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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. %20 of college students admit to using their student loans to go on Spring Break. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-05-20/can-you-use-student-loans-to-go-on-spring-break
  2. Where to start: Hands-up-don't-shoot, You didn't build that, safe spaces, wage gap, Bruce Jenner, White privilege, cultural appropriation, rape culture, microaggressions, #HastagActivism, gender fluidity... It's like everything we've been taught our whole lives is suddenly wrong. I got pulled into it by the Zimmerman trial, which turned into BLM, then mizou, followed by feminists (and Hilary), and then the LGBT bathroom issue. I will take some responsibility for the tunnel vision since I prefer reading someone's viewpoint rather than criticism of it from the opposition, so I have been focused on the left since they're the ones making the demands. I've only recently been drawn back to reading stuff from to the right by the emergence of Trump. I suddenly find myself citing conservative talking points because the left sounds so crazy right now. My young liberal college self would be so angry at adult me.
  3. I only have 1 person on my ignore list. I just noticed that i'm ignoring all of Tiberius' posts. I'm guessing Gator changed his name.
  4. This should be played during the GOP convention.
  5. Wait... so Amy Shumar doesn't want single payer healthcare now? I thought she campaigned for it?
  6. I need to start paying more attention to conservative news, because all I have been reading is stuff from the left, and it's making them look ridiculous.
  7. He will get my vote. He needs to find a way to get the traditional voting bloc to support him, since we're picking between a far left nut job, and Hilary Clinton, he has a shot to do it.
  8. The Circle of Life: an anti-abortion message.
  9. If you don't know anyone who is making more than minimum wage without a college diploma, then you're hanging out with idiots. I am probably the only person in my circle of acquaintances that attended university right after high school. Two of them are head of their departments now; with a high school diploma. Some got their degrees paid for by employers after getting an entry level job. (including a few I had to convince to do it even though it was a free benefit). I find it insulting that (liberal) universities now advertise that you need college to "learn how to think." And many people believe it.
  10. Does a starving person care about the flavor of Ramen? These are things we must know! If you want to see the most racist depictions of Native Americans, visit an Indian Casino.
  11. You didn't do that, someone else made that happen. You have to remember that the millennial generation believes that it's considered a "Privilege" to have an adult actually parent a kid. Someone told me that I was incredibly lucky to have a dad to teach me how to drive a car.
  12. Every person who mentions rent as a cost immediately loses the argument. Live with your family. Everyone else in the world lives with their parents. Americans are the only ones who think its a necessity to have their own house. Do we even have to talk about every adult owning a car? And no, I don't care if you have to commute an hour to work, you're the dumbass that decided to live that far. We've been so rich that we've skewed the idea of what it means to be poor. How many times have you heard someone say they're destitute because they don't have anything left after paying their bills? That's not what poor means.
  13. I'm never going to visit any of your houses.
  14. I've recently noticed that quite a bit of news media members say that they don't understand how Trump can be so popular when no one they've spoken to can tolerate him. Maybe these reporters need to start venturing outside the bubble...
  15. There are no poor people in America. Only idiots who complain that they don't have as much stuff as their neighbor. Seriously, welfare alone is more money than 90% of the rest of the planet's average annual income.
  16. Most liberals believe that rich people hoard money in large money bins to swim through... This order fits perfectly with that worldview.
  17. Bank accounts should be illegal. Any money not spent immediately is hoarding. Hoarding is a despicable act that deprives the working class of jobs Therefore, all excess funds must be seized and redistributed to non-cis-white-hetero-males. It's only fair.
  18. This story will increase his popularity. Trump is becoming a mythic figure. He's a reality star. He feeds off any media coverage. The only way to kill him is to ignore him, and the media is doing the opposite.
  19. Wow. She even tries to explain why only women should be allowed to take "me-ternity" because men don't need a balanced work/social life.
  20. After the blatant threats to withhold funding, how do you expect Americans to support giving even more of their money to the government to provide "free" healthcare, and college education; Especially when they hear politicians (and you) declare Medicaid/Medicare and Social Security as "gifts" of the benevolent government, that can be taken away, despite forcing citizens to directly pay into them. You don't think people will notice when schools and businesses get shut down because they disagreed with political correctness (an idea that is rapidly becoming toxic) in favor of protecting families? Education is a right! ...Unless you don't agree with us, then we'll withhold funds until you capitulate! What's interesting is that the left seems to believe that the best way to convince people they're wrong is to tell them they're too stupid to understand the issue. Probably not a good idea to insult the vast majority of Americans living outside the liberal bubble.
  21. If you agree with the conclusion of that video, than you would also agree that it's a bad idea to give the government even more control of our lives, ie healthcare, entitlements, etc. right? Why in the hell are liberals, who complain about the corrupt system, actively trying to give it more power?
  22. You either die a villian, or live long enough to be a hero.
  23. I googled both and approve. At least he knows what the internet is for...
  24. Do they also claim that it's "settled" science that needs no further discussion? What do you think would have happened if I were to question the lady's assertion that eclipses are tied to global warming? She would probably have called me ignorant, selfish, and racist. However, if you were to challenge the validity of God, religious people are more than happy to talk to you about it... for hours.
  25. That is also a sign of global warming. I recently heard a conversation (at a movie theater) where one person was saying that it feels like there are more solar eclipses now than when she was a kid... and assumed it must be caused by climate change.
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