Wikipedia: "Eating crow is a U.S. colloquial idiom,[1] meaning humiliation by admitting wrongness or having been proved wrong after taking a strong position.[2] Eating crow is presumably foul-tasting in the same way that being proved wrong might be emotionally hard to swallow.[2] The exact origin of the idiom is unknown, but it probably began with an American story published around 1850 about a slow-witted New York farmer.[3] Eating crow is of a family of idioms having to do with eating and being proved incorrect, such as to "eat dirt", to "eat your words", and to "eat your hat" (or shoe)."
I mean I knew many of you weren't very intelligent but It's being taken to a whole new level. Even my low expectations are going lower. That is exactly what I pointed out. I mean I couldn't point out 2+2 more obviously than I did. Worried for you guys
Thank you friend. I am glad you look forward to learning. What's kind of ironic is maybe I am starting to feel like Jerry does sometimes, haha: taking heat from a decent number of uninformed idiots. The only difference is Jerry Sullivan deserves most of it. Although I'm sure a lot of you dumb people write him ridiculous things, or comment stupidly on his articles, I know at least some of you are intelligent football people. Unfortunately, because most are the former, he tunes fans out, understandably. Kind of like I am doing.