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Mr Info

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Everything posted by Mr Info

  1. Walter Isaacson was on the Daily Show the other day discussing this. I pay for the music that I enjoy (downloading) from the Internet and I would be willing to pay for what I enjoy reading, be it a specific writer or paper. I may be in the minority on this but I believe that if artists/writers/musicians did not intend to give their stuff away, then it shouldn't be stolen or given away for free. I do not have an answer for this though the music industry has figured something out (iTunes & the like) - I just hope that the publishing industry finds an answer before good writers find another occupation.
  2. Holy Sh*t! You're not far from me - turn me on to some of that moonshine.
  3. Off-topic but Funke was my HS football coach for a couple of years. This goes back a ways - before he became a broadcaster.
  4. Our average monthly cost for utilities (electricity and gas [range and on-demand hot water]) run $155 for 3,000 sq ft. The reason it is reasonable: two-zone high SEER HVAC system with programmable thermostat, well-insulated house, great U and R value windows, window treatments, and well-sealed doors and window frames. We did a lot of homework on this.
  5. Yeah, I know...wrong thread (Can Dick Jauron save his job). But since you popped up here, I thought I'd paste it. It's not that anyone wants to see you gone but them's some tough words. Yet understandable when you consider the exasperation inflicted upon fans over the 2nd half of the '08 season.
  6. You are correct, I did misquote but read on. Though your theory may pan out, I am going to stick with mine. Alpert tells Locke that the next time they meet, Richard won't recognize him (because it is the past before they met). The compass he hands Locke is the same compass from the "Dalai Lama test" that Richard showed to a young John Locke. I don't believe it is a coincidence and I have no explanation why the next time they meet would be in Locke's past. But there's a whole lot of stuff on this show that produces a number of WTFs?? for me.
  7. RA was expecting young Locke to pick the compass: RA to Locke as he's fixing his leg and after he handed him the compass, "The next time you see me, you won't know me."
  8. Yes, and the graphic does not point out how the slitted eyes and snarl adds to the untrustworthiness (new word) versus the open eyes and smile of the trustworthy image.
  9. It will become evident tonight which object young Locke was supposed to pick up when RA interviewed him. BTW UConnJ - Interesting theory but in all of the instances to which you refer, I can think of an alternative reason as to its purpose. But that is what makes the show unique. Is next week's 8 pm show just the second hour from this week?
  10. Good luck, Pooj. If I hear of anything in our area (or elsewhere) I will send you a message.
  11. I am 51 and have been a life-long Bills fan. I am not ready to jump ship on the Bills but I am ready to cancel my season tickets that I have had for quite a while. The enjoyment I get from the whole experience (tailgates, TBD people, food, etc.) usually trumps however bad the Bills are playing. However, the retention of Jauron and Wilson's apathy to the whole mess is perplexing. This is the first time I have ever felt this way. Perhaps, some unusual occurrences will provide some optimism before I have to make the renewal commitment - if so, then I will renew. Yet, I was at the finale vs. Pats and regardless of whomever the Bills obtain in the off-season, the reality is that BB will always outcoach DJ. Currently, I use the following analogy on the Bills (this will confirm my age). I liken the Bills to Woolworths: the quality of goods in the store started to decline toward the end and you didn't buy as many items. However, the lunch counter (read tailgate, game-day experience) still remained popular until they closed. There are reasons to be optimistic that it does not play out the same way for the Bills as it did for Woolworths. But, this is the first time I have felt that I am being 'had' by Ralph. If I cancel tix, I expect I will still travel for a game or two but I am going to be very cautious in my optimism for '09.
  12. As I posted in another link, I am not renewing. If you want mine, figure out from the Bills how you I can transfer them to you and they are yours. And this offer goes for anyone else interested in season tickets. Great aisle seats in sec 113. I will continue to root for the Bills and expect to renew my Sunday ticket. I hope for all the Bills fans on this board, especially season ticket holders, that the Bills turn it around and become an elite team or, at least, competitive. I sincerely hope that I will rue the day that I did not renew them. I have been a lifelong fan and have endured previous misery as well as enjoyment from the Bills and I did considerable soul-searching before I made this decision having been a season ticket holder for many years. But, I see fundamental issues regarding the Bills that need to be corrected before I continue to make the season ticket commitment. I will never be a fan of any team other than the Buffalo Bills and my family and I have enough Bills items to outfit a school.
  13. I have great seats (sec 113) and have been a season ticket holder for quite a number of years but I will not be renewing. I will still remain a Bills' fan and go to a game or two a year but I can't renew with a Jauron extension. It's not just that but the accumulation of inadequate performance and questionable decision making by the Bills for a while. I hope the Bills turn it around and I regret this.
  14. Ya know...when I saw the title and the references to Shooting Star, GM and Coach...it immediately brought to mind this NASA diatribe: apropos for the current state of the Bills.
  15. At this point, I am not sure. That is a combination of disappointment as well as the logistics of being a remote season ticket holder (9 hr drive or flight: usually the latter). I have been a season ticket holder long enough that I have worked my way to 40 yd line seats. I will always remain a Bills' fan and also have Sunday ticket since I can only attend about 3-4 games/year. I have never considered not renewing my tix until recently. From my perspective, it's a little bit of everything...continual crappy seasons, moving a game to TO, flex schedule (tough to plan travel ahead of time when remote), $, etc. We enjoy everything about game day (outside or inside the stadium) and we eagerly look forward to the whole shtick. I try to remain the eternal optimist but due to everything that has occurred this year, I want something...anything...to lift my hopes for next year. I can still go to a couple of games a year without having season tickets but being a season ticket holder is something I take pride in as well as visiting my former home in WNY. My love for WNY will not fade but I am starting to ponder why not take an easier route for 2-3 games/yr than buying season tix. I believe my perspective will fade but I was at the MNF game this year and it has been brutal to watch the games since then...big-time disappointment. I will be at the Pats game.
  16. Christmas on Acid
  17. I am a season ticket holder that also lives in VA. I go to 3-4 games a year. I have only driven once in the last several years. I can usually pick up direct flights from BWI or DCA rather affordably when I shop way ahead. The cost of gasoline, as well as the length of the trip, also contributes to considering the cost of flying. The tickets I sell on ebay, etc. for the games I will not be attending pay for the cost of my flights. Usually, I fly up on Sat morning and return after the game on Sunday night. Then I avoid all traffic problems along the beltway. Note that this scenario works for home games prior to flex scheduling at the end of Nov. and any Sun/Mon night games (not many of these for the Bills). So most of the games we attend are prior to fthe end of Nov as we can shop for flights early.
  18. 230 I am expecting 75% are due to the Bills.
  19. The town where we live, Ashland, VA, is 150 years old and there is a family-owned grocery store in town, Cross Brothers (no web site), that has been run by the Cross family for generations. They have an index card system and if you don't have the coin with you, you simply put it on your tab. You buy your groceries and, if you like, they deliver it to your place. Or you can call them up and tell them what you want and they deliver it. An interesting place and one with a loyal customer base that has been able to survive the onslaught of the nearby chains. Though their selection is not as vast as the chains, they custom cut meat and have all of the basics. If there is something in particular that one wants, they will stock it. As would be expected, there is more banter at this store and quite a few senior citizens present but the family is good about having enough people at the register so that if someone wants to chat awhile, they step aside and another family member/employee takes over another register.
  20. I was supposed to enter at Gate 1 but I saw the massive crowd gathered there (~ 7:50). Instead, I went over to Gate 2 and got in about 5 minutes later.
  21. Enjoyed it. It also popped up a side link to one of my Floyd faves "Corporal Klegg". Here's another obscure one: Aside: Root Boy was a frat brother (DKE, not Skull & Bones) of W until George booted him out for smoking pot at the frat house. FWIW: I went as Root Boy to a Halloween party this year.
  22. Rick, Great to hear...Congrats to you & B!!
  23. Papa John Creach with Keb Mo When Keb Mo was Kevin Moore. You said obscure.
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