nothing to do with the CGI. Hollywood is trying to come up with a formula, when there is only one thing audiences want: To Be Entertained. If CGI was the problem, then animated movies would still be hand drawn. No one cares about the effects. They spent 3 movies trying to re-do Yoda and no one noticed because the story (and acting) sucked. It's not about superheroes.
  23. I did this several times in my 20's. I finally figured out that all jobs suck. So I decided to keep the job that paid the most over the long haul.
  24. Despite the record cold temperatures, I predict that we will still be on pace for the hottest year on record. (like they've announced every year after "adjustments")
  25. I want to see a Transgender player dominate the WNBA.
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