We are building a house and have the flexibility with our builder to choose many of the particulars of our house. We are replicating a Victorian house in a historical district.
The next decision we have to make is on the interior doors. We are evaluating using solid hardwood doors vs. a solid core door with veneer. Most likely we will use cherry. We have already obtained most of the hardware for the doors (1877 cast iron steeple hinges, glass knobs, thumbturns, etc.) and we will supply it to whomever we choose as the manufacturer.
The issues that appear with solid wood pertain to the potential of panel movement in the doors due to shrinkage/swelling, etc. The other is the potential of non-uniformity of the grain/color. Most likely, we will pre-finish the doors with a slightly darker stain than the natural wood so that should minimize the grain/color differences.
The veneer/solid core would allow a more uniform look to the all of the doors and minimize any panel shifting.
Any interior door experts out there? Thanks
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