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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. Anti-gun protestors will ask why the cop just didn't shoot the truck from the patient's hands. I thought it was strange that the therapist was shot in the leg. No one gets shot in the leg on purpose.
  2. She should contact Hilary.
  3. Like the shooting in Minnesota, I will wait for the rest of the story about the therapist. We have yet to see a real unjustified shooting. Maybe this will be the first one. By "unjustified" I mean following all of Chris Rock's rules on how not to get shot... and still getting shot.
  4. The politics of the show weren't apparent in the 1st season. And it makes little sense to make it the focal point of the show. I stopped watching because two ships just started fighting each other for no reason, other than that fact that both had pieces of information they didn't want to share with the other, and they wanted what the other had. Intelligently, they should both be broadcasting every single piece of information they had to everyone left to listen, instead of maintaining military protocol. A cure for a cataclysm that is supposedly killing billions is being hindered by petty nationalist allegiances. They fight for the "power" to rule a pile of corpses. Idiots. The world is dying, who gives a frack if some warlords get it, and decide to keep it for themselves. At least there would still be people left. It's down to survival of the species. When the Americans figured out how to take down the alien spaceships in Independence Day, did they keep it to themselves? No, they broadcast how to everyone in the world.
  5. Can someone explain to me why different ships looking for the same cure to SAVE THE WORLD refuse to share information?
  6. Can someone explain to me how you can be profiled in a moving car? Seriously. How do cops see who's driving? Like ExL, maybe he's just a horrible driver.
  7. So you didn't read the article? The protestors said they are scared that some people are going to bring guns. The protestors also said that they think the police presence is keeping people from attending. They want the protection of the police without the hassle of having them around.
  8. What cop would tell someone that they pulled them over for armed robbery?
  9. Can they sell the parts and a buyer can just put it together like lego?
  10. They are scared of people possibly bringing guns, but want less police because they think it's intimidating protestors?
  11. The artist forgot to add the big beautiful door to let legal immigrants inside.
  12. Personally, I'd rather not waste my time in court at all than to bait a cop into giving me a ticket.
  13. The world is dying from a disease. Two ships have part of the cure. Why do they refuse to share information? I tried watching it. It sucked. Should be called "the Last Ship of idiots."
  14. Why did they only arrest two people? They're all breaking the law, and they have multiple videos of everyone.
  15. You need better doors. This isn't the movies where glass is made out of sugar, and you can kick open doors wearing high heels. Unless you've got the cops with a battering ram, it takes time to get through. Now if someone is that determined to get inside your house where they don't care if the neighbors can hear enough to call the cops, you've got some serious problems. Probably should look into moving to another city.
  16. What's the recovery time from a Taser hit? I know it's not like the movies where you get tapped and immediately go to sleep for hours.
  17. Is this thread closed or not?
  18. That's why they invented doors: To keep the bad guys occupied while you get your gun out of the safe. HODOR!!!
  19. I love that these protesters think that when they stop breaking the law when the cops show up, they can't be arrested. "But we only blocked traffic for 3 mins before the cops showed up! We complied and they still arrested us!"
  20. You can't steal bullets because each one has to be inspected, approved, and activated by an Apple Genius, otherwise the gun sees it as a DRM violation and refuses to fire. Someone can probably find a workaround, but then Apple will just release a patch that disables all jailbroken iGuns permanently.
  21. That fact that it's an iGun will probably deter any criminal from stealing it, since it requires specialty bullets that cost 10x more than normal.
  22. Isn't it easier to run a continuous line instead of a split? Go from router to Dvd, then Dvd to tv... I'm not really sure that's possible anymore since all my devices are wi-fi, but I thought that's how the older tech worked.
  23. Why are STEM students forced to be well rounded, but Liberal Art majors are not? I was forced to take so many humanities courses, language courses, art history, etc, but I don't see any LA students in math and engineering classes. I expected to see a few artists in my Physics: Light & Color class, but I was sadly disappointed.
  24. All those devices you mentioned improves performance, while this feature disables the device to prevent bad behavior. A more accurate description would be"idiot-proof." ; pointing to the fact that anyone who buys it has to be protected from their own stupidity.
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