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Mr Info

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Everything posted by Mr Info

  1. In no particular order: Sopranos South Park Daily Show Rescue Me Nip/Tuck Lost Nip/Tuck is really pushing the envelope this season. First "hair pie" reference I have heard on a weekly TV show. The mother/daughter double-team was good, too. I can do without the soap-opera stuff and the two doctors are aholes but the graphical surgeries are great and the unusual medical conditions are interesting.
  2. I certainly would like to see the Bills in a prime time game - I just hope that it is not a home game. This new package has put the question of renewing my season tickets into question after this season. I do not live within reasonable driving distance of RWS. I make plans to fly up for 3-4 games/year. I know there are other Bills fans who are also remote. Now, it will be difficult for planned travel if game times are moved. I do not expect anyone to feel sorry for those of us in this situation but it is already a challenge to fly out of Buffalo on Sun. night after a game. Booking a flight and changing it at the last minute (I will have to plead ignorance as to when the NFL will make these weekly decisions starting the end of Nov.) will not only be some $ but, due to airline flight cutbacks and nearly fully-loaded airplanes, may make it extremely difficult to work around this situation. Bills fans are not the only small-market team with remote season ticket fans. I cannot fault the NFL's desire to showcase the best matchups - it makes sense. It will simply cause some remote season ticket holders to cancel.
  3. OK, the pig is not as large as previous shows. But, this one is released at the outdoor venues - at least it was at the Tweeter Center and it was not an accident. I wonder what ATC announces to pilots in the nearby area "ahh, flight xx, you may notice a low-flying 20 ft pig"
  4. The Wall was very impressive, probably #2 on my list, but my personal fave is still the Animals tour. It wins mostly by volume of material covered and length of show. Though Waters had a nasty disposition during most of the Animals tour, the shows were incredible. They performed Animals for the first set, followed by Wish Your Were Here for set #2 and the encore of 2 DSotM songs was the topper. All of the videos, props, pyrotechnics, and 360 degree sound system left an indelible mark. One of the few shows were I was not toasted so I remember most of it. Wiki is a good compilation of general Floyd stuff: Wiki Floyd Wiki - info on Floyd live performances I caught the Tweeter Center show at Camden Sat night. The show and the band were outstanding. I second your commendation of the Syd tribute. I also enjoyed the way they played "Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun". It was good to see Waters finally enjoying himself and watching him jam. He is an amazing talent.
  5. Can't say that I saw the Pulse tour but I did catch The Wall at Nassau Col.(can't really call it a tour), and shows from the Animals, and Wish You Were Here tours and those were spectacles. The latter show was the first time I ever saw someone pissing & puking at the same time. Nasty - yet admired him for his efficiency. Though Waters is good, the whole band is better - they proved it at Live 8.
  6. Thanks - I am stoked to see the show this weekend in Philly (Camden, really) and that just pumped me up a few more notches. The Sat night across from Philly has been sold-out for a while. And I may catch him again the following Sat, closer to home, at the Nissan Pavilion in Manassas. He puts on a good show everytime. And it is a "show".
  7. We're flying up for that one.
  8. IMO, that should read "WAY fatter now".
  9. Got mine today and I am in VA.
  10. ..and she's also the youngest...
  11. some info for you The dates are off a bit but the confirmation info remains the same.
  12. I was speaking with the ticket office today because I was going to be away for a couple of weeks and was having my mail held and wanted to know if a signature would be required when the season tix arrived. They told me they are sent from the ticket company (not the Bills) with a delivery confirmation, but not signature, via USPS. They will be sent the first week of August with delivery expected between the 3rd and the 7th. It depends on where you live.
  13. OK - I see your point but two items you mention are exactly what I intended. 1.) I moved from a location in a state where housing prices were ridiculously high to another state where they were much more reasonable. 2.) Eventually, all of us will get old and downsize. I will contest your other point - just because some is not very liquid does not disqualify it as an investment. For example, a 401k is an investment but, due to tax law, it is not something that is very liquid until you reach a certain age. I consider an investment something that will appreciate over time. A car is not an investment. If your house is not going to appreciate over time, then consider moving elsewhere or fix it up. When I sold all of my places, the appreciation I received was far more than any stocks/bonds/mutual funds/etc. return I would have received if I placed the money there. Real estate appreciation in many parts of the country is just ridiculous over the past 10-15 years. I lived in a few states and checked out many parts of the country before I decided where I wanted to hang out. But I researched every place I moved in detail before I moved there. Spoke with the local government and zoning boards so I had an idea beforehand what was proposed for development (residential & commercial), how the state or local govt. was enticing business to that area, what kind of competition I would have if I sold my place, property value increases over the past 5-10 years, etc. This resulted in having a 50-80% appreciation in value for each of the homes I sold. And this after only living there for 2-4 years each time.
  14. Please clarify. This is the fourth house I have owned. I knew that I would eventually sell the previous homes I owned and cared for them as I would my 401k and any other investment. When I sold them, I reaped the rewards of that care. Though I intend to settle for quite a while in my present place, I still consider it an investment and treat it as such for someday, far in the future, we will sell it. Though we have made many changes to make the house our personal paradise, we never make changes that will impact the long-term value of the property.
  15. Hope you get it! Most likely, the biggest single investment of your life (until you sell and buy the next one). Treat it that way and you'll realize the value of real estate when you decide to sell. You will not have to worry about real estate demand slowing in VA Beach.
  16. Thanks for posting this - I was unaware. An AOL site that has some content? Good on ya' - Enjoy. Try as I might, I will be unable to make any more shows. ? for you - I noticed that neither the aol site above nor XM carried Roger Waters performance from Rockin in Rio after it had been posted on their sites. Something to the effect was posted "Due to circumstances beyond our control, we will be unable to broadcast Roger Waters...." Yet, Santana was broadcast on both just prior to when Waters took the stage. Have you heard any explanation? It would not surprise me if Waters put the kibosh on it rather than a technical issue.
  17. can't remember who said it about Phil after his heart attack - "..turds in his aorta..." lol
  18. Since both of you are referencing Floyd-related music, have either of you picked up tix for Roger Waters shows this fall? He will be doing the entire "Dark Side of the Moon" in his second set. I am taking a road-trip to Philly to see him at the Tweeter Center in Camden on a Sat. night. I may go see him at the Nissan Center the next Sat. but only if my friend who lives nearby is in town.
  19. Carrolls - holy schitt, old man. Was the menu in sanskrit? Though data from this era is scarce, it is also believed that these people periodically visited an establishment called "The Big N".
  20. Hey. I resemble that. I grew up there and we lived around the corner from the Ognibenes. He had a sister that was hot sh_t when we we got to the age of waking up sticky. Since I have been removed from WNY for some time, I have no idea what became of any of the Ogs and I am unable to relate why Mike is in your scope. But if he has found some way to make a small business thrive in upstate NY, he deserves more credit than the crap we gave him growing up.
  21. According to what I have found, you are right, in a manner of speaking. Dave Marsh interview I gather that Frank Capra did not know the history of the song when he put it in "It's a Wonderful Life".
  22. Ditto on what he said. I was there, too, and it was an amazing performance. For the most part, old Americana tunes, but that boy can make them rock. He has done an amazing job re-arranging a few of his older tunes to this band. His band was as tight as any I have ever seen. I swore I would never go the Nissan Pavilion after it took me over two hours to get out of the parking lot the last time I went. But, a friend lives in a apartment about a mile away and we were able to walk there. Beautiful weather last night just added to the show. He is not doing many dates on this tour. Probably due to the logistics and $ hauling around a 20 person band. But this is a remarkable show and I am not a Bruce regular. Catch it if you can.
  23. Yeah, that was like...jeez....eight years ago. (ha..ha) BTW - did you get Waters tix? So far, I have them for the Tweeter Center in Camden (Road Trip!!). I may go to the Nissan Pavilion although I swore I would never go to another show there again. If I can park at someone's apartment that lives nearby, I may change my mind.
  24. The NFL Network will pick 4 games from the previous week and re-air them on Tue & Wed evening. They will remove halftime and all unnecessary video but also add additional camera angles and commentary. NFL Network Re-Airs "... NFL Game Re-Airs will play in a 90-minute fast-paced format without halftime and other elements not critical to the outcome. NFL Game Re-Airs will tell the story of the game with additional features. In order to give the games context, NFL Network will add sideline and on-field sound captured during the game and postgame press conference sound bites. Other enhancements will include exclusive shots and camera angles from NFL Films, allowing fans an inside look at game action they did not see on Sunday. This will give fans a deeper understanding of the game, the players and the coaches. For example, if NFL Game Re-Airs was featuring the Colts-Steelers AFC Divisional Playoff where Jerome Bettis fumbled late in the game, viewers would see related comments from Bettis, Bill Cowher and others immediately after the play, as well as slow-motion footage showing the play as it unfolded. NFL Network has the ability to select any NFL game for use on NFL Game Re-Airs, complete with original television announcers and cameras. " I give 1 for the over/under on the Bills appearing in 2006 on this.
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