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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. Someone forgot the safe word.
  2. Now there are allegations that polls are being doctored to show Hilary in the lead. Hilary is so awful that Trump can't even tank this election properly. While the Republicans struggle to reform their party, the Democrats are laughing at them while their own house burns to the ground as well. There are no winners here.
  3. false advertising. I was expecting them to go through a glacier.
  4. I've got 2$ Is it better to invest in a horse or a lotto ticket?
  5. I'm curious to see how the athletes plan on swimming in the ocean without opening their mouths. Those races will be won by the person who really wants it the most. Bring home Gold and dysentery!
  6. The only thing I'm worried about is if he was a former owner, could the county slap a fine on the property instead of the person?
  7. I've been here a few years. The previous owner was a Sanchez. I don't know how else to find more owners. Maybe he was a room-mate. I feel like I'm being watched. Maybe I should get some cameras in case they start messing with my house.
  8. So I got home today and there was a summons taped to my front door. Some guy named Derrill Wilson owed 2500$ and was being sued for services and goods rendered. etc. I tried looking for a contact number, but it just had the county name and courthouse, the company suing him, and the amount. Also something about 20 days to respond; although I wouldn't know how, I guess go down to the county office... I've never heard of this guy. I think he's about to get screwed. Should I be doing something? Can this affect me?
  9. It reminds me of the school policy of having free condoms in a jar being fine, but handing them out to students is against the law.
  10. I"m expecting to see Mary Poppins remade into a transgender black guy. After Ghostbusters, nothing is sacred.
  11. At least $400,000,000 is better than handing over 5 terrorist leaders for 1 "hostage".
  12. Why is there a distinction between bathrooms and locker rooms? If the left truly believe there is no harm in allowing a boy to enter a woman's bathroom, why do they not extend the policy to include locker rooms?
  13. Anyone consider that both parties maybe trying to tank this election to avoid the impending disaster of Obamacare being blamed on their party? The ACA is set to implode in 2018 when it's finally fully implemented (barring more executive orders), and the president at the helm will take it up the rear (much like Bush for the housing market).
  14. They met with the one (and only) student who complained and asked him what they could do to make the celebration more appropriate for his culture; and his response was that they just need to ask him permission first. That sums it up right there. These snowflakes just want to feel special.
  15. There's been a complete media blackout on Hilary. What's going on?
  16. Eastwood for President!
  17. I went pokemon hunting with my sister. After walking 1 hour and getting nothing, I told her that the game was pointless. She asked me if she should drop a lure to help us out. I told her I wasn't going to sit in the heat for half an hour to catch a cartoon. So we decided to just hop into the car and hunt pokemon that way. Suddenly, I'm one of the douche bags I made fun of last week....
  18. Post in this thread if the subject makes you feel old.
  19. It's funny that the studio version with the altered beginning won over the original, because most reviews say the movie started great then, suddenly started sucking around the midpoint mark and beyond. So the parts where the producers intervened were good, and the original parts shot by the director sucked, which puts into question people's outrage over so much studio interference. It seems that DC and (non-Marvel) studios have been hiring too many directors who care more about creating their "vision" than honoring the source material, and the fans are fighting back.
  20. Suicide Squad is getting hammered in the early reviews. If you remove the inflated rating of Ghostbusters (from fear of feminist backlash), this would be the worst rated summer of movies since the dawn of the internet age. It's officially the Summer of Suck. I'm still going to see it, but if it disappoints once again, I'm giving up on DC completely.
  21. Google "slam poetry"
  22. Because Obama said that ATM's are the reason unemployment is high.
  23. Stop blaming Architects, this is an Engineer's fault. Someone screwed up the survey. Buildings of this size, don't require compacted soil because it's pointless. It basically "floats" on top of piers drilled into the ground. The softer the soil, the deeper you have to go. The reason it's sinking is because they weren't deep enough to provide the buoyancy to counter the weight. The problem you're probably thinking about only happens on recovered land along the coastline because the newly deposited soil is saturated in water.
  24. This study will be retracted, but will spawn a cult of moms who believe that floss manufacturers are just trying to push an agenda to make profits. An organization will be created and will be led by a former playboy model. Probably Pamela Anderson. Then California will be plagued by children with bad teeth for generations.
  25. My group of friends were on the "meh" fence until the "maaahrtha!" moment, then it proceeded into the suck zone. If you want one reason why people didn't like BvS, it was that.
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