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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. You have the IRS targeting conservative groups. You have Democrats pushing for criminal charges for anyone disagreeing with Global Warming. There are liberals demanding race quotas be used by police on whom to arrest. The over-reach is already here. The very first thing that will happen is that everyone will be put on the list. Then you'll have to prove you don't belong on it. Knowing the left, they'll intentional leave out obvious threats to be PC.
  2. Beating adults in golf isn't hard. (x1000 if you're a girl). Actually, adults are easier to beat since the real challenge is beating other children vying for school teams rather than adults out for a weekend of fun; And I've yet to see a women's division (that wasn't LPGA sponsored) that attracted more than your weekend hacker housewife. I agree that the possibility of the crazy vindictive ex is more likely in this scenario, but I also don't like the idea of "prodigies" because it somehow feels like child abuse that happens to have positive results.
  3. Before passing judgement, I would like to know the daughter's opinion. Part of the reason of the divorce could be that the father is forcing the daughter to play excessively. We've all seen parents do this too. -And it's not hard for a girl to be a "prodigy" in golf at that age. The sport is practically non-existent before high school for boys.. much less any kind of competition for girls. I know it says "all-ages", but if you've ever been to these women's tournaments, they can barely scrape together any competition beyond greenies. Maybe wait until she has an JLPGA membership before forcing a career on the kid.
  4. It's also an advertisement to criminals that there are defenseless people inside. Like that restaurant that put the same signs up, then was robbed at gunpoint the same week.
  5. You have to weigh the possible threat of terrorism vs the possible threat of government over-reach. As Americans, we historically fear the government more. Also, only one side of the argument is talking about taking away freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution.
  6. The real question is whether it will get out that Lynch already over-ruled the FBI, or if they'll try to frame it as the FBI's sole decision.
  7. While I side with the theater on the frivolity of the lawsuit, I do think the they should hold some responsibility for putting "gun-free zone" signs up.
  8. Reality smacks millennials in the face. http://www.askamanager.org/2016/06/i-was-fired-from-my-internship-for-writing-a-proposal-for-a-more-flexible-dress-code.html This is what colleges are teaching kids; if they just protest, they will get their way. His next step was to post his complaint on social media to get advice/sympathy.
  9. You can thank women's magazines for this. Somehow, some woman got it into her head that being able to pee in front of your spouse is a sign of intimacy... and she managed to convince the coven. It's on the barometer between passing gas and watching her give birth. She can then brag about how close you guys are to her girlfriends.
  10. Everything she buys is for "us" and doesn't count towards any budget previously set. Any man who doesn't hide money from his wife is a fool. It's her job to hide her spending habits. It's your job to hide how much you actually make. It's not about expecting a divorce, but being prepared. I know so many married men who do this just so they can sleep at night. Women will stretch your salary to the very last cent, leaving no room for emergencies. ...and guess who's fault it is when there is nothing to spare when the water heater bursts? I actually talked to a coworker who's wife calculated how much overtime he needed to work so they can talk a cruise every year (instead of every other -like they discussed before marriage). Guess how much more time she needed to work? zero.
  11. What the government needs to do is to fix the price. Like they do in Venezuela.
  12. It says nothing NEW. That's what happens when you get the charges right the first time.
  13. How were Conservatives able to accurately predict the outcome of Obamacare without passing it first?
  14. This was done by lone wolves.
  15. Why would a whale need a whistle? Don't they already have ones built in?
  16. 1) Accept that it will be your responsibility to take care of everything; money, chores; retirement; etc. Do everything for both you and her...but agree when she tells everyone you guys share the workload 50/50. 2)Nothing you do will make her happy. Just concentrate on making yourself happy without her finding out. Remember, her mission is to make you as miserable as she is.
  17. I wonder what makes this poster "super". https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2016/06/27/super-racist-pool-safety-poster-prompts-red-cross-apology/#comments
  18. If Bush created Obama.... what kind of idiot will spawn from Hilary and Trump?
  19. I flew 1st class United because I wanted to be able to get some sleep on an overseas flight. Turns out their chairs barely recline, and the service sucked. I might as well have been in economy. The only real difference was a wider seat. I tried to get my money back and they said they never guaranteed a "bed" like other Airlines. Never again. I also noticed that a domestic Asian flight was able to do FOOD service in 45mins, but the same 1hr 30min flight time in the US announced they didn't have time to do even drinks because they weren't at altitude long enough.
  20. TIL that MSN and Yahoo will post spoilers to Game of Thrones on their homepage headlines within 1 hour of the episode premiere. I need to stay off the internet until I after I watch....
  21. In response J#8 -You cannot treat White pride as an abomination, and say Black pride is commendable, when they act the exact same way. (although only one has been allowed to do so with little consequence recently.) 1) Go to the Mizzou/liberal protest thread and read all the articles from BLM calling for segregated facilities and a race war. Get on Youtube, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc and listen to blatantly racist remarks being openly supported by the MSM, with the excuse that minorities are incapable of being oppressive.... and tell us again that it's mostly a peaceful ideological difference. There are no shouts for "equality" ...only screams for "justice." Even when asked for demands, BLM groups have refused to negotiate (or reiterated vague manifestos) stating that nothing short of eliminating western civilization itself will do. Try explaining "white privilege" without sounding insane. 2) Despite the rhetoric, only the mainstream left has tried to justify these violent acts as the "price" of social justice. How many times has the MSM told the public that harsh words were the cause of the riots? It's Trumps fault for speaking in that city... "let them loot, it's only property." Why is it okay to say "extreme neo-natzi white supremicist", but not "radical islamic terrorist?" when one even defined himself as such.? Why was imprisonment justified for someone spewing racist threats, but was dismissed as a youthful prank when it was revealed to be a hoax? (multiple times) The conclusion seems to be that free speech should always be celebrated whenever it promotes the liberal ideology, even if it comes in the form of violence. ...and Obama agrees.
  22. Is it better or worse than Ender's Game?
  23. I don't think Hitler was mentioned this much when he was alive.
  24. From the lack of modifier, it's easy to figure out which side was doing the stabbing. What we need is a "purge" style safe space. Everything in this park is legal!!!
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