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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. It's time for common sense bike tire laws. There is no need to put air in there!
  2. Maybe they can mix the two like they do with gasoline and ethanol.
  3. They probably should have released it as a mini-series on Netflix instead of a theatrical release. It's similar to the final fantasy movies -not for general audiences. It does have the best cgi Magic effects I've ever seen in movies. Very well depicted. (better than LOTR) I will admit that I got excited when one of the characters was holding a weapon I had used in the game... So a little bit of fanboy came out.
  4. What do you do if you don't want to upset your special snowflake? Show them a fake report card! http://www.popsugar.com/moms/School-Offers-Change-Grades-Report-Card-39859714#comments
  5. Watched Warcraft. It's the best movie, based on a video game, ever made. Mainly because It didn't sell out. The story and characters are taken from the games, and included a lot of useless tidbits, just to be accurate. However, it's probably why it's getting bad critical reviews because it doesn't cater to non-players. Basically, if you've never played Warcraft -ever, you're going to be asking "who the hell is that guy, and why did they mention him if we never see him again?" and "Why are there multiple main characters? Why can't they just follow one plot?" -an example would be the significance of the baby. Completely pointless if you have no idea who he is... As a player, you're going to see a lot of easter eggs- and squeal like a girl when you see actual game characters (and architecture, and armor) in the movie. It was produced by the game developers, and not a movie studio. As an oblivious movie goer, you're going to be confused (and bored) in parts. Like your girlfriend when you forced her to watch LOTR. FYI: i've played the game, but know next to nothing about the lore or backstory. The international title is "Warcraft: The Beginning" , so it's meant to have sequels.
  6. Still impressive that a guy using his own money was able to win the GOP nomination. Since the Republicans are still refusing to open up the vault for him, maybe he can get some of that Democrat money since he's been a donor for years.
  7. Overdraft protection is racist because only white people would have two accounts open in the same bank.
  8. Why would a gay man want to be surrounded by 72 women?
  9. I heard that the left are developing a series of videos explaining to people why they are racist.
  10. Did Ray Rice get the award last year for bringing attention to domestic violence?
  11. There is no need to ask for the full transcript. It's already being accidentally destroyed. I already saw an edited version replacing [omitted] with "Trump."
  12. Yet another liberal who believes they have some sort of insight because they managed to guess who won the election. Let me guess... elections have consequences? .... is it time to ride in the back of the bus? Wasn't Obama getting elected supposed to magically cure racism?
  13. I still don't understand how government expenditures managed to go up during the shutdown. That's like my car using more gas when it's off.
  14. Good. I always hated having to forgo ice in my drinks.
  15. I was disappointed to find out that asteroids are so far apart, that it's not difficult to fly straight through the belt without encountering one. Star Wars lied to me. So you can't really lose that alien ship following you by going into the asteroid belt.
  16. Is it safe to drink the water in Jamaica?
  17. After the first round of votes were counted, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump were deadlocked. Instead of going through a recount, the two agreed to a week-long ice fishing contest to settle the election. Whoever caught the most fish at the end of the week would be the President. The candidates decided a remote frozen lake in northern Wisconsin would be the ideal place. No observers were allowed on the fishing rounds, but both candidates would need to have their catches verified and counted each night at 5PM. After Day 1, Trump returned with 5 fish. Hillary came back with nothing. Day 2 finished, and Trump caught another 5 fish, but Hillary once again came back with nothing! On Day 3, Hilary decided to send an intern to follow Trump, figuring that he must be cheating. Day 3 finished up and Trump had an incredible day, adding 10 fish to his total! The following day, Hillary calls a press conference, calling Trump a cheat. While showing a video of Trump fishing, she proudly exclaims, "Can you believe this? He’s cutting holes in the ice!"
  18. All they have to do is make it illegal to remove the battery from the gps gun. Like those tags on mattresses.
  19. Justice Department doubles down on curbing Islamaphobia, but has no problem with media pointing fingers at conservative christians. Already heard a liberal coworker label the Orlando (and Britain) shooters as right-wing conservatives.
  20. People associate the political policy by which candidate supports it. Everything coming out of Trump is Conservative, and everything out of Hilary is Liberal.
  21. I wonder if it's Obama or a Secret Service rule that puts Michelle and her entourage on a separate plane too. Also, is there an Army One... or Navy One? I know there's "Marine One."
  22. It's a commentary on the current political spectrum. Obama, who was considered a far left liberal during his campaign, is now seen as a middle-right president. McCain, also historically liberal, was his right wing opponent. Now we have Trump, a life-long democrat, nominated as the GOP candidate. The loony left of today will be seen as the right wing conservatives of tomorrow. Liberalism succeeds by continuously moving the goalposts left.
  23. What would prevent the government from putting everyone on a terror watch list (they already did it for many conservative groups) and effectively banning guns completely?
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