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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. but...but... he said he wasn't a cop!
  2. Bad Idea. They might breed and start their own cult.
  3. We won't do a recount unless we find illegitimacy, yet we won't find that, unless you do a recount. Isn't that the left's argument against voter ID's? (prove to us there is fraud before we can allow you to check for fraud.) If something is found, then steps can be taken to re-store confidence in future elections, which re-enforces legitimacy in the system. If nothing is found, then the voting is already legit. It's a win-win situation. Jill Stein's reasons are obviously biased, but we can use it to accomplish something positive.
  4. A recount doesn't undermine an election. It re-enforces the legitimacy of the vote. There should be an automatic recount after every vote to confirm the results. If we are serious about every vote counting, then make sure. There is massive voter fraud going on. People this passionate about something will try to cheat. There is no disputing that fact. We're relying on an honor system to self-regulate people who literally cry and threaten murder over the results. Voter ID's would be a start... I left a bowl of candy out on Halloween with a note to take only one. Apparently, I had 200 trick-or-treaters visit my house the first 5minutes.
  5. They should have just given the tribe the 20million they demanded to build the pipeline. It will cost more than that in tax-payer money to save these idiots from freezing to death.
  6. You must first verify that both parties are carrying guns before either person is allowed to escalate the confrontation with fire arms. Indiana Jones is an islamaphobe who murdered that peace-luvin swordsman.
  7. Abso-freaking-lutely. -As long as the application is processed before the deadline so it doesn't delay the inevitable. How many jobs does it create?
  8. Remember when climatologists predicted that the world was only capable of producing food for 5 billion people? What happened?
  9. The people trying to stop the recount are as delusional as the ones calling for it. Let them recount the votes. They paid for it. This is still a (relatively) capitalist country. If they want to flush their money away, let them do it. If it reveals an irregularity, we might finally get some voter ID's laws passed. At the very least, we can relive Trump's victory again. I want to see Hilary win the popular vote by 10 million and still lose the EC.
  10. Neither did you. The population grows. The demand increases. The jobs will change. There is a lot of competition coming from outside the US. It is very elastic. We're not talking about oil here. People have options as the technology changes, it will affect the types of jobs needed. The manufacturing jobs (now staying in the US) will probably have to focus on operating machinery rather than brute labor force in Mexico (or other low wage earning country). I have no doubt that the margins are thin, so giving a company willing to give jobs to citizens should be given some incentive. It might even entice others to follow. Government contracts (like tax payer money) is a not finite amount either, but rewarding AMERICAN companies should be a priority. Unlike Obama's administration who outsourced the ACA website to a foreign business. I keep hearing this theory from the left that EVERYTHING is a finite resource. You can only be rich by making someone else poor. One job here means one less somewhere else. Who's teaching this?
  11. How about giving every LEGAL gun owner a MAGA hat so the police know they're law abiding citizens. No hat means the cops can reasonably assume you're a criminal, and can respond immediately if they see a gun present.
  12. What will be more surprising; Conservatives defending a liberal policy, or Liberals attacking it? Maybe if Trump goes to a BLM rally, the MSM will start calling it racist.
  13. Quoting a Liberal acquaintance: "We just replaced black Jesus with orange Satan."
  14. One saved job in America is one less job in Mexico.
  15. So you believe that there are a finite amount of jobs, and by saving one, another company has to lose one?
  16. You don't want the President to save jobs? There is a big difference between giving a company tax-payer money vs lowering taxes for that same business.
  17. If Trump installs a putting green on the white house lawn, he will be just as bad as Obama!
  18. So his point is that using your job to do good things is the same as using your job to do bad things?
  19. So your point is spending money and not what it's spent on?
  20. Obama's confused how Trump was able to save jobs without taxing the rich.
  21. Most of their agriculture is grown by conservatives who would flee the state. They would be part of Mexico before the end of the first year of independence, and just as poor.
  22. The plant was going to stay, but some production models were leaving the plant. We can still credit Trump's phone call (according to reports) for keeping quite a few jobs in America, if not all of them.
  23. If they were sticking those posters on property not designated for flyers, then they deserve to go to jail. That's vandalism. That includes the hipsters who do the same thing when they want to legalize weed.
  24. Trump needs to focus on minimizing the impending Obama recession first, before thinking about creating a surplus. He may need more than 1 term.
  25. When was the last time a President-Elect's cabinet has been this big a mystery? Oprah should really re-consider Trump's offer.
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