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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. They should do a 10hrs walking topless in NYC video.
  2. At least Rhino admitted that he's ignoring the negative health affects of weed. Of course it's harmless, the pot heads say so.
  3. There are varying degrees of lying. ...and they were only labeled lies after the fact.
  4. I haven't seen a media crusade this big since Arizona decided to enforce immigration laws. While I look forward to the day when women can walk around with their nipples out in public, I'll assume it will come with a law banning men from looking, because it would be harassment.
  5. If you bring over enough un-Americans, you can change the definition of what it means to be American. -Also known as the long-term strategy of the peaceful Islamic movement.
  6. So you're going to completely ignore the fact that the pro-weed side is trying to convince people that it's harmless? That people don't get addicted and it just causes the munchies... never-mind the studies showing that it's basically alcohol and cigarettes in one. It isn't all about making a profit. Which isn't even a bad thing. Every time I see someone add the word "big" to something, it invalidates their point. I immediately see tin-foil hats... why don't we ever see: big weed big environment big union big feminism big organic food big hollywood
  7. It would help if illegal aliens were given their own SSN's to prevent identity theft. Kind of like leaving your car door unlocked so the thief doesn't have to break a window.
  8. I don't have any problem legalizing any drugs either, but at least be honest about it's effects. The propaganda about weed (from both sides) is ridiculous.
  9. http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2016/04/15/school-superintendent-principal-confront-moms-over-jesus-lunch.html Free food is oppression! It's okay if the kids grab fast food off campus, but home-made meals at a city park must be stopped...
  10. So their biggest advocate, a liberal economics professor, is saying that at best, the negative impact of raising the minimum wage can be offset by its benefits if people and businesses would just stop panicking and ride it out... At least the governor admits it isn't about improving the economy, but a step towards social "justice".
  11. http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-chicago-teachers-contract-fact-finder-report-met-20160417-story.html Teacher's union rejects facts... I'm wondering how they're going to pin a problem caused by decades of Democrat policies on a Republi----- oh wait.
  12. The argument has already been brought forth that getting rid of money eliminates greed. To add to this revolutionary concept, I put forth that eliminating food will stop hunger.
  13. Since it's been proven by consensus that pot is not addictive, he doesn't need a remedy. And do you know what's better at relieving chronic pain, nausea, glaucoma, migraine and more? Meth.
  14. He's asking how his babee gone git his clothes fo school, if he can't rob noboby.
  15. I forgot to inform my bank about the vacation and they put a hold on my account after a few unusual transactions. Luckily, I lost only a few hundred instead of the few thousand I rationalized I could deal with...
  16. She tested a .37 after the accident, getting medical attention, and being taken to a police station. What was it when she left the house?
  17. Guests at the Sanders party are encouraged to take their fair share of Hors D'oeuvres from Hillary's party next door.
  18. Police threw chalk on the sidewalk to disperse the crowd. Many are now seeking PTSD counseling from the hate crime: excessive use of whiteness.
  19. Haven't we already learned our lesson from the last two presidents people believed were geniuses?
  20. She might make great sandwiches.
  21. When I was a kid, they charged $0.15/day for overdue books. I'm sure the penalty has grown since then. If the book was late for two years, she should owe around $110.
  22. Batman v Superman doesn't hit the 1 billion mark and it worries studios. Your best examples of oscar worthy movies hover around 150 million and you think they're successful. You're in too deep to see the big picture. No one goes to see Oscar movies anymore. In fact, no one even knows who won outside movie critics. There's a reason many in the industry (Spielberg) are pushing for mid-budget movies towards on-demand services instead of theatrical release. You might care about these things because you're stuck in middle, but on one else cares. And the box office receipts prove it.
  23. How do you stop people from hiding money? Put cameras between everyone's mattress?
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