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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. I thought they were making a movie.
  2. Unless she grew bigger boobs, plastic surgery should not be noticeable.
  3. Men age like wine, Women age like milk. Darwinism- As a man's stock rises, it meets the plummeting worth of an aging woman. In this way, any guy has a shot with any girl when their values eventually meet. So don't worry if you're not getting laid in highschool. That prom queen will come running in her 40's...
  4. When liberals fear the monsters they created...
  5. The GOP has already lost this election. Both principle candidates are liberal nutjobs. If people don't vote third party in this election, it's never going to happen.
  6. There seems to be a discrepency in recent polls (online and exit) being waaaay off the actual results. Some voters (mostly democrat) are yelling election fraud.
  7. If you don't believe that the government is capable of halting food production/delivery, just look at Venezuela. Socialism is especially effective in producing a shortage of basic products.
  8. After "Hope and Change" by the most non-stereotypical candidate in history became just more of the same, people woke up to the reality that whomever they pick will make no difference. Trump is the manifestation of people's frustration. President Camacho promises free Brando in every water fountain.
  9. Supporting Trump isn't about picking a President. It's a middle finger salute to Washington. It's a declaration that this Idiot is still better than current politicians. If a Kardashian were to run, it would get the nomination.
  10. This is a real plan proposed by liberals to fight illegal immigration. The idea is to make Mexico the same as America, so they won't want to cross the border. It was the rationalization for NAFTA. They sold it as making Mexico better, but it still works if it makes the United States worse.
  11. What's easier? finding and deporting all illegal aliens finding and confiscating all guns ...although, only one of these is currently against the law. (even though it's not enforced.)
  12. I'm looking forward to finally getting my fast-food order correct once they kick the minimum wage whiners out. And the easiest way to wipe out the human race? Sex-bots.
  13. step one would be to believe someone when they admit to supporting Isis. step two would be to allow law enforcement to investigate the confessed sympathizer without yelling "islamaphobia.
  14. First reports were that the kid was wading in the pool. People see a no swimming sign, but still think it's okay to put your feet in the water to cool off. Like most people, the parents probably thought there was no danger because they were at a resort.
  15. A Muslim terrorists shoots up a gay bar. In response: Hilary expresses her support for Muslims. Wants to ban guns. Trump expresses his support for the 2nd amendment. Wants to ban Muslim terrorists. ...and Obama blames American culture, and wants to ban Trump.
  16. Vote for President Camacho. If it's all the same, might as well be entertained.
  17. What did the French government propose after the Paris attacks? -first of all, the closed the border to Muslims. -second, since they can't ban any more guns, they tried to ban... the internet. 'Cause the internet creates terrorists. This is the liberal mind. Beware. "I teach the Constitution for a living. I revere the document when it is used to further social justice and make our country a more inclusive one." At least he admits that he only likes certain parts of the Constitution. Screw the rest, amirite?
  18. Red dog would be that hunch back that betrayed Leonidas because he believed it was pointless.
  19. There has to be a way to let criminals roam free without them committing any crimes.
  20. What happened to the Bills using GPS to track player movement in practice?
  21. I actually saw a boy peeing in the river.... then jump into it.
  22. So far the left has blamed: Christian Conservatives The NRA The Gun itself Trump's speeches The Bathroom bill Automatic weapons Anti-Muslim culture Bush Social Media Republicans in general Anti-gay culture Capitalism who are we missing?
  23. WHy is it so easy to picture you with a porn 'stache serving fondue?
  24. If some of the customers had guns, there would probably be around 10 people dead, with more than half of them being shot by friendly fire... but the left would lose their $#@!. even more.
  25. Considering that unmarried women without kids actually make more than men, I could be looking at a raise.
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