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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. Is it me, or are people starting to tune out the Trump bashing? We may get Trump media fatigue long before the election.
  2. or just download Pokemon Go.
  3. Correction: Blue collar workers who've given up wear cargo shorts. White collar workers who like to pretend they're manly, wear cargo shorts. The rest of us think they look stupid and are pointless.
  4. warning from the article: Marijuana will get you out of the friendzone Alcohol will get you laid by a stranger - (and possibly get charged with rape if they feel regret the morning after.)
  5. There is a competition for shooting a rifle 32 feet? Wouldn't a handgun be more appropriate?
  6. They knew about each other, and kept both. Playa!
  7. Japan had Tom Cruise with the samurai. Now we have Matt Damon leading the Chinese.
  8. Someone told me para-sailing was boring, unless you're landing on Jurassic Park.
  9. No one needs that many pockets. Men should only carry three things: Keys. Wallet. and utility knife. Phones are optional.
  10. It's was given to the flag bearer's discretion whether to bow (like Obama) or not. If the leaked info about Olympic village including 75% of the athletes participate in some type of orgy, I'm surprised the US decided to charter a cruise ship.
  11. This sounds reasonable. I really don't want to spend my own money chasing down another guys debt problems.
  12. I'd prefer to go Lamar Odom style.
  13. You would be the kid getting picked on for identifying as a plain, boring "boy". If you want to fit into the snowflake society, you have to be some unique gender ambiguous hybrid.
  14. So far as i can tell, the MSM has elevated a random dude in a dress above Clint f#$%^&*! Eastwood.
  15. Only in the event of a zombie apocalypse.
  16. You like the stray hairs, discoloration, and burnt edges?
  17. It's the nostalgia. Like people who like the pops and scratches sound on vinyl. From the Trailer, Dunkirk could be about anything. Those WW II soldiers were probably ducking to avoid an Alien space ship.
  18. I was planning on doing some work. It's 230pm and so far, all i've done is surf the internet and post on this board. Sometime today, I'll probably hit up Youtube.
  19. It would do more good to just give a million to Juan.
  20. From the article. "WhitelivesMatter" and "Kill Whitey" T-shirts. These two guys are just trolling everyone.
  21. They need to start putting urinals into the women's bathrooms. And couches in the men's...
  22. The Democratic party is getting over-run by communists who self describe as socialist, but being held back by the Wallstreet elite. Meanwhile the GOP is getting flooded by former Democrats fleeing the loony left, but become reluctant to come forward when they're suddenly called bigots for expressing the same opinions they held while part of the Democratic party. So Which liberal is going to steer this ship into the Obamacare Iceberg ahead?
  23. Be very happy that you have not ventured into that part of the internet. Some things can never be unseen. If churches shouldn't get federal funds for education, then planned parenthood shouldn't get any for abortions.
  24. You tricked me into clicking on a Buzzfeed website... now I feel dirty.
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