The politics of the show weren't apparent in the 1st season. And it makes little sense to make it the focal point of the show.
I stopped watching because two ships just started fighting each other for no reason, other than that fact that both had pieces of information they didn't want to share with the other, and they wanted what the other had. Intelligently, they should both be broadcasting every single piece of information they had to everyone left to listen, instead of maintaining military protocol.
A cure for a cataclysm that is supposedly killing billions is being hindered by petty nationalist allegiances. They fight for the "power" to rule a pile of corpses. Idiots.
The world is dying, who gives a frack if some warlords get it, and decide to keep it for themselves. At least there would still be people left. It's down to survival of the species.
When the Americans figured out how to take down the alien spaceships in Independence Day, did they keep it to themselves? No, they broadcast how to everyone in the world.