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Mr Info

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Everything posted by Mr Info

  1. What he said. Saw the show last summer. Great artist, show, band...you won't be disappointed. It's been a while since he last came around. Who knows if you will see him again.
  2. Congrats - I was on the JetBlue flight from Richmond to JFK which departed the gate shortly after the game started. We were delayed a bit on the tarmac due to traffic at JFK but took off just when the first half ended. Nearly everyone on board was watching en route and the plane erupted when the Rams pulled ahead with about 3 minutes left....good times.
  3. Hope it's not Pfizer.
  4. Yep - renewed my 2. I hope to make 3-4 games, the rest will go to others on this board as usual.
  5. Exactly, let's kill the conspiracy theory but I can understand why some folks would be upset. Personally, I think this is great - hope they get selected. I am a season ticket holder in VA so I air travel to all the home games I attend anyway. If they play in Europe, I will have to take a few extra days off and make sure my connections go through Amsterdam and include a layover.
  6. You need to get seats somewhere else. I have season tix and bring my wife and/or son(s) (ages 10 & 12) to the game and things are fine where I sit. Every once and a while someone drops an f-bomb but overall, no complaints.
  7. I might buy 2 more - it depends how much they raise prices next season.
  8. Marriott Inner Harbor - Bills - Ravens Tailgate Package Package includes: • One night's accommodation at the Baltimore Marriott Inner Harbor at Camden Yards • One Tailgating Pass for a complimentary pitcher of beer, wings and nachos at Whitecap Tavern on game day (limit one pass per room) All this for $139 per room, plus tax. The offer is valid for the night of December 30, 2006 at the Baltimore Marriott Inner Harbor at Camden Yards. Walking distance to the stadium.
  9. I am making the 8 hour drive from VA with my wife - too late to get good plane reservations. She wants to go to the game - how great is that? We will leave right after the game to make it back home in time for Christmas. Can't wait.......
  10. Ditto on Hammer's lot. It's a great location to the stadium and all that the Bills' tailgating and gameday experience has to offer. But to set your expectations, in close there is nothing inexpensive and at a near-sellout you are going to be dealing with traffic no matter where you park. Enjoy your first game...don't be in a hurry...come early to check out the R-V lots, the Fieldhouse & store, tailgating, fans, etc. Hammer will show you the way to the Pinto Kenny experience. Then hang around after the game and talk about the victory and wait for the traffic to thin.
  11. Maybe because they can charge more $/seat? Perhaps the Bills need more seats to try and equalize the ticket revenue from other stadiums.
  12. I said this in another thread but I will repeat it: I am an out-of-area season ticket holder and can make it to about 3-4 games a year. I donate, sell, or give away the others. I already made flight arrangements for the Miami game that I cannot change. I will be able to see about 3/4s of the game. Next year I may not renew my season tix due to this. Is flex scheduling going to help franchises like Buffalo who are trying to regionalize and obtain season ticket holders from nearby areas? This really screws up my plans but, as demonstrated from above replies, also messes up other ticket holders who are commuting. IMO, flex scheduling is yet another reason for remote and commuting fans to reconsider season ticket purchase or renewal. In the big picture, a detriment to these type of franchises.
  13. Really sucks for me. I do not expect sympathy but I have already booked my flights for this game and my flight out of BUF was 7:55 pm on Sunday. Of course, I can pay some big $ for changing flights but this really sucks.
  14. Good stuff but I think he means "Barbeque King". And that was by Vital Parts and not Hot Tuna. Thanks for the reminder - time to break out my "Christmas" CD by Jorma. My fave tune is "Holiday Marmalade" which includes a jamming electric version of "Silent Night". I helped break up a knife fight behind stage at a solo Jorma show about 20 years ago. Good times.
  15. I am a transplanted WNYer, too. First, I am a Buffalo fan but I follow the Bills (season ticket holder) more closely than the Sabres. But, just to show how the Sabres have trumped the Bills, I will relay the following. Every year, I give my sister (who lives in Buffalo) my season tix to one of the Bills games. This year she chose the Packers game. She just e-mailed me to ask if it was OK to sell those tickets because she wanted to get tickets to see the Sabres. She has a limited amount of $ for entertainment and this is how she would rather spend it. And she is having a difficult time getting Sabres tickets before January. That's how quickly the Bills have fallen. I told her she may have to find a Packer fan if she wants to sell those tickets.
  16. Let me know how you season it in a couple of days.
  17. FWIW, I think Brooke Shields is on next week as a sex addict.
  18. OK, I am going to lean to MC's side on this episode. Frankly, I am getting tired of the Jack/drunken father/ex-wife storyline. It is boring. And with his insistence on demanding who the new boyfriend is just illogical - it makes no sense. Jack is portrayed as a logical physician and this demand, just to know, does not make character sense. If he wanted to beat the crap out of the guy, then I can understand from an emotional standpoint. The banter between Kate and Sawyer did not make sense, either. The concern each of them voiced about the others when they were seperated after they were captured makes complete sense. But, if I found one of my compatriots, that I have been separated from after being captured, it would be something along the lines of "what happened", "did you learn anything", etc. I guess their dialogue is cute but unrealistic. I understand this is a fantasy show but to deviate from normal human inteactions makes it become like 24, a parody of itself. I enjoyed the creativity and dialogue of the show since the beginning. And, apart from a few episodes, it has generally been interesting. But IMO, this was not a great start out of the gate. I will keep watching and hope that it will get better.
  19. I like it, too, and I do not watch much TV. I have said this before on TBD but this show pushes the envelope, which I like. Some of the soap opera stuff I can do without. But, I find the surgeries and unusual medical conditions very interesting. And I find story lines do not resolve the way I anticipated. Usually there is good, creative writing.
  20. "Before Sen. Clinton attends the game, she is scheduled to meet with a famous Buffalo Bill of the past. Hanley said she will appear with Hall of Fame quarterback Jim Kelly at an 11:30 a.m. event at the Buffalo Center for Excellence in Bioinfomatics in downtown Buffalo in connection with Kelly's Hunter's Hope Foundation." But...but...they're not going to attend Pinto Kenny's extravaganza?
  21. Though I do not know all of you - we are flying up to use our season tix for this game. Always show up at L1P5 for the Pinto Kenny experience. Toss down a few bowling ball shots, blow the horn, the whole bit.... I usually park at Hammer's Lot and party and play there until 11:00 am. This time we are getting dropped off.
  22. Where you choose to stay may depend on who is coming along and what you want to do. For my $, stay at the Comfort Suites or Hyatt and then you can enjoy the nightlife on Fri and Sat on Chippewa and stumble back to the hotel. And the Anchor bar is just a short trolley ride away. NF/Canada are close by and the trip to the stadium is not bad on Sunday morning as long as you get there early. And what Bills fan does not want to start tailgating early? If you are bringing kids, all that changes....
  23. If WNY is not the right spot, how about other places? Like Central VA around Richmond, VA? Lots of jobs around here, taxes are reasonable, and winter is only 2 months long. I have worked for a few companies in this area - best jobs I ever had. I used to work in NYC/NJ after school and quality of life was tough after a 12 hour work day with commute. Now, I am 20 minutes from work and, most days, I am out the door by 7:30 and back home by 5:45. I have complete empathy with your situation. I have been there and I am glad I left when I did. Quality of life is a big deal. And there are businesses/jobs in this area where the pay disparity is not much between ATL/NYC/DC/etc.
  24. Wow...some of those were laugh-out-loud funny: Stamer as the donkey and Lurch Kiwaukee Thomas as Admiral Ackbar Schneck has to get a new hairpiece. That one looks like a critter.
  25. It's Tivo. I am outside or inside playing some game (bball, football, running, biking, etc.) nearly every night. By 11 pm, the adrenaline has settled down and it's time for the commercial-less version of one of my TV faves. Other than the Sopranos and some sports, it is hard to remember any TV show that I saw when it was actually aired. C'mon, you do it, too.
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