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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. If we're going to legalize weed, the open borders will help lower the price.
  2. Another unaffiliated lone wolf bombs a German restaurant. https://www.yahoo.com/news/one-dead-10-injured-blast-near-nuremberg-germany-001700976.html?ref=gs
  3. Do no insult Putin. He cannot be bothered to hang out with kids holding magic twigs. He too busy riding bears through wilderness.
  4. Karlos Williams. He empathizes with women.
  5. It helps prove Trump is right.
  6. It's an electric mower.
  7. There was only one gunman. But Magneto altered the bullet trajectory to make it seem like there were more.
  8. The DNC conspired against Sanders. The GOP conspired against Trump. The difference is that the Democrats have more experience committing election fraud.
  9. Are they going to explain how Sulu got a daughter before deciding to go back into the closet, or is his whole history just going to be ignored in the name of diversity? At first, I didn't care about the change, until I heard George Takai's take on his character.
  10. I've had two barber's in my life, and both retired. The only ones I can find now are male stylists. I used to think it was a big deal, but since the current trend is to have short hair, i found that it doesn't really matter anymore. I go for the convenience.
  11. Here is the same trailer for people who can't go on Twitter. I have to admit, I'm excited to see Wonder Woman finally get a movie; More than Justice League.
  12. According to social science, everyone is gay. It just depends on how much gay you have in you.
  13. The first one of the two who comes out as gay will win that seat.
  14. I'm curious to see how they will blame Trump for the Bernie supporters who get arrested at the DNC.
  15. The solution is to elect Trump to find out what he plans to do.
  16. I wonder if they're going to explain why Checkov won't be back. I'm glad they re-thought Sulu being gay. It doesn't fit with his character. Spock/Uhura is weird enough.
  17. Can't deny that booty. Clooney alternatives good movies and bad movies. Ocean's 11 redeems a lot of suck. McCarthy is like Chris Farley. Good for one movie, but the same gag gets old. She's played the same character since Gilmore Girls.
  18. The DC trailers look so good. But so did BvS at first. Marvel not so much.
  19. Trump will be the end of the Republicans. Hilary will bring the end of the Republic.
  20. CAn someone explain the point the OC is trying to make here? It sounds like he's having a debate with himself, but won't let himself know what he's talking about.
  21. I don't know why, but I like Maggie Gyllenhall. There's a freaky side there that's intriguing But I do agree that she is miscast as a beautiful woman too many times. I think they weren't mentioned because they aren't credible enough. No one has ever taken any of those guys seriously. I agree. I've liked her since her days on Jack and Bobby.
  22. The obvious one is Melissa McCarthy. To an extent, anyone that comes out of SNL recently.
  23. It's less maintenance than constantly plucking them. It's for women who don't want to bother, but prefer a clean look, so they convince themselves it's acceptable. If you want to make a point, try drawing a mustache and sideburns on yourself, and see what they say.
  24. If I think about it objectively, there is no way I would ever vote for Trump... until you mention that the alternative is Hilary.
  25. I never understood how liberal boycotts ever made an impact when their supporters don't even shop at the businesses in the first place. Most of the time, they have to ask for the government to levy fines and revoke permits instead. ...but when conservatives call for a boycott, the stocks plummet.
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