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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. This forum has ruined many people's chances in politics. Including mine. The show is more existential than I would like. Need more Wood and less Wright.
  2. Do you want the person, with their hand on the button, to be shaking?
  3. Remember in Elementary school when everyone picked a country out of a hat then came to school with something from that culture? I brought stir-fry noodles and everyone rejoiced!
  4. It's also a legal way to get around doping rules.
  5. How can someone this bad be this close to winning the election?
  6. How can someone this bad still be this close to winning the election?
  7. It also helps if you have a lot of money.
  8. I got curious when some Russian scientists wanted to transplant an entire head onto another body. Then it snowballed to some guy who had dual hand transplants.... and then you can guess what other articles started popping up. btw, none of it worked. But the fact they're trying gets us closer to living forever. I can imagine moving my brain to a younger body every 50yrs.
  9. Female to male conversion is not possible at this time. When they do it, it's just for show. They have to use a prosthetic or donor, and science has yet to figure out how to get nerves to connect. However, there has been some progress in this field. Your great grand kids might be able to do it properly.
  10. Because if it played on the dudes team, it would get murdered. Gender is only a social construct until you consider biology.
  11. Maybe he couldn't afford viagra.
  12. I miss Taco Tuesdays.
  13. Is it possible to use your phone as the remote? ....and has anyone trolled their friends with it?
  14. This guy only gets a 6/10 on that list.
  15. I just want my TV to do one thing well, instead of a lot of things poorly. Choosing a Television for the apps is like picking a car for the stereo system.
  16. No, but i think we have one. Probably in India. The people I mentioned are not doing minimum wage jobs, so these idiots can't use that as an excuse. We're talking the meat of the generation, not the dregs.
  17. Liberals: The only way to get Obamacare to work now is to go full retard!
  18. The bow gave it away. Who dresses a 15yr old like Shirley Temple?
  19. Starting to understand how Trump could be a lifelong democrat but be the Republican nominee? Everything has gone so far left, that moderates now populate the alt right.
  20. This argument would make sense until you throw Bill into the equation. That doesn't even include all the stuff Hilary did while Trump was dating models. She's the biggest threat to feminism since TrigglyPuff.
  21. When did TV's start having apps?
  22. What do you mean this isn't an image board?
  23. I'm already seeing it. The company I work for has adjusted the training program to accommodate Millennials' lack of attention span and work ethic. (longer training, more voluntary days off) Despite their efforts, the retention rate has dropped to 10%. (9 out of 10 quit within a year). HR is slowly adjusting to the trend by hiring more people for each opening, which is giving veteran employees fits because we're having to incorporate absolute idiots into our teams. Seriously, I think one guy came to work high. Another wanted a bonus for making it to work an entire week. Still, another girl asked how long were they going take taxes out of her paycheck.
  24. The survey is biased since they excluded STEM fields. Of course snowflakes will dominate the useless majors.
  25. https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/target-goes-millennials-small-focused-221900215.html Months after Target's CEO declared that customers will come crawling back, boycott over bathroom policy still hurting sales. Target starts strategy to draw millennials with smaller convenience stores; a strategy that Wal-mart already tried and abandoned. So choosing to mock 50% of your customer base to appease SJW's that don't shop at big box stores doesn't work. Who would've predicted that?
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