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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. THere are a few gated communities like that. Cops won't go inside the gates, fearing they will get trapped inside.
  2. In a fight between Big Administration, Big Labor, Big Government, and Big Consumer... who wins? Where does Big Environment fit into the equation?
  3. I'm guessing you're the guy that believes that bread should cost the same as the flour,yeast, and water.
  4. Gasoline is cheap, but cars are expensive. We're being gouged by the automobile industry!
  5. It's entirely about the messenger. KKK wants segregation: racists Black Panthers want segregation: safe space No one called Trump a racist until he switched from Democrat to Republican.
  6. To her credit, Neilson admitted that her personality is very annoying to most people, and that she was really drunk; So it wasn't her fault that she couldn't convince the driver how racist he was without sounding stupid.
  7. I didn't even notice until I saw this thread. Does that make me racist?
  8. The parents usually know if their kid is mature enough to take care of themselves; like knowing never be alone during spring break.
  9. Doesn't look interesting. Reminds me a lot of the Depp movie. I'll wait for it on Netflix.
  10. Looks like it only binds Obama. Like a pinky swear. He won't be in office long. Let him make some friends.
  11. Instead of single payer, why not single provider? Expand the VA to include everyone!
  12. California enacts sanctuary laws for illegals from 3rd world countries. Parents refuse to vaccinate their kids. What could go wrong?
  13. The big risk with Jack is that by the time he gets accustomed to the NFL (in 3yrs) his knee will be gone.
  14. Imagine that criteria in other industries. We would still be paying $0.05 for hamburgers.
  15. Someone has to pay for the rest of the world to be on single-payer. What do you have against poor people in Africa?
  16. National Parks are racist. http://www.latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/la-oe-revoyr-diversity-in-the-wilderness-20160828-snap-story.html
  17. The truth hurts? The US contributes more free medical patents for international use than every country in the world combined, times 4. It's because of the money.
  18. They should cut heroin with marijuana, then it will give you a high while curing your addiction.
  19. They are considered "medical sharps" and must be incinerated.
  20. Watching too much Walking Dead.
  21. How different were the riots in Milwaukee to the KKK mobs? A reporter fled the area because he was afraid for his life when they started looking for white people to assault.
  22. What's even scarier are the people advising others to buy epinephrine from veterinary supply stores and use a needle; to bypass the price gouging. A lot of people are going to do it too... 'cause social media spreads stupid very quickly.
  23. Avoid/wait No Man's Sky - avoid until they have a few patches. It's only interesting for the first 2 hours. NBA 2k series - Create player mode was awful last year. It was so bad it became an ongoing joke. Madden- buy previous year's version for cheap and download updated rosters. Try Rocket league Metal gear V Fallout
  24. For the amount of work it takes, I would prefer to pay someone to do it for me.
  25. It's not just the herbs, but the cooking method. That is the bigger secret.
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