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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. It's the leader we deserve for a population who gets it's relevant news from comedy central. Today's moderates will be labeled tomorrow's extreme right. We already have people calling Obama a center-right President, when he was considered a far lefty socialist 8 years ago.
  2. Would the Mexican Wall be considered part of defense spending, or can they count it as a stimulus towards creating shovel ready jobs?
  3. I don't understand the point of this video. It just points out that the internet is mean... like water is wet. As far as trying to imply that women have it worse, I don't buy it. More hate is directed at men than women online. The difference is that we have an instinct to protect women, and let the men take it. Any woman that gets "harassed" online immediately has everyone coming to their defense. People take notice and rally. When was the last time anyone defended a man getting ridiculed?
  4. I find it interesting that Europeans found it odd that we don't regulate a person's food intake. Their regulations focus on what business can serve to the public, while we mainly focus on how the product is produced.
  5. A Trump presidency would be a lot more entertaining than one featuring Hilary. Although, I would like to get the war of the sexes started. We need to get these nutty liberal ideologies out into the light. I'll mansplain to anyone who doesn't know what I'm talking about... Cruz would just be boring.
  6. There is a medical use for every narcotic, especially if the goal is pain relief. Meth would work a lot better than Marijuana.
  7. Just because it was predicted, doesn't mean it wasn't an @#%-whooping. But I'm sure you're still trying to convince yourself that it's not happening. May I suggest moving to Canada?
  8. I agree with her statement that she was fired because she was white. Had she been a black woman, she would would still be teaching. Probably elevated to a committee position on diversity as well.
  9. My phone is racist. It auto-corrects my spelling.
  10. "Grammatical choice is a reflection of ideology." Wow, I wish I had used that excuse on my English teacher. Genius. FYI, these are EDUCATION graduate students.
  11. I already bought a boat.
  12. https://www.yahoo.com/news/trans-woman-just-posted-very-154616659.html This woman posted a picture of himself committing a crime. Will she get arrested?
  13. Bernie is like that crazy grampa that tells you how great it was living in a van following the Dead all summer.
  14. No money? $3 million has already been CONFIRMED to have been transferred. Are you even reading your own articles? Your entire argument is based on a quote from a guy who isn't even in charge of the money. He's a PR guy. The charities aren't concerned either, they just weren't sure about the schedule. The only outrage is from a liberal watchdog group... have they confronted the Clinton Foundation? You're pushing an agenda based on nothing.
  15. The response is already coming out from the Hilary campaign: They said that everyone online is already a paid robot, and they're just the honest ones admitting to it.
  16. If you support Bernie, you're part of the problem. If you support Hilary, you're the reason people support Sanders.
  17. I think we've finally figured out where things went wrong. He's fallen for the propaganda. Despite the fact that not a single simulation has been able to predict anything with any accuracy, he still thinks the science is "settled."
  18. You're worried that it's been less than three months, and only half of the money has been transferred to the charities? That's downright efficient distribution under most circumstances. (Better than FEMA, The Peace Corps, or the Red Cross at least) Now compare that to the State Department suddenly finding more Hilary emails after a year of investigation. Email stored in one server taking a year to find, or dispersing $3 million to multiple charity organizations in less than 3 months.... are we even going to bring up the Flint Michigan funding promises? ---not to mention that the article even admits that the basis for their story is that they can't confirm if the rest of the money was sent or not.
  19. I think the number of people that have gotten arrested taking pictures in the bathroom is higher than the amount of tranny's that have used one. I wonder if there are more pedophiles, or transvestites, in the population. Despite the liberal rhetoric, there is a difference between some confused millennial feeling girly today, and someone on their way to getting their schlong chopped off. One takes conviction.
  20. Why even have people?
  21. How socialism works. http://www.investors.com/politics/editorials/uc-berkeley-touts-15-minimum-wage-then-fires-hundreds-of-workers-after-it-passes/ Raise the minimum wage and force businesses to take a loss. People lose their jobs. http://www.sfgate.com/education/article/UC-Berkeley-to-eliminate-500-staff-jobs-7244049.php Blame the deficit on Administrative salaries. These "fat-cats" are making too much money. They can hire 2 janitors for the price of one worthless professional.
  22. How about a guns for shoes campaign.
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