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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. So that article is celebrating that Obama is using the credit card far less now than he did when he first took office? The DEBT still doubled. It's also frustrating that many liberal news organization have decided to remove the comments section at the bottom of their articles, because their "facts" can't stand up to the slightest bit of scrutiny. -so if you're sharing articles without that feature, just know that it's full of $#@!.
  2. The Democrats were gloating about their "win" before the election was held. Even Clinton herself was readying her transition team two weeks before november 8th, declaring that her campaign was shifting focus from Trump, and more towards down-ballot elections in Congress.
  3. In an Election featuring two Hitlers, Hitler won.
  4. I'm curious to see how the legalization will affect the teams in these cities.
  5. You mean yesterday? Who didn't know that the choices were between two Democrats?
  6. I have to say, the conservative gloating on the internet is a refreshing change from the liberal whining.
  7. I will say about Trump the same thing I said about Obama. If he does absolutely nothing for the next four years, things will turn out okay. People, and the economy will adjust. Government just screws things up.
  8. The last person to ask about my Facebook was the stripper at my brother's bachelor party. I was too scared to log back into it to check if she found me... and I stayed away ever since. That was years ago when only college kids were allowed on it.
  9. Open the VA to the general population. You want government run healthcare... here you go.
  10. I tried talking to my nephew about Trump and world war 3, but all he cared about was finding his missing Lego piece. Now I'm worried about finding it with my bare feet.... Some things are scarier than Trump.
  11. When your most vocal supporters (BLM, Feminists, LGBTQIAPK) all believe that their is some secret institutional conspiracy bringing them down, why would they come out and vote in elections? They ALL prefer to play the victim and become social media famous than to contribute to the establishment by voting.
  12. What can lower costs for families is being able to remove unwanted coverage.
  13. nailed it. Liberals already calling for obstructing any infrastructure funding bill because it was Obama's idea and they don't want Republicans to get credit.
  14. Remember those articles two weeks ago about how Hilary's campaign was shifting their focus from Trump to making a smooth transition to the white house... ooops.
  15. I thought we were supposed to treat Trump like we did Obama?+
  16. Many of those journalists are starting to blame Facebook's/Google's favorites feature that recorded and suggested articles of interest that re-enforced the Liberal echo-chamber. Without knowing it, they shut themselves into safe-spaces of like-minded drones.
  17. I'm not one for conspiracies, but the overwhelming destruction of the democratic party needs to be investigated. This may be one of those time where the left's opposition to voter ID's backfired on them.
  18. SJW's attempt to ban the word "great" as hate speech.
  19. Trump inherited an Obama mess that will take 8 yrs to get over. How long do you think it will take to find all the illegals Obama "accidentally" gave amnesty?
  20. I'm guessing his mom upping the amount of Robitussin flavors qualifies as lowering his healthcare costs.
  21. American accent Cumberbatch is distracting.
  22. It is quite surprising how the ability to find a job is directly connected to the amount of time a person has left on their unemployment benefits.
  23. Obama is half woman. He throws like a girl.
  24. Firing an immigrant for writing an article about illegal aliens... That's like preventing a Native American from going to a Redskins game.
  25. Free-range kids are healthier than box fed.
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