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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. I was exactly like you. The mystery of the show is what kept me watching. There are a lot of "weird" plot points that kept me interested. I just wanted to know what was going on. The problem is that the show doesn't explain them. The producers said in an interview (because I had to look it up thinking I must have missed something.) said they wanted to leave it to the audience to interpret. ****spoiler, but not really since it has no relevance**** Why did they have to leave their front doors open? -No one on the internet knows. Including the show creators. ************************************************************* This is by far one of the worst endings I've ever seen. I actually found myself face-palming involuntarily it was so bad. I couldn't watch the screen. I saw the moment coming and rolled my eyes thinking they're not really going to do it... but they did. There are very few shows that made me hate it for wasting my time. This is one of them.
  2. I finally watched the OA after everyone was raving about it. All I can say is that there are a bunch of idiots out there who just want something weird to watch. [i'm looking at you, Lost fans]. The story is left "open" because it makes no sense. The show has so many plot holes. Britt went to the M Night Shayamalan school of bad writing: where characters don't behave like humans. Don't even get me started on the "dance". <cringe> They could have shown this entire series in one twilight zone episode. ...And it basically stole the ending of Guardians of the Galaxy.
  3. Road trips across America? Traveling through Europe? How much were these "interns" getting paid?
  4. Like Feminist's and the wage gap myth, Alarmists can't help but use the hockey stick graph. No matter how convincing you sound, the second you produce fake "science", your entire argument becomes invalid.
  5. http://www.snopes.com/hollywood-strike-trump-resigns/ It's fake. Too bad. While true that the WEBSITE is endorsed by celebrities, they aren't stupid enough to go on strike.
  6. So ramp up everything the far left has been doing to lose support to annoyance level 9000?
  7. They probably sold your wife's personal information from the credit application for more than 50$. So they made their money back.
  8. I watched a panel of democrats debating how Clinton lost, and when one suggested that they needed to address their problems with blue-collar families, he was immediately chastised for suggesting that "white cis men" need to be given more attention. Their problem is that they've been taken over by far-left SJW's.
  9. We have to break it, to find out what's in it.
  10. There is an ideological variable that isn't accounted for in the study that makes up the difference: Liberals view taxes as a form of charity. Socialists believe that government can (should) completely replace independent charities, so they are more willing to vote for paying higher taxes to build a social safety net. It also explains their lack of volunteer work: Leftists view it as the job of the state; personally abdicating all responsibility.
  11. Does this mean Trump is Obama's daddy?
  12. There are several comments condemning the media for revealing that trump supporter "hate" crimes turned out to be all hoaxes. They believe the initial story, but think the retractions should be labeled "fake" news and deleted. Wow. The echo chamber lives!
  13. Did you remember to remove the plastic cover?
  14. There are so many liberals in the comments that genuinely believe that death camps, tsunami's, and rape gangs are coming because of Trump...
  15. Anyone find any massive plot holes yet?
  16. I was trying to go Solar, but after doing research, it turns out that I won't be saving any money at all, AND I had to climb up to the roof to clean the things twice a year. So I thought... it's not worth the reduced carbon footprint (which turned out to also be null after factoring in panel production), even if I can't rub my environmental smugness in my neighbor's faces.
  17. My state did a similar train connection between two cities and the idea was that it would help push people to support building a better local public transportation system if they were left stranded. (the popular theory) To defend the proposition, the local paper put forth the solution that people just need to leave a car in each station. The blue cities have to find projects that can match the federal money going to military bases and highways gobbled up by the red rural areas.
  18. Like jobs and education, we need to focus on quotas rather than effort. Affirmative Action for incarceration rates!
  19. They took down the youtube video. It had 22,000 dislikes and 300 likes this morning.
  20. MTV still denies they hate white people. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Oa8Vt_qLhk
  21. All those celebrity endorsements were effective in California.
  22. I saw Rogue One last night. I'm not a Star Wars fanboy; It is better than Episode VII. I had high expectations. I didn't like the CGI characters, but the overall visual was amazing. The subtle things, like the Deathstar coming over the horizon, looking up at a star destroyer over a city, Incoming imperial walkers... was inspired. It felt like a movie in the stars wars universe, rather than about it. The story was solid. The plot had no obvious holes. (A rarity for Star Wars.) I still can't think of one right now.
  23. Did you notice any riots breaking out? Any fights? Fire alarm being pulled? How about protests blocking the entrance? A bunch of Christians voiced their concern about a club specifically named to make fun of their religious belief... when was the last time something similar was allowed by the left without violent retaliation? Not even for BlueLivesMatter.
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