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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. So the Saudi's are threatening to sell our IOU's to someone else. Doesn't that just mean we just owe the same money to another country? Like a bank selling off your mortgage to another bank... For the first time, President Obama might prove useful. He gives zero f#$%s about debt. Anyone else might be concerned. On the other hand, he might be even more scared of offending his Muslim brethren and capitulate anyway.
  2. These are the kind of stats I like to see in video games.
  3. When you push for a "living" wage, more people get stuck making the real minimum wage; which is $0/hr.
  4. How much more did Sanders voluntarily pay in increased taxes to help pay his "fair share?" I assume he wants to contribute at least 75% of salary like his Scandinavian utopia model.
  5. You still don't know the difference between a movie intended for entertainment vs an "artsy" movie pushing for oscars? All of these movies that garner attention at film festivals rarely make any real money. Like I said: No one cares. What was the last best picture movie that people paid money to see... gladiator? Didn't Chris Rock make a joke about all the oscar movies essentially being box office bombs? I actually like watching historical movies... on Netflix.
  6. I heard "Felt" will be more topical since Hillary will be running. After so many racially focused movies, they've lost a lot of impact. What makes this one different?
  7. I love how the Berniacs are calling out media bias when they were part of the group that insisted it didn't exist before...
  8. I love the response from the Million College Idiot marches.... Question: How are we supposed to fund all of this? Answer: It's not my job to figure that out, that's what we elect politicians to do. My job is to demand free s#@%.
  9. Have you ever talked to a Swiss person? Liberal: They are so environmentally conscious; living in small houses and biking to work. Swiss: I live like that because I can't afford a car or a big house. Liberal: Everything is free in Europe! Healthcare, Education, Maternity leave... Swiss: These taxes suck! They even take money from my savings account... Liberal: They are so open-minded! They don't recognize genders. Swiss: Did our kids really just ask for Incest and Necrophilia to be legalized? Our country is f#$@%ed. Seriously, why do Liberals continuously cite European countries as an example of "successful" socialism when citizens of those countries absolutely hate how screwed up their countries have become? Every single one has major financial issues (except maybe Germany, but their problems run deeper). Typical "grass is greener" mentality.
  10. Just use the solar sails to capture high speed tachyon eddies to accelerate to warp 1.
  11. The easiest way to lower the crime rate is to stop reporting crimes to the police.
  12. I don't know how to react to people who are genuinely outraged that their hashtag activism accomplished nothing...
  13. It will include 17 dream sequences and no less than a dozen flashbacks to the night Batman's parents died. The end credits will feature a pop quiz on how many pearls Martha lost down the rain gutter.
  14. Hardcore Henry will distribute barf bags with every ticket purchased. 3D showings of the movie will include prizes for anyone able to stay 'till the end.
  15. If you don't believe that it's possible for brain-dead zombies to tear down civilization, you haven't been paying attention to mizzou...
  16. I had a professor in college who proposed that home landscape designs should only include plants capable of producing food. Every household should be able to survive independently (Grass, shrubs, hedges, flower beds, etc serve no real purpose), extending the policy to include rain collection and wind mills. ...surprisingly, once again after all these years, I find myself warming to the idea as a way to survive the zombie apocalypse.
  17. In the case of identity theft, by allowing illegal aliens to use stolen SSN, they can effectively lower the overall refund amount by forcing additional income onto the legal citizen. -especially since no alien is going to withhold taxes on their paycheck. It could take years to resolve the issue, in which case they basically give the government an interest free loan (and in some cases) complete denial of funds if the tax-payer loses their will to fight it. (especially if the legal cost is more than the money owed to them).
  18. I have an issue with the article... No one ever said that it would make insurance affordable for YOUNG adults. The college students might have assumed that fact since they believed that it would be "free," especially for those who don't have jobs... but the point of Obamacare was to force the young to pay more, to balance a discount for the elderly. Just because the discount never happened, does not mean they spared the young from the increased cost. I find that many liberals tend to confuse their "hope" for what a law will do with the reality of what it actually does...
  19. 1)offer an option to forgive all student loan debt. 2)anyone who takes the offer must pay the equivalent in taxes instead... Most of these kids won't know the difference...
  20. So people with money should not be able to buy better service... We should make those rich bastards pay more of course, but only to subsidize the free loaders. It's only fair.
  21. I hope they finally explain what a "bothan" is, and why so many of them died.
  22. The last time I went to one of these things, I ended up trying the really hot wings and almost killin' my tastebuds for good.
  23. Every industrialized nation is trying to figure out how to get out of their awful single payer system while we're rushing to join them. You Liberals do realize that other countries are trying to figure out how to bring back private medical practices to fix their shortages right?
  24. If they just let 10 more guys into the bar that want free beer, all of their problems will be solved.
  25. Just slap "blacks only" on those two buildings and they can meet one of the demands!
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