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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. Without the electoral college, no candidate would ever visit smaller states. It was a problem resolved by the founding fathers. A consistent theme in the constitution is the protection of the minority against the tyranny of the majority.
  2. It's also raysis because Obama endorses her.
  3. Finally watched X-Men Apocalypse and I liked it. As a movie, it's entertaining, if you don't think about it too much. Compared to the MCU it sucks, but slots in nicely with the other X-men movies in the franchise. Although not improving on a movie made 15yrs ago is not encouraging. They need to dump Jennifer Lawrence. I can understand the backlash against it from the fanboys because it basically ignores the source material. A good comment on it was that the studio just looked at comic book covers. I like to think of it as a standalone universe, or even a parody.
  4. We're supposed to feel bad for a guy that bought a new vehicle from the showroom, and spent $300 on his cellphone bill. I've managed to avoid doing both of those things... must be lucky I guess.
  5. My pool is still closed. This is going to be the latest I have ever opened it. Must be global warming.
  6. Which is why I understand why they continually insist that they are actually the original Republicans.
  7. A summary of that "economic" paper. 90% of the paper goes into how CEO compensation has gone up, along with the stock market. A paragraph concluding that CEO salaries must be too high because it didn't match the rate of increased wages for other "top" jobs. A conclusion that states that CEO salaries are bad because it is income earned by the 1% -which already have too much wealth . For a scientific paper, it uses a lot of biased liberal logic.
  8. The reason why people can't have a productive debate on this issue is because they're asking different questions. The right is asking how to improve the economics. The left is asking how to enact social justice. One is a question of math. The other is one of fairness.
  9. Are the Democrats still upset that they have a horribly racist history?
  10. Judging by how much money rich people made during his administration, they were right.
  11. Why aren't White people complaining about the Asian wage gap?
  12. People will often cite what their boss makes after they get laid off. People also complain that they are not making as much as their co-workers regardless of their income. Everyone complains that they are not provided enough for a comfortable living, even rich people.
  13. yes. In some cases, both teenagers are charged with statutory rape.
  14. Is it illegal to move a dead body?
  15. It's called a statute of limitations. Prosecutors can wait to charge someone until they have enough evidence.
  16. How else are people going to be able to afford shoes for school if they're not allowed to riot?
  17. Like the Ghostbusters movie, her loss will be blamed on a sexist culture.
  18. I also agree that raising the minimum wage will result in improved service at McDonald's. ...because it will replace the employees with robots.
  19. Isn't California one of the states trying to remove grammar and spelling from school testing because it's oppressive to minorities?
  20. This is being spun as both male rape oppression, and female sexual empowerment.
  21. Stay in your lane. Ignore what they do. Let Darwin take care of it.
  22. Haven't seen X-men, but It's disappointing to learn that audiences are giving it the same rating as BvS. I wish they would give joint rights to Marvel to fix the franchise, but it will never happen now. Civil War is the best movie of the year so far... slightly better than Deadpool since It is more re-watchable. Also, It only took Marvel 1 scene to fix Spiderman. And I approve of hot Aunt May.
  23. I know that it's his hook to insult the customers, but that owner needs to go beyond simple fat and toilet jokes. Go on the internet and learn better material.
  24. Maybe they should focus on having the kids vaccinated first. The doubt in medical science seems to be a bigger concern than climate change right now.
  25. I've seen that happen where a new hire sued because he said he wasn't given enough training to do an entry level job (basically secretarial work). I guess that college degree he had in Business taught him nothing. I've seen the training program go from 2 days (when I was hired) to 2 weeks; and newbies only have to work till lunch time the 1st week now, so they're not overwhelmed. The upcoming generation is a bunch of coddled pu$#@!%.
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