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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. It was always Pryor's fault he didn't make it. He kept insisting he was a QB like Tyrod, instead of a WR. A few teams passed on him because he was unwilling to work on that skill set. Maybe he finally gave up the QB dream after the Patriots passed.
  2. 2 vs 1 again and the underdog is kicking both their @#%$
  3. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/daily-show-no-gays-food-truck_us_57f3b380e4b0703f7590ee42#comments The fact that people are more upset that they're being called gay than being refused service is hilarious. How deep are these liberals in a bubble if they can't see how stupid they look doing this.
  4. The Charlotte rally happened. They just had to CGI more people than actually showed up.
  5. They changed the rule to exclude drug suspensions. The player only misses games, but is allowed into team meetings. It's supposed to keep the player around a support system instead of at home alone.
  6. Hunter won't see the field until Goodwin gets hurt.
  7. Trump supporters are not being conned. Most are supporting him because he is a political wrecking ball. He's supposed to troll the establishment. It doesn't matter what he says because it's about disrupting the status quo. It's actually funny that the Democrats are treating him like a real candidate. It's like an MMA fighter getting into the ring with the Undertaker and hoping not to get hit by a chair.
  8. What the police need is an image change. I'd be willing...
  9. Can you be a Jedi Knight or will the university get sued by Disney?
  10. Get the Playstation Pro. It's the newest version. Ahead of the ps4 and xbox1 Coming out this holiday season.
  11. It is the belief of BLM that police officers carry extra guns in order to plant evidence after shootings. You can't argue with this kind of reasoning.
  12. "it is appropriate to ask the top three-tenths of 1%, the very wealthiest people in this country, to pay their fair share of taxes..." 65%. I don't think they know the meaning of fair. This would make it almost impossible for parents to pass on their small business to their children. That corner deli passed on for 3 generations will end with this fair tax.
  13. It's funny that a video showing how to debate Global Warming with skeptics has the comments section disabled. (they can't even support their own video)
  14. How is announcing Bush's support for Hilary going to help her? This would just make Millennials and Bernie bro's hate her even more.
  15. A bit misleading. The question is whether Sharia law is more important to them. Try asking some Americans whether the Bible is more important than the Constitution; and you'll probably get the same results. What really matters is which interpretation the refugees follow, because it isn't about the ideology, but the fanaticism.
  16. Does the number of dimples produce a statistical bias in dice, like it does with coins?
  17. Always be the bigger boat.
  18. TIL that the sentence "I fought with my mom" has three meanings: 1)We argued 2)We were in a war together 3)I used her as a weapon
  19. So scheduling the debates during a football game would be considered Orwellian? No one kept her from speaking. She also could have come out of the locker room.
  20. What does "Orwellian" mean to you? How is a schedule change an example of it? I'm going to guess "Socialist Progressive". Which sounds like it would be redundant, but they have to make the distinction between "Communist" or "Regressive". I will reserve judgment until I see it. We were promised that it would be respectful. Also, I actually don't mind the "kneeling" as opposed to sitting during the anthem. Kneeling is actually a sign of honor in many cultures. (and religions). Just call it Tebow-ing.
  21. The story is that they offered the tribe $10 million to go through the rez. The tribe wanted 20 so the builders decided to go around them instead. Now the outcry is that their water supply is in danger, because the construction is upstream (but off the Rez) of their "sacred" lake. Follow the money, it will explain everything.
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