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Everything posted by tbolt

  1. It is a crying shame that these gov.tit huggers will never get it.It is NOT the "rich" peoples fault that you have no direction,and or your union officials took your dues,and dam,asked for another card.Over 21! SUCKER.Go work @ mcDonalds!Dont scream your **** they dont pay enough,because what you gain in self reliance and personal integrity is priceless.Contribute to the machine that is capitalism!If you want to be rich,push the raghead out of your way,and go to college.We have the best learning institutes in the world.Try trade school ,why dont ya,as their are a huge shortage of electricians,tool and die makers,plumbers,masons,machinists,among others.I have worked since i was 10 years old,with 2 paper routes!I am 53 years old and presently a maintanence technician.Bottom line is i have worked all my life,and am proud of it.I harbor no ill will to the "rich",as most earned it>You have the same oppotunity.Quit squelling like babys!You are a disgrace to the greatest country in the world!It was instilled in me that i would get what i need,but it was made clear,i was to work for what i Wanted.No waiting for the gov.to deliver my do nothing check.It built character,integrity,and self reliance.Put down the smoke and tv watching,and blaming your kids for whats wrong,kick out your loser boyfriend or girlfriend,and WAKE the !@#$ UP!Quit blaming the other person,cause your chips and dip,with remote control are not within reach.Heal thy self!
  2. Evil spreads and grows when good men do nothing!

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