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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. Another word for unpredictable... hope. If we can throw an unknown like Obama into the White House, we can gamble on Trump. What we don't need is a proven disaster in Hilary.
  2. I'm more outraged that the white reporters started moving to the back as instructed.
  3. What's that saying? I'm not prejudice... i hate everyone equally. As far as being commander in chief... the alternative is Hilary.
  4. A friend of mine in college asked us to start calling him a B-sian because he tanked his midterm with an 85%. Culture shock. Can't get away with that now. We'd probably get thrown out for bullying; even if it was his idea.
  5. I tend to imagine a Trump presidency having very little to do with Trump enacting policy. It will all be handled by lower appointees.
  6. If Weed isn't highly addictive, why can't Josh Gordon or Aldon Smith quit, despite facing a lifetime ban?
  7. He was a Republican elected governor of NEW MEXICO before the recession. That's a big accomplishment in that state; like a Klan member leading BLM or Hilary telling the truth. Try creating a surplus budget in a state flooded by illegals; where Democrats have owned the roundhouse for decades.
  8. TIL that I eat too many bananas.
  9. That program will be vilified by the liberals for not just lowering taxes, but doing so for mostly white middle-class families. Conservatives will just complain that there are already too many liberal arts majors flooding the fast food industry.
  10. How many times has a political convention been held where the party actually loses support in the polls? The level of ineptitude we're seeing from the Democrats is historic.
  11. The only way to know online is to check if it's a foreclosure, auction or short sale. A lot of the times, "bank owned" also means it was foreclosed. Another indicator is how many times the house has been sold. Multiple sales is a red flag something is wrong. If the reason is because of some problem wih the house itself, then there is no way to know unless you visit the premises or ask your realtor. Some states won't even let the history of the house be revealed. Sometimes, just googling the address will help. Maybe there was a meth lab next door. It's also good to know that you can back out if the inspection finds something. So be sure to get a good one. Don't skimp on ten's of dollars what could cost you thousands. Ghosts actually raise the prices.
  12. Some chatter from attendees pointing out that people who booed yesterday may have their credentials revoked and booted from the convention. -Irony of deporting their own delegates to the other side of the DNC fence. Some liberals argue that the wikileaks email scandal's Russian connection is worse than Clinton's campaign funding ties to Saudi Arabia.
  13. Messing with time travel can turn someone gay. If that is the case, they can reveal that Spock is really a robot, and the Vulcans were a race of Cylons.
  14. Maybe next time, he shouldn't park so close to it.
  15. What's the DC equivalent of the infinity gems? I know they're going with Darkseid to counter Thanos.
  16. Absolutely no convention news on Yahoo. Top trending story is Chrintina Grimlie possibly getting an album release. (no political news in the top 20) The MSM is trying hard to ignore this one.
  17. Every man knows, that somehow, there is a woman involved in this.
  18. That's what happens when you have studio producers in charge instead of comic developers. They have no allegiance to the source material. DC is experiencing what Marvel is going through with the X-Men/Fantastic Four franchises.
  19. A few weird facts from that story. Stef'an- I was reading it as "Steph Anne." Thought the victim was a girl at first. 1230am- 12 year old kids are out partying in the city. TEEN disco night club Swimsuit Glow Party between 12 to 27 year olds Facebook videos posted of people shot on the ground. Victims were updating their Facebook while in the hospital. Shooters opened fire again later on, this time on a house 5 block down, injuring one person. The club was advertising the event as a "safe space" for kids to hang out.
  20. I tried to find a good picture of Chelsea to try and even the odds. Bad idea. Do NOT google "sexy Clinton."
  21. It's what you would expect from someone working for Kannalife Sciences. That's like asking Hilary to investigate the security of her own server.
  22. Chatter from the studio producers is leaning towards continuing down the EMO theme started in Batman, so don't expect the DC Dark theme to be modified any time soon. I expect to see Aquaman drowning people, and Flash ripping bad guy's heads off.
  23. Engineers are obsessed with bridges.
  24. The first step is to re-label the players to be less scary.
  25. Add him as a coach. We could use another one.
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