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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. Give up. You have no answer and you know it. You based your entire argument on one premise and it got destroyed by a single fact.
  2. The students sending death threats to him are protected because they were triggered.
  3. Do you believe a higher percentage of black people are in jail because of racism, or that they commit more crimes than other races? Do you support a race quota based law enforcement system like the Democrats have proposed?
  4. Snowflakes scared of police on campus, forces University to shut down during RNC http://www.foxnews.com/us/2016/07/12/students-scared-cops-on-campus-force-university-to-take-drastic-measures-during-rnc.html# They should post "Police Free Zone" signs on campus. Let's see how long they last inside their safe space.
  5. I found the gate to my back yard open today. I think there is a Squirtle in my pool.
  6. "Too often, we judge other groups by their worst examples; too often we judge ourselves by our best intentions." -President G.W. Bush, during Dallas memorial.
  7. If a loony left publication like Slate is bashing Ginsburg.... ...and who admires a Justice enough to change their mind? Lawyers? What was the point, unless she plans to step down soon, or that she has completely given up the notion of an unbiased Supreme Court. Are the liberal Justices finally going to stop pretending they're reading the Constitution?
  8. President Barrack Mountain Dew Obama addresses the House of Representing... soon.
  9. The biggest impact of a Hilary presidency will be the three new liberal Supreme Court Justices that will shred the Constitution.
  10. Inflation also decreases the impact of long term debt. This has the effect of promoting the use of credit while discouraging stagnant hording of capital. If you stash your money under the mattress, it will depreciate with inflation, but it's the same with a mortgage loan; making the principle easier to pay off over time. Unfortunately, this is also the foundation of current government spending. They push the fed to create more money, to increase inflation, so the national debt will seem more manageable.
  11. I have decided to pull my support for Bernie. Of the three liberals left in this election, I'm voting Johnson.
  12. The cornerback was facing inside with his hips facing towards the goalpost when Sammy made his break. There is no human alive who can run in the opposite direction of their hips. The only player that could have made that play was the linebacker in front who was was also shading inside. There was no safety on the play since he moved to cover the overload. The CB responsibility was the deep route and his technique was towards covering over the top. It wasn't a trail since it's cover-3. The Linebacker was the flat. The comeback intermediate was open, which is where Sammy went. The play was designed for Hogan and Taylor made the easy read and throw. To the primary receiver. But Watkins was also open. Unlike Madden, it isn't about where the Defender is located, but how their body is positioned. A player that is 5yds away facing a receiver can get there faster than one turned around 1yd away. Brady, Rogers, (Kyle Orton) makes those throws. Watch their games.
  13. I use a monitor. It's the same thing.
  14. Can someone explain to me how a cop can racially profile a person driving a car? Seriously, I can't even tell who's driving until I'm next to someone. Most of the time, you can't even see because of the window tint unless you look through the rear-view mirror.
  15. How long before the same environmentalists will call for a stop to the research because it might be a GMO? Who do we follow? The Environmentalists calling for more windmills or the the Environmentalists trying to save birds?
  16. I read the cover-3 and figured correctly the two outside WR's would be open. The timing of the play calls for hitting Hogan just as Woods is running by the flat defender to block him from cutting off the pass(if its zone) or running him out (if its man). Why is there a play where Hogan is the primary read? Personally, I would have gone for Watkins because he had his CB completely turned around. It's a risky throw over the flat defender but could be a TD if he makes his already confused CB over-run the comeback tackle. (Watkins was open no matter what defense the Patriots decided to run there.)
  17. Look to the Japanese for the next evolution: Sex Robots.
  18. When it gets a divorce, how will the judge know who to $#@& over?
  19. What we need is common sense nuclear weapons laws. Put "WMD free zone" signs around Iran.
  20. That's it. I'm done. Bring on President Camacho. The country is officially #@$%&.
  21. The difference is, when faced with indisputable evidence, Hilary chose to continue denying everything. She learned from Bill.
  22. I'm expecting the democrats to announce a plan to disarm the police.
  23. I was just in Southeast Asia, and they check the cars that enter the airport (under carriage mirrors/passes), security to enter the building, security to enter the terminal, and security to board the airplane. -all involving scanners, metal detectors, and male/female pat downs. Surprisingly, it was the Americans who complained the most. I had to explain it to them because they were making a ruckus about getting in line, again. One couple asked if they could just follow me, because they were confused about where to go and what to do. What sucked was that I had to throw away my water each time. And those airports are hot.
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